Notice You are now in the documentation for the v4.18.2.b version. Current version of the documentation v4.18.2.a

Technical support
AB cookies
List of releases

linkWhat is UniTheme?

UniTheme is a theme and addons complex for the CS-Cart ecommerce platform. The embodiment of the modern classic presentation of the online store, the appearance and functionality that fits any sphere in online sales.

Technically, UniTheme is a child theme of the CS-Cart Responsive basic theme, fully uses its logic and theme files, redefining, complementing and expanding in necessary places with its own logic and appearance. When developing a theme, the standard CS-Cart development paradigm was used, which you can read about in platform documentation (always use it before theme using, extending or customizing).

Link on a demo store -

The current version has an index of "2", as this is the second generation of the theme, completely rewritten from a clean slate, taking into account the latest design trends, design flexibility and speed requirements from search engines.

If you have the first generation UniTheme installed, then to switch to the second generation of the theme, you will need to completely reinstall the theme and modules from the delivery package.

linkPackage contents

The following components are included in the Unitheme package (included in the delivery price):

  1. Add-on AB: UniTheme2.0 (carrier of the theme files, layouts, styles and related functionality)
  2. Add-on AB: Category banners (look video with addon work)
  3. Add-on AB: Motivational block (look video with addon work)
  4. Add-on AB: Fast navigation
  5. Add-on AB: Video gallery for product
  6. Add-on AB: Button back to top
  7. Add-on AB: Search motivation (look video with addon work)
  8. Add-on AB: Landing pages for categories
  9. Add-on AB: Hide a part of content to needed height
  10. Add-on AB: Product of the day + Extended promotions
  11. Add-on AB: Stickers
  12. Add-on for Multivendor support (only if MV edition of UniTheme2 is ordered by customer - it adds special layouts, styles, functions and templates for CS-Cart Multi-Vendor)

In addition to the addons, included in the delivery, a number of functionalities are embedded in the main theme module and directly into the pages templates:

  • Microdata
  • Ajax loading of products in the lists (lazy pagination)
  • Delayed loading of images
  • Settings for output (not display) of blocks separately for mobile devices and PC
  • Settings for the output (not display) of functional elements for mobile devices and PCs on the pages of product listings and product detailed pages
  • Designer (designer) of advanced banners
  • Functional mega menu (with support for icons, labels, banners and display settings)
  • Extra light menu (expected in the next updates)
  • Sticky panel (optional) with navigation
  • Counter of reviews numbers for products (in tabs and other places)
  • Optional identification of non empty user cart (attracting attention)
  • Display of the status for activated filters (navigation with optional deactivation)
  • Block for categories and subcategories tree on the category page
  • Tabs from blocks function
  • Extra block for recent blog posts
  • Extra design for Blog
  • Extra features and capabilities for the Brand entity
  • Extra block output for Buy together cheaper on the product detailed page
  • Extra color dice output for available product variations in the list
  • Extra functionality for the mobile version (sticky block with the Buy and Filter button)
  • Three provided store layout options (block layout)
  • 26 included color schemes (+ support for native color editor)
  • Full support of both standard CS-Cart product page templates (Big picture and Default template) and adding new AB: Three-columned template;
  • Functional output of any block in the product card (top part) bypassing the layout system
  • Ability to control the display location of the category description (above the product block or below)
  • The ability to flexibly control the style of the store elements without code changing - by color scheme settings


  • CS-Cart, CS-Cart Ultimate, Multivendor starting from v. 4.10.1 and above;
  • We recommend to use always the latest CS-Cart and theme for installation;
  • It is recommended to install CS-Cart demo data before installing the theme, if you have a clean installation of CS-Cart (demo data is installed at the time of installation of the platform, after installation it will be impossible to add it);
  • Before installing, we recommend disabling all addons (core customizations) of third parties (modules that are not included in the CS-Cart platform delivery) and My changes addon (Shut down manually - the Off button opposite each module (you can enable addons after installing the theme, as just get the view, similar to the demo store);
  • Before installing, we recommend checking the core for changes (Administration → Files changer detector), such changes may affect the appearance and functionality;
  • Before installing, we recommend checking the presence of installed and active addons from the core, which affect the appearance.

If any of the above requirements are not met, the installation result may differ from the provided


Available add-on version CS-Cart/Multi-Vendor compatible versions
v4.18.2.a 4.18.2
v4.18.1.d 4.18.1, 4.18.2
v4.18.1.c 4.18.1, 4.18.2
v4.17.2.d 4.17.2
v4.17.2.a 4.17.2
v4.17.1.c 4.17.1
v4.16.2.d 4.16.2, 4.17.1
v4.16.2.a 4.16.2
v4.16.1.d 4.16.1
v4.15.2.g 4.15.2
v4.15.1.f 4.15.1
v4.14.3.e 4.14.3
v4.14.2.b 4.14.2
v4.14.1.c 4.14.1
v4.13.3.c 4.13.3
v4.13.2.c 4.13.2
v4.13.1.a 4.13.1
v4.12.2.h 4.12.2
v4.12.1.d 4.12.1
v4.11.5.c 4.11.5, 4.12.1
v4.11.4.b 4.11.4
v4.11.3.d 4.11.3
v4.11.2.d 4.11.2
v4.11.1.a 4.11.1
v4.10.4.c 4.10.4
v4.10.3.e 4.10.3
v4.10.2.g 4.10.2
v4.10.1.b 4.10.1


  • If you use the Ultimate edition of the CS-cart platform (several storefronts controlled from the same administrative panel), then you cannot use Unitheme2 and Youpi themes on different storefronts (there is no compatibility);
  • Theme installation is accompanied with addition of theme layouts with blocks (and block content);
  • After installing the theme, the contents of the blocks will be similar to the demo store (for working stores, we recommend to pre-install the theme on the store dev version (ask to add dev domain in license, it's free);
  • After installing the theme, the logo and favicon of your store will be replaced with the Unitheme logos (therefore, first copy these files for further insertion into the store after installing the theme);
  • The developers guarantee the correct work of the theme and its elements with all recommended settings (styles, layouts, blocks, required addons), changing any state may entail additional work from the integrator;
  • In the CS-Cart system, addons are designed for themes, and not vice versa !!! If a third-party addon tears up your design during installation, then this is a question for the addon, not for the theme. Contact the developer of the addon to provide support for the theme styles (after adaptation, he will be able to declare support by his addon for the popular theme and his module will be more successful);
  • Do not change the name of the theme and its directory (in the opposite case, you will encounter problems when updating and installing addons, this is due to the features of the CS-Cart architecture) - often occurs, when cloning a theme;
  • AB team development addons do not work without special service addon AB: Addons Manager.
  • Part of the code of the addons is encoded in order to protect the intellectual property of the development team (all the code, that is responsible for the appearance is completely open);
  • Theme installation does not provide the transfer of 100% demo data (images and descriptions of products, blog posts, banners), the appearance after installation depends on your content. A theme is a way of displaying information available in your CS-Cart installation, described by a code of templates and styles (the resulting appearance depends on the quality of the content of your installation;
  • The theme does not support the CS-Cart Widget mode (this mode is supported only by the basic CS-Cart Responsive theme).

Always make a full backup before installing the theme

linkDo not use theme clone functionality !!!

When cloning a theme, its directory changes (the path to the folder with theme files), technically the theme becomes a new theme that is not connected in any way with the original UniTheme.

If you copied the theme by cloning, you will get the following problems:

  1. Upgrade Center will only update the original theme directory (your copied theme will not be able to receive updates) as a result, you will get problems with the display of store pages;
  2. If you use theme-dependent add-ons (for which specific templates are provided for working in the UniTheme), then the add-ons will not be able to connect their new templates, since during installation they will be placed in a directory with the original UniTheme.

What to do if you have a theme obtained by copying the UniTheme:
If during the usage period of Cloned theme you: 1) installed the new add-ons; 2) added, edited, deleted blocks or grids in the layouts; 3) added, edited or deleted templates; 4) changed logo, favicon, colors, fonts or styles through Theme editor, then after switching into Original theme you will not see all or part of its changes as these changes are bound to Cloned theme.

There are two variants in this case:

  1. Recommended action. Switch the store to Original UniTheme; Get in touch with your own developer to implement and adapt the changes from Cloned theme into Original one. Work further with the Original UniTheme.
  2. It is not recommended. Continue work at Cloned theme with the problems described above.

We do not provide services to implement from Cloned theme to Original UniTheme, as it is outside of our area of responsibility as UniTheme developers.


If you do not want to install it yourself, then you can order the theme installation service by the development team.

All installation process for clear CS-Cart is recorded on video , but we recommend to follow the instructions below (they are more complete) and take into account the moments if you do not have a clean installation of the platform

After your order is processed by our manager, you will receive an email with license numbers. Also, license numbers and installation files are always available in your personal account in the alexbranding team store.

To make installation of add-ons:

  1. Go to My Account → Orders → Order with theme in list on the site, logging in as account holder (order owner);
  2. Download add-on AB: Add-ons Manager (!!! Choose v. 2.2.0 - it is compatible with UniTheme2 and the new generation of add-ons)
  3. Install AB: Add-ons Manager using standard CS-Cart installation procedure (Add-ons → Downloaded add-ons → Gearwheel menu → Manual installation)
  4. Go to the page Add-ons → Manage add-ons → Downloaded add-ons → AB: Add-ons Manager → AB: List of available sets/add-ons and you will see list of add-ons and packages, available for installation on this domain from AB developers
  5. Install all available modules one by one using the button Install next to each ad-on (when installing each add-on, wait for the end of the installation script and page refreshing with the installation status change)

Add-ons installation on the page "AB: List of available sets/add-ons"

If you go to the page AB: List of available sets/add-ons you see that the add-ons are not available, please contact with this problem. A licensing manager will help you solve it

linkContent for menu blocks

On this step, you need to specify in the blocks of your layouts which menus should be used for display. Perform this operation for the layout that you are using.

If you use UniTheme 2 (Advanced)
If you use UniTheme 2 (Default)
If you use UniTheme 2 (Fixed)
If you use UniTheme 2 (Light)
If you use UniTheme 2 (Light v2)

linkContent for block AB: Deal of the day

Go to Administration panel → Website → Themes → Layouts, edit page Homepage for used layout

Block AB: Deal of the day for Homepage layout

For AB: Deal of the day block in Content tab add needed promotion from available list, the announcement of which will be displayed on the main page.

Block AB: Deal of the day  - display on storefront

linkContent for block AB: Deal of the day

Go to Administration panel → Website → Themes → Layouts, edit page Homepage for used layout

Block AB: Deal of the day for Homepage layout

For AB: Deal of the day block in Content tab add needed promotion from available list, the announcement of which will be displayed on the main page.

Block AB: Deal of the day  - display on storefront

linkContent for block AB: Fast Navigation Catalog

Go to Administration panel → Website → Themes → Layouts, edit page Homepage for used layout

Block AB: Fast Navigation Catalog in Homepage layout

For AB: Fast Navigation Catalog block in the Content tab add specially created menu (the menu is created, when the demo data is installed by the Fast navigation add-on) and always looks likeAB:_FAST_NAVIGATION_XXXXXXXX.

You need to edit this menu, to show your store structure or create a new one and select it in the Content tab to display.

This block in the default layouts is marked for output on mobile devices only, to enable the user to quickly find the store section of interest from the list of available.

General theme settings are applied to all color schemes and are available in the store administration panel : Administration panel → Add-ons → Downloaded add-ons and at the add-on name AB: UniTheme2 in the gearwheel menu select the section Theme settings.

Theme settings

For the Multi-Vendor edition, additional theme settings are also available, which are described in the documentation for the Multi-Vendor support add-on (use link)

AB: UniTheme2 supports CS-Cart Ultimate and provides support of saving of theme settings individually for each storefront.

There are general theme settings that affect the appearance and functionality of the store.

General theme settings

Here are the theme settings for Category pages.

Settings for Category pages


Here are the settings that affect the Features pages (Brand page)

Settings for Features pages

linkProduct lists

Here are the product list settings of the theme, that affect the output for all product blocks and product lists on categories, search, features pages. Note: blocks can have their own settings and not use selected parameters. The presence of the add-on icon for the setting means, that it is dependent on the presence of an add-on, that needs be turned on.

Since there are a lot of settings for these types of pages and blocks, we consider them in the context of each section block:

  • General (affect all display types);
  • Settings for "Grid" product list view;
  • Settings for "List without options" product list view;
  • Settings for "Compact list" product list view.

This settings affect all display types (Grid, List without options, Compact list).

General settings for product lists

linkSettings for "Grid" product list view

Settings for "Grid" product list view. Please note, that some settings allow you to control the output of functional elements for different devices separately.

Settings for "Grid" product list view

linkSettings for "List without options" product list view

Settings for "List without options" product list view. Please note, that some settings allow you to control the output of functional elements for different devices separately.

Settings for "List without options" product list view"

linkShow "Add to Cart" button

Allow to display Add to cart button.

Settings for "Compact list" product list view. Pay attention to the presence of add-ons - dependent settings. Please note, that some settings allow you to control the output of functional elements for different devices separately.

Starting from UniTheme2 v4.14.3.c added two-columned view for large screens.

To activate two-columned view, layout width no less than 1600px is needed.

Settings for "Compact list" product list view

linkSettings for "Small Items" product list view

Settings for Small Items product list view. Pay attention to the presence of addon-dependent settings. Some settings allow managing functionality elements output for different devices separately.

Example of "Small Items" product list view

Settings for "Small Items" product list view

linkSettings for the product list view with the "Scroller" template

Settings for the product list view with the Scroller template. Please note that there are block-dependent settings. Some settings allow you to control the display of functionality elements for different devices separately.

Example of "Scroller" product list view on the comparison list page

Settings for "Scroller" product list view

"Product variations" add-on


Here are settings, relating to the product detailed page

General and additional settings at "Product" tab

linkSettings for the product card templates

Settings for the product card templates. Please note, that some settings allow you to control the output of functional elements for different devices separately.

Settings for the product card templates

link"Buy together" addon

Native CS-Cart add-on, which allows to display profitable offers in combination with the current product, on the page of which the user is located

"Buy together" addon

link"Required products" addon

Native CS-Cart add-on "Required products" creates a group of products, that will be added to the cart with the product, on the page of which the user is located

"Required products" addon

linkAddon "Social buttons"

Native CS-Cart addon "Social Buttons"displays Share buttons widgets for social networks

Addon "Social buttons"

linkShow more

Below are the settings for the "Show more" functional for various objects in listings (lazy pagination)

Show more


Here are setting, that affect on appearance of different add-ons pages in the theme.

"AB: Addons" tab

link1. "Wish List" add-on

Allows to add products to user wish lists.

Lets customers to leave reviews and comments to products, categories, orders, etc.

When the add-on Product reviews is active, settings of the add-on Comments and reviews will be inactive.

Example of reviews

The color scheme settings are applied to the color scheme selected for editing (the Style field in the settings) and are available in the store administration panel along the way Administration panel → Add-ons → Downloaded add-ons and at the add-on name AB: UniTheme2 in the gearwheel menu select the section Color scheme settings.

Color scheme settings

Color scheme settings - tab General

Allows you to set button styles
Color scheme settings - tab General, section Buttons

linkLabels (stickers)

Allows you to set styles for standard product stickers, for example, Free Shipping, Discount, etc.These settings are not applicable if you use AB: Stickers add-on or any third party add-on of stickers.
Color scheme settings - tab General, section Labels (stickers)


Below are the settings that affect the blocks and sections of the corresponding container in the layouts.

Below are the settings that affect the blocks and sections of the corresponding container in the layouts.

Color scheme settings - tab Containers

Below are the settings that affect the styles for elements in the product lists
Color scheme settings - tab "Product lists"

Below are the settings that affect the styles for product detail page
Color scheme settings - tab "Product"

UniTheme offers built-in management for microdata. The interface is accessible along the way Administration panel → Add-ons → Downloaded add-ons and at the add-on name AB: UniTheme2 in the gearwheel menu select the section Microdata.

The organization’s microdata allows the search engine and customers to learn more about your company, this has a positive effect on ranking in search results.

To add a new element to the microdata, click on the Add icon in the interface of the microdata list interface (by default, the item will take the value, that corresponds to the corresponding setting of your storefront)

If you are not satisfied with the default value of the element, then you can override it. To do this, enter the required value in the Value field and save the state (or add the following items and save after adding all the items).

Mircodata potentialAction allows to display website logo on the page of search request.

You can check the validity of the microdata using this service.

"Microdata" page

UniTheme2 adds its own icon pack (in addition to those available for the Responsive parent theme). The list of available icons can be found along the path Administration panel → Add-ons → Downloaded add-ons and at the add-on name AB: UniTheme2 in the gearwheel menu select the section**.

Icons pack, delivered by UniTheme2

In order to use the icon on the store page, copy the icon by clicking the Copy button for the required icon from the list of available ones and use a structure of this type in the source code of the template (block, page content):

<i class="ut2-icon-viber"></i>

To output Viber icon with red color and size 40px:

<i class="ut2-icon-viber" style="color: red;font-size: 40px;"></i>

linkWork with built-in functionality

This section provides information solely on the functions that UniTheme adds to CS-Cart (only extra functions, this is not complete information at all). When starting to work with CS-Cart, be sure to read the platform documentation (available by link).


UniTheme gives the search engines with the JSON-LD syntax and dictionary structured data (micromarking) of such standards:

  • product microdata (automatically added based on product parameters by standards: Product, Offer, BreadcrumbList, AggregateRating, Review, Rating etc) - mandatory configuration is required for proper work Brand feature ID
  • organization microdata (settings are made on a special page Organization microdata)
  • microdata of articles and reviews (microdata type is needed for each page and reviews)

The data, transmitted by microdata, can affect the appearance of search snippets (extended snippets) in the search results, but there is no way to decide whether the search engine will display them for each particular store and influence this decision.

You can check the validity of the microdata using this service.

linkArticles and news microdata

Functionality was removed from the theme and transfered to the separate add-on AB: SEO for blog. To use microdata for articles and news, go to the link.

UniTheme2 uses all basic templates for product pages Default template, Big picture and adds its own templates:
1) AB: Three-columned with content separated in three columns ‒ recommended to use for products with a large number of variations and options.
2) AB: Big picture, flat with large product image ‒ recommended to use for stores of apparel, shoes, watches, jewelry and souvenir gifts etc.
3) AB: Gallery ‒ recommended to use it to redouble attention to the main product image. Moreover, there is a possibility to display several images at once with the new setting Theme settings → "Product" tab → Number of displayed images of the product gallery.
4) AB: Cascade gallery with large product images ‒ recommended to use for stores of apparel, shoes, watches, jewelry and souvenir gifts etc.

There are three variants available to apply appropriate template on the product page.

To apply template for all product pages at once

To apply template for products of the specific category

To apply template for specific product page

linkAll brands page

UniTheme2 adds extra page s All brands, on click on which brands, available in the store, are shown:

All brands page

  1. The page has a controller type url product_features.view_all (!!! it is important, that the Brand feature ID setting is set correctly in the theme settings. You can also specify the SEO url for the link for All brands page. To do this, follow the path Admin panel → Website → SEO → SEO rules and add a new rule for which specify SEO name equal to brands, a The value of the "dispatch" parameter from the URL equal toproduct_features.view_all (native Seo addon must be installed and active)
  2. To specify the second element of breadcrumbs uses the language variable abt__ut2.brands
  3. Added H1 heading for this page.

Since the theme adds the layout page AB: Brands to the layouts, you can customize the SEO attributes for this page (Title, meta - description, meta - keywords). To do this, go to Administration panel → Website → Themes → Layouts go to Edit Layout Page: AB: Brands (click on the settings gear icon for AB layout page: Brands), edit the attributes and save the settings.

This functionality is implemented according to the requirements of SEO audits for the stores, based on the CS-Cart platform

linkBrand page

For Brand page UniTheme2 adds new element in breadcrumbs

 Brand page

  1. Breadcrumbs for brand page

Please note, that the Landing pages for categories addon (included in the theme delivery package) in the latest version adds a tree of categories on the brand page, in which the brand products are found.

This functionality is implemented according to the requirements of SEO audits for the stores, based on the CS-Cart platform


UniTheme2 provides two realizations of menu:

  1. Menu as a block ‒ AB: Fly menu;
  2. Menu as the templates ‒ AB: Horizontal dropdown list with icons template and AB: Vertical dropdown list with icons template.

Fly menu can be used together with other menus at the same, for example together with Horizontal or Vertical menu, or any other menu.

linkMenu as a block - AB: Fly menu

Theme adds a new block that is designed to form panel with selected set of different menus and blocks, consists of its own adaptation menu and quality appearance. AB: Fly menu is a menu as a dropdown panel that consists of the selected blocks which can be chosen in settings. The main advantage of this contemporary menu is a comfortable use as on PC and Tablet as on Mobile devices.

Important thing is Fly menu can be used for Bottom sticky panel (more details see at the section Theme settings → General → Bottom sticky panel).

Fly menu

Settings of the "Fly menu" block

linkUse Fly menu for bottom sticky panel

If you want to use Fly menu as Main menu for bottom sticky panel, edit block Fly menu and in the tab Block settings activate the setting Open the menu with the button "Main menu" of the sticky navigation panel.

Setting to activate Fly menu for bottom sticky panel

linkContent settings of "Fly menu"

To go to the page of content settings, you shall edit the block Fly menu and in the tab Content follow the specified link.
Page of content settings allows to set Fly menu flexible. If after any changes you wish to return to default settings, you may use demo data Add demo-settings for "AB: Fly menu" block on the page UniTheme2 → Demo data.

For comfortable configuration of elements (menu/blocks) the "Drag-and-drop” system has been added that allows to relocate elements manually to a needed place of structure.

Content settings of "Fly menu"

Mega menu in UniTheme2 is provided by adding support of extra fields for each menu item and using one of additional templates for menu block in layouts:

Additional templates for mega menu UniTheme2

Each template has its own settings.

UniTheme2 adds extra tab AB: UniTheme2 in edit interface for menu item to save additional fields, which will be shown in mega menu.

Thus, in order to manage the mega menu items of a main menu item, you must go to the path Administration panel → Website → Menu select the menu, that you use for the main menu, and go to edit the necessary menu item (interface will be open by clicking on the menu in the list of available).

Additional fields for menu item in UniTheme2

This template is used to display the vertical menu in theUniTheme2 (Default) layout.
Consider the elements that make up the menu, which is displayed, using this template.

Template for menu - AB: Horizontal dropdown list with icons template in UniTheme2 - elements

  1. Icon for menu item (added to the first level item);
  2. Label for menu item;
  3. Icon for menu item (added to the second level item);
  4. Html - content, showed for this menu item (can be showed for first level items only). Used to show banner in mega menu (or any another content).

All this elements are managed in the AB: UniTheme2 tab for every menu item (see Additional fields for menu items).

This template can be assigned to menu block in (Administration panel → Website → Themes → Layouts for layout UniTheme2 (Advanced) go to page Default and for block Main menu we will find AB: Horizontal dropdown list with icons)

Menu AB: Horizontal dropdown list with icons can be displayed on mobile devices as well, where first-level links will be displayed only.

Example of Horizontal menu on mobile device

This template has a number of settings, that affect the appearance of the menu displayed on the storefront.

Settings for menu template - AB: Horizontal dropdown list with icons

By click the button Settings you will get settings for this template

Additional settings for template - AB: Horizontal dropdown list with icons

This template is used to display the vertical menu. Consider the elements that make up the menu, which is displayed, using this template.

Menu template - AB: Vertical dropdown list with icons template in UniTheme2 - elements

  1. Icon for menu item (added to the first level item);
  2. Label for menu item;
  3. Short description for menu item (can be showed for first level items only);
  4. Icon for menu item (added to the second level item);
  5. Html - content, showed for this menu item (can be showed for first level items only). Used to show banner in mega menu (or any another content).

All this elements are managed in the AB: UniTheme2 tab for every menu item, look Additional fields for menu items.

Menu template AB: AB: Vertical dropdown list with icons is provided with the additional variants of menu view:
  • Additional variant to expand the first level menu item view Activate 3-level menu (dropdown list).

AB: Vertical dropdown list with icons - in mode Activate 3-level menu (dropdown list)

  • Additional variant of view Compact display view. This view is characterized with a small-size window.

AB: Vertical dropdown list with icons — Compact display view

  • Additional variant to expand the menu item with the help of the block with a type AB: Open onclick-dropdown list. Block displays the button that opens a chosen in the settings block with the wrapper Onclick-dropdown or AB: Onclick-dropdown (external allocation). See details about block with the type AB: Open onclick-dropdown list in this section.

This template has a number of settings, that affect the appearance of the menu displayed on the storefront.

Settings for template - AB: Vertical dropdown list with icons

By click the button Settings you will get settings for this template.

Additional settings for template - AB: Vertical dropdown list with icons

UniTheme2 adds the possibility to create on the category page a view of the block with dependent categories, concerning current category in the form of list or tree.

To select types of dependent categories that will be used for block filling of the current category, go to the page Administration panel → Website → Themes → Layouts → "Categories" tab → container "Content" and go to block settings Subcategories. In the tab Block settings select type of dependent categories that will be used for block filling.

Editing block "Subcategories"

  1. Show parent categories ‒ display parent categories concerning current one in the block Subcategories.
  2. Show sibling categories ‒ display sibling categories concerning current one in the block Subcategories.
  3. Show child categories ‒ display child categories concerning current one in the block Subcategories.

Example of display of the tree of dependent categories

linkAdvanced banners designer

UniTheme2 adds support of the additional type of banners in CS-CartAB: UniTheme2: Advanced banners. This type of banners is designed to reduce the efforts of owners of web stores to the creation of difficult graphic banners and to reduce everything to the simple procedure of the operator (but not the designer whose services can cost much). The advanced banner is the composition created by filling of certain fields of which the banner consists: the background image or color of the background or background video, the image, the header, the text, the button (with the operated text and link) and style display settings.

Also in UniTheme2 developers added the expert mode which allows operating separately elements (so and appearance) banners for Tablet and Smartphone. Now Advanced banners will be maximally adaptive on all devices that will increase the efficiency of their work. Separately It should be noted that on mobile devices at the inclusion of the expert mode in the source code there will be facilitated elements (background images which you load for mobile devices), and it means that your pages will be loaded faster on mobile devices (speed indicators are more improved).

Use the loading of banners demo data to start work with functionality Advanced banners. You will quickly understand how to operate elements and learn to create effective banners with amazing adaptability on different devices.

To add demo-data use the instruction.

There are no any recommended sizes of the advanced banners as it is a composition of separate elements that depends on the layout width and banner block size. When you add demo banners, you will have all elements (its sizes are also different for all banners) of these banners under control in your admin. panel. You may take sizes of any element on the editing banner page.

There are the images sizes of the demo-banners as a matter of convenience:

Demo-banner name
Image type
PC(px) Phone(px)
Main banner 1 (Demo)
background 902х500 320х450
Main banner 2 (Demo)
background 2000х700 320х450
Main banner 3 (Demo)
main 900x750 450x450
Main banner 4 (Demo)
background 1240x450 450x450
Banners 1, 1а, 2, 2а, 4, 5 (Demo)
background 760x500 n/a
Banner 3 (Demo)
background 760x500 n/a
Banner in category 1 (Demo)
background 5120x700 450x450
Banner in product page 1 (Demo)
main 1080x400 n/a

If you have your own banners, you may find out the images sizes by yourself, using standard instruments. For example, on the storefront page in Google Chrome browser press F12, hover the mouse pointer on the banner and in the pop-up window of the parameters you can see the image size of the banner.

Example of size view at browser

linkAdvanced banners designer dated 2024 year

There are the images sizes of the demo-banners dated 2024 year as a matter of convenience:

Demo-banner name
Image type
PC(px) Phone(px)
Main banner 1 (Mavic 3)
background 6000х1800 1200х1200
Main banner 2 (Apple Vision)
background 800х800 800х800
Main banner 3 (XBOX)
main 1437x1196 n/a
Seasonal offers - 1а, 1b, 1c, 1d
main 572х688 n/a
Advanced banner (multiple banners in row) 1 - Banner (Mavic 4 mini)
background 800x980 n/a
Advanced banner (multiple banners in row) 2 - Banner (GoPro)
background 800х1200 n/a
Advanced banner (multiple banners in row) 3 - Banner (HomePod)
background 800x980 n/a
Advanced banner (multiple banners in row) 4 - Banner (Google Pixel Tablet)
background 1136x1140 n/a
Discover some 1a - Banner (AirPods)
main 760х760 отсутствует
Discover some 1b - Banner (Lens Cameras)
background 1200х640 n/a
Discover some 2 - Banner (Hermes Apple Watch)
main 500х591 n/a

linkGeneral settings (PC) of banner

Settings and management advanced banners from the theme functionality, are on the page Administrative panel → Marketing → Banners → AB: UniTheme2: Advanced banners.

For the work beginning with the banner, it is necessary to set its name and click the "Save" to create the banner. Only after that, it is possible to pass to editing settings.


linkExpert settings (Tablet & Smartphone) of banner

Advanced banners settings for mobile devices limit some settings which change will lead to the content wrong display and styles breakage on the storefront. Therefore they have blocked from changes. Other settings are switched off for changes by default, but if desired they can be activated.

linkPresets for title in Adanced banners

Title of Advanced banners contain of presets, which are used for visual format of the title of banners, independently of chosen settings in a banner. There are following presets available:

  • Above title ‒ adds its own rules to format a title text, independently of settings of the main title.
    Example of the preset "Above title"
  • Another color ‒ adds construction, which allows to specify color for a separate word and phrase of the title. For this preset the available color is HEX and RGB format.
    Example of preset "Another color"
  • Thin font ‒ adds tag <i> text </i>, which displays selected text with a thin face.
    Example of the preset "Thin font"
  • New row ‒ adds tag <br>, which is used to make a new row or paragraph in the title.
    Example of the preset "New row"

In the banner title you can use other html tags as well (e.g., <mark>text</mark>). In the examples and presets we have chosen the most suitable variants.

linkUser CSS-classes used in Advanced banners

In the field User CSS-class there are presets that change parameters of elements in a banner:

  • Button at the bottom ‒ allows to display the button at the bottom, independently of location of the banner title. In the example below the banner setting Vertical alignment → On the top is used, where the whole content should be displayed at the top, but the preset relocates the bottom at the bottom.
    Example of the preset "Button at the bottom"
  • Enlarge image ‒ increases scale and region of the main banner image. This preset works for the screen resolution more than 900 pixels.
    Example of the presets "Enlarge image"
  • Container by width image ‒ works when the setting Content on full width is disabled.
    a) deletes a limit across the width of 50% for containers and images/contents. In other words, according to a standard, container with an image/content takes 50% of block width, but when using the preset the container width will correspond to the width of used image/content.
    b) applies mirror reflection for the block setting Horizontal alignment. For example, when using the setting Horizontal alignment → On the left the standard behavior will display a content first and the image last. When using the preset the image will be displayed first. When using the setting Horizontal alignment → On the right the preset will work by analogy. When using the preset with the setting Horizontal alignment → On the center then the image will be displayed nearby the content instead of above, but with the center priority of the banner.
    Example of the preset "Container by width image"
  • Align image to edge ‒ allows to locate the main image to the block edge depending on the settings Horizontal and Vertical alignment.
    Example of the preset "Align image to edge"
  • Fading of background ‒ with the help of fading, the preset adds the depth for a background color. Image setting Vertical position of the images influences on location of the fading effect.
  • Indent for mask ‒ adds a frame along the perimeter of the content of mask. The preset works together with the mask setting Mask position → Under content only.
  • Vertical reverse ‒ changes logic of the standard position of image and text when the block setting of banner Content on full width is disabled for mobile devices. In other words, during the adaptation process on mobile devices, standard behavior locates the image above the content but the preset locates the image below the content.
    Example of the preset "Vertical reverse"

linkExtra blocks and its templates on the layout page "Checkout"

UniTheme2 provides a changed layout for the page Checkout with some extra blocks which allows users of the website to make an order quick and cozy. These blocks are:

  • Block Order summary with the template AB: Order summary;
  • Block AB: Promo code with the template AB: Promo code;
  • Block Your order with the template AB: Products in cart.

You need to use layout ult7 (theme version from 4.15.1.e) and higher if you wish to start working with the blocks rapidly. Pay attention, blocks and sections to the corresponding blocks contains User-defined CSS classes.

New style of the page "Checkout" in UniTheme2

linkView of chosen cities on the page "Checkout"

UniTheme2 offer an opportunity to display chosen cities as links for its quick selecting in the field City. To display chosen cities under the field of city selection, you have to install CS-Cart add-on Cities (is included to the set of add-ons of CS-Cart platform and Multi-Vendor of edition RU) and in the settings of the add-on set the checkbox AB: Display on checkout page that is located in front of the appropriate cities.
Page of the settings of the "Cities" add-on

Thus, users can choose their city quick to see corresponding shipping methods.
Chosen cities on the page "Checkout"

linkSettings for filters with variants of display type for each device

On the page Products → Filters → [filter name] → “General" tab there are settings for filters Settings only for AB: UniTheme2 with variants of display type for each device. The setting allows to display filter elements in minimized and expanded view for each device individually.

Settings for filters with variants of display type for each device

linkPreinstalled layouts

Layout is the state of blocks (positions, classes, wrappers) for a specific type of page. If you change the page layout, it affects the appearance of this page. The developers guarantee the correct operation and appearance, similar to the demo, in the initial state of the layouts. Changing layouts may require you to customize theme styles.

Layouts, available in the theme, are managed along the way Administration panel → Website → Themes → Layouts.

List of available UniTheme2 layouts for CS-Cart Ultimate edition:

  • UniTheme 2 (Advanced) - ultX - default layout with vertical menu;
  • UniTheme 2 (Default) - ultX - layout with horizontal menu;
  • UniTheme 2 (Fixed) - ultX - layout with a vertical menu, that has a fixed open state for the main page;
  • UniTheme 2 (Light) - ultX - layout with a new type of blocks view and maximally adaptive header of the website;
  • UniTheme 2 (Light v2) - ultX - layout with horizontal menu and maximally adaptive header of the website;
  • UniTheme 2 (Light v3) - ultX - layout with a vertical menu and Fly menu. In the layout the header is transparent that covers the main banner.

List of available UniTheme2 layouts for CS-Cart Multi-Vendor edition:

  • UniTheme 2 (Advanced) - mvX - default layout with vertical menu;
  • UniTheme 2 (Default) - mvX - layout with horizontal menu;
  • UniTheme 2 (Fixed) - mvX - layout with a vertical menu, that has a fixed open state for the main page;
  • UniTheme 2 (Light) - mvX - layout with a new type of blocks view and maximally adaptive header of the website;
  • UniTheme 2 (Light v2) - mvX - layout with horizontal menu and maximally adaptive header of the website;
  • UniTheme 2 (Light v3) - mvX - layout with a vertical menu and Fly menu. In the layout the header is transparent that covers the main banner.

Please note that the name of the layout stores the suffix, which consists of two parts and defines:

  1. ult or mv - the layout is designed to work with Ultimate Multi-Vendor edition of CS-Cart platform;
  2. X - the ordinal version of the layout (the layouts can be updated by the developers when updating the theme, in case of updating the layout, a transition to the new layout version according to this instruction is required)

If after installing all add-ons and theme for MV edition of CS-Cart there are no layouts for the Multi-Vendor edition, then you need to create a new layout according to the instructions that is used to switch to the new version of the layout.

To change the layout of your store, go to the list of available layouts Administration panel → Website → Themes → Layouts.
Select the layout, you want to use from the list, hover over the gear icon (appears when you hover the mouse over the layout in the list) and click on the option Make default .

Changing of used on storefront layout

UniTheme comes with several layouts, which have its own layout width: 1400 px or 1600 px. But if you need, you can change the yourself (when changing the layout width, it’s normal to change the appearance, since demo content is created for the default layout width).

To change the width of the layout:
1) Follow the path Administration panel → Website → Themes → Layouts
2) Select chosen as default layout and call it Properties

Editing properties of layout

3) In the layout properties editing window enter wanted value in the Maximal width field and save properties

Changing width of layout

4) After changing the layout width settings, edit the setting Number of columns in the product list (this is the basic setting of CS-Cart and is located along the path Administration panel → Settings → General settings → Appearance).
When choosing the number of columns, be guided by the resulting display of the product grid for the selected layout width.

Let's give an example.
If you set the value Number of columns in the product list is 8, and you see 6 columns on the storefront product grid (but testing on the screen with support of max width, you set), then you should set the settings to 6 columns (since physically for the selected width of the layout, it is impossible to line up 8 columns with the correct display of product cells).

In some cases, changing the state of the layouts may require you to adapt the stylesheet to support these changes on all devices. Such work may not be the part of technical support work.

linkBlocks output for devices types

UniTheme2 gives possibility to manage output of blocks for different types of devices (not just show or hide):

  • Phone
  • Tablet
  • Desktop

In order to exclude the output of a specific block in the layouts for the desired type of devices:
1) select the necessary block in the layout ( Administrator panel → Website → Themes → Layouts → [layout name] ) and go to its settings

Edit block options

2) exclude the display for the device, you need, using the settings in the field Show on

Edit Show on field settings

This function works only for Blocks, but does not support Grids. The page source code for users on different types of devices will be different, if the blocks have individual Show on settings on different types of devices. This feature allows you to make loading for pages on mobile devices much faster.

linkWork with filters block

When installing the theme, the template of vertical view of filters is used by default on the category page. To install horizontal view of filters follow the steps above.

1) Go to the page Administration panel → Website → Themes → Edit layouts → Categories → container “Content” and on the right below block Product filters click a gear icon where in the field Template select the value Horizontal filters. Before saving check availability of the block for Desktop and Tablets only.

Page of layouts with the block "Product filters"

2) Then create a new section in full width, relocated it above the section with the block Product filters and relocated to this section changed block of the filters.

Example of display of horizontal filters

We recommend do not use horizontal filters for Phones but use the default template only as individual filter block is used for mobile devices only!

linkExtra block wrappers

UniTheme2 adds a few extra block wrappers:

Additional block wrappers in UniTheme2

  1. AB: Main block (SEO) ‒ excludes the use of the H1 title for the block name (replaces with a div tag) but retains the title styles corresponding to H1 (added according to the recommendations of SEO experts);
  2. AB: Simplified block ‒ used if the block does not need to attract additional attention (minimalistic title);
  3. AB: Secondary block ‒ used if you need to create one or more blocks of secondary value (the header size is used, corresponding to H3 header);
  4. AB: Secondary framed block ‒ used if you need to create one or more blocks of secondary value (the header size is corresponding to H3 header), the contents of the block are framed by a visible frame.
  5. АВ: Onclick-dropdown (external allocation) ‒ used for mobile devices only and allows to display a content in the pop-up window by clicking on the button. This wrapper helps to display a content correctly for all mobile devices in consequence of content allocation. There is no more conflicts with navigation panels of the browsers (panels could cover an information content).

UniTheme2 adds several important templates for product blocks.

Extra templates for product blocks from UniTheme2

There are following extra templates available at product blocks:

  1. AB: Grid (with button "Show more") ‒ allows to display a large number of products without increasing a time of page loading. Primary one row of products is displayed and after clicking the button Show more other products will be loaded row by row.

    Example of block view with the template "AB: Grid (with button "Show more")"

  2. AB: Light scroller ‒ save performance of the browser (improve PageSpeed performance), exclude loading of bulky scripts (scrollers).

    Example of block view with the template "AB: Light scroller"

  3. AB: Scroller advanced ‒ improved view of the product block in comparison with the standard one.

    Example of block view with the template "AB: Scroller advanced"

linkExtra view template in the block "Shipping methods"

On the page Administration panel → Website → Themes → Edit layouts → "Checkout" tab in the block Shipping methods an extra view template AB: Shipping methods is available. The settings consists of its own setting Show as dropdown list.
Extra view template in the block "Shipping methods" from UniTheme2

Example of the template view "AB: Shipping methods"

Example of the template view "AB: Shipping methods" as dropdown list

linkExtra view template in the block "Payment methods"

On the page Design → Layouts → "Checkout" tab in the block Payment methods an extra view template AB: Payment methods is available. The settings consists of its own setting Show as dropdown list.
Extra view template in the block "Payment methods" from UniTheme2

Example of the template view "AB: Payment methods"

Example of the template view "AB: Payment methods" as dropdown list

linkExtra banners template "AB: Advanced banner (multiple banners in row)"

Unique template was designed for a banner block, which allows to display banners in one row. The template contains of an extra navigation setting Native scroller that provides a horizontal scrolling of banners with the help of scrollbar. This solution consumes less resources of a browser and it is recommended to use on mobile devices.

Example of the banners template "AB: Advanced banner (multiple banners in row)"

Settings of the banners template "AB: Advanced banner (multiple banners in row)"

linkExtra settings for product block with the template "Scroller"

Theme adds its own settings for the template of a product block Scroller. These settings allows to specify a number of elements that will be displayed in the block for each device separately: laptops with a small screen resolution, tablets and mobile devices.

Extra settings for product block with the template "Scroller"

UniTheme2 adds several very useful functions for grids in layouts:

Additional grid functions from UniTheme2

linkBlock type "AB: Open onclick-dropdown list" in Fly menu

The block displays a button that opens a chosen in the settings block with the wrapper Onclick-dropdown or AB: Onclick-dropdown (external allocation). Initially, the block has been designed to display an additional button on the storefront. The button opens menu block of categories with the template AB: Vertical dropdown list with icons.

Step-by-step guide to set the block with a type AB: Open onclick-dropdown list in Fly menu:

1) Create the block with type AB: Open onclick-dropdown list on the page Administration panel → Website → Themes → Edit layouts → Manage blocks;
2) Go to the block settings into the tab Content;
3) In the field Choose block specify menu block with the template AB: Vertical dropdown list with icons (beforehand find out ID of menu block);
4) Save changes in the block with a type AB: Open onclick-dropdown list;
5) Go to the block settings Fly menu, tab Content and go to the settings page of the content;
6) On the page of fly menu content add the block AB: Open onclick-dropdown list and locate the block at the most comfortable part of Fly menu;
7) Save changes of Fly menu.

Before use, make sure that menu block with the template AB: Vertical dropdown list with icons is available to view for all devices! Otherwise, the button that opens the menu will be useless.

It is recommended to use the layout Light ult9 and higher. In this demo-layout there is a special section, used for menu block Categories with the template AB: Vertical dropdown list with icons. At this section there is a value top-search in the field User-defined CSS class. This section allows to hide a display of menu block Categories for mobile devices, but saving working capacity of the button at the same time.

Example of display of the button to open the block in Fly menu

On the bases of wishes and suggestions from active users of CS-Cart system and administrators, we have designed the block AB: Contacts.
Block allows to:

  • make a quick phone calls to the specified mobile phone numbers (taken from the page Settings → Company);
  • display the button Request call (requires an active CS-Cart add-on Call requests);
  • display links on social networks (taken from the the language variable abt__ut2__block_contacts.social_links);
  • transfer to the page of email sending with one click only on mobile phones (taken from the page Settings → Company);
  • display a contact information of the store (taken from the page Settings → Company);
  • manage display of the above-mentioned items in the block.

Example of the block "AB: Contacts"

To create the block follow the steps:

  1. Go to the page Administration panel → Website → Themes → Edit layouts to the tabs By default and Checkout.
  2. Create a new block with the type Template and choose there a template AB: Block: Contacts;
  3. Set the block, using its settings.

Settings of the block "AB: Contacts"

Block allows to fill contact information multilingually: phone number 1-5, business hours of the store, e-mail, address.

To create the block follow the steps:

  1. Go to the page Administration panel → Website → Themes → Layouts to the tabs By default and Checkout.
  2. Create a new block with the type Template and choose there a template AB: Contacts (manual filling);
  3. Set the block, using its settings.and content.

Settings of the block "AB: Contacts (manual filling)"

Content of the block "AB: Contacts (manual filling)"

linkBlock "AB: Block: Title"

Block is designed to create professional titles, where you can use the following html tags for your design: <mark>text</mark>, <u>text</u>, <b>text</b>.

Example of the title on the storefront

Block "AB: Block: Title"

linkChanging main page title and meta data

To change homepage Title and other meta attributes go to Administration panel → Website → Themes → Layouts choose, what layout you need to edit, select Homepage section and click on its settings icon:

Editing properties of Homepage layout

Edit and save changed data:

Editing properties of Homepage layout

linkUser-defined CSS class in the layouts

There are sections and blocks where User CSS classes are used.

linkGeneral User CSS classes

  • ut2-gray-box ‒ adds a gray background for a block;
    Example of ut2-gray-box on the storefront
  • ut2-border-box-- adds a border for a block;
    Example of ut2-border-boxon the storefront
  • b-top ‒ adds a gray stripe above section;
  • fill--color ‒ adds a color background for the entire section width;
  • fill-gray ‒ adds a gray background for the entire section width;
  • fill-white ‒ adds a white background for the entire section width.

linkSet of blocks "Seasonal offers best choice"

Sections and blocks "Seasonal offers best choice"

The following User-defined CSS classes are used in the set of blocks

  • mix-grid ‒ parent section. Specifies unique adaptivity for blocks in the structure;
  • ab-mix-first ‒ first section of blocks. Blocks are always displayed first, independently of adaptivity;
  • ab-mix-center ‒ central section of blocks. Blocks are always displayed on centre, independently of adaptivity;
  • ab-mix-last ‒ last section of blocks. Blocks are always displayed last, independently of adaptivity.
    Example of ab-mix on the storefront during screen adaptation

linkAdd-on - Intellectual selection of products in block (analogues, accessories) by features

This add-on goes in Cross-up-sell package for theme (not included in basic delivery package) and after installation adds its own settings in theme (link for more info about add-on)

Settings added by addon Intellectual selection of products in block (analogues, accessories) by features

To display product collections from the add-on AB: Intelligent products selection in UniTheme2 there are two methods:

  • the output is carried out in the place provided in the theme on the product page (above or below the product tabs, etc.). Use the settings below to manage the display and behavior for this method;
  • adding block for layout "Products" (this method is well described in documentation for add-on). To output in this way, do not use the settings below, the block has its own settings

linkTheme update

Always update the CS-Cart platform first, and only then the theme and addons

linkPrinciples of versioning

Theme version is the version of the theme addon and the version of the theme. They should always be the same (if you update correctly, according to this instruction then you will always have the same indices of the version of the theme and the version of the addon).

If you do not have the same version of the theme and version of the theme addon, it can cause problems. Most likely you deleted the theme module and reinstalled it manually (but did not consider the version of the theme, that you have)

Since the theme and addons are developed and supported for specific versions of the CS-Cart platform, it is important to understand, which version of the theme to use for a specific version of the platform (as it has changes in diff versions and the theme changes with it, adapting to new platform code).

Logics of theme versions indexes is to be the same as Cs-Cart core version index

The first three digits in the index of the theme version is the CS-Cart version, for which the theme version is developed. The last alphabetic index is the release number of the corrections (calculus in the order of the Latin alphabet).

In the table below we give an example for understanding

UniTheme version Compatible CS-Cart
4.10.1.a 4.10.1 a - first release of theme for CS-Cart 4.10.1
4.10.1.b 4.10.1 b - second release of theme for CS-Cart 4.10.1 (contains fixes)
4.10.2.a 4.10.2 a - first release of theme for CS-Cart 4.10.2

To find out, which version of CS-Cart platform you have installed, enter the following parameter after the site address


For example

The result will be something like this

If you are using a version of a theme whose index does not match the index of the CS-Cart version, then correct work cannot be guaranteed. In this case, you need to upgrade.

linkProcedure of the updating

In order to be able to update the theme and addons, you must have an active subscription period for addons licenses.

AB: Addons Manager (you will see the indicator for new alerts) will notify you of available updates. The recommended way is to update via the CS-Cart Upgrade center (a regular procedure of the platform).

Before updating, always make a full backup of the database and files of your store (we recommend doing a backup via server or hosting tools).

To update theme:

  1. Go to Administrative panel → Settings → Upgrade center;
  2. Find the appropriate update among the available updates and click the Update button;
  3. Follow all instructions that will be shown during the upgrade procedure.

You shall go to your CDN settings and reset cache after theme update.

linkUpdating theme layouts

The process of updating the theme never affects the store layouts (of course, it is impossible to give updates to grind the layouts of the working store, then they will each time be brought to the default state).

In the process of updating and developing a theme, developers can add new blocks to layouts, change classes for blocks and sections, and make other changes. In this case, changelog (in the List of releases) for this theme version will indicate that a transition to a new version of the theme layout is required (the layout used in this case receives a new ordinal index in its name)

In order to get the new version of layout that are relevant for your version of the theme, perform the following actions (after your theme and add-ons have been updated):

1) Go to Administration panel → Website → Themes → Layouts.

2) Add new layout.

Add new layout

3) Set such settings for layout:

Settings for new layout

  1. Name - We recommend to use layout name from which you copy the data in the next field (for example, UniTheme 2 (Advanced) - ultХ, then you will not forget which layout you need to update);
  2. Copy data from layout - choose from layouts with prefix Restore original: AB: UniTheme2 that is the next version of your active (chosen as default) layout;
  3. Default - No;
  4. Grid columns - 16;
  5. Layout width - Fluid.
Layout Layout width (min/max)
UniTheme 2 (Advanced) 290 / 1400
UniTheme 2 (Default) 290 / 1400
UniTheme 2 (Fixed) 290 / 1400
UniTheme 2 (Light) 280/1400
UniTheme 2 (Light v2) 280/1400
UniTheme 2 (Light v3) 280/1600

4) Click Create.

What is the expected result after the procedure:

for example, we are using the current layout UniTheme 2 (Advanced) - ult1 (it is used As default) in the system we just created UniTheme 2 (Advanced) - ult2 (this is a new version of our layout with changes, it is not used by the store at the moment).

5) Hover over the newly created layout and select the option "Preview".

Preview newly created layout

6) You have switched to previewing your store using the new layout, but your store continues to work on the old layout (which is selected by default). You have the opportunity to work (make settings) with a new layout when the store is working normally.

7) Add the necessary content to work in blocks of the new layout, configure it and get the desired appearance.

8) Switch the store to a new layout by clicking on the item Make default (hover over it in the list of layouts and click the corresponding link in the drop-down menu).

This method does not require closing the store for the period of updating and is recommended.

linkTransition from UniTheme to UniTheme2

Technologically, UniTheme2 is a completely new theme with its own code, settings and functionality, that is different from UniTheme.

The sequence of actions for transitioning from the first theme generation to the second (UniTheme2):

We recorded this process on video, this takes half an hour with explanations.

  1. Create a clone of your store on the subdomain or subfolder;
  2. Request the inclusion of this subdomain in the theme licenses (create a ticket in the technical support of the developers, adding a subdomain for development needs and testing is free);
  3. Delete (uninstall) all AB addons with no exceptions (go to Admin panel → Add-ons → Manage add-ons);
  4. Delete UniTheme theme (go to Administrative panel → Design → Themes and choose Bright theme as active instead of UniTheme (use Activate button for Bright theme) and delete UniTheme);
  5. Check the store operation;
  6. Update your CS-Cart platform to the latest version;
  7. Check the operation of the store (if there are problems, disable all third-party addons one by one until you will have fully operational storefront - exclude the platform incompatibility with installed third-party addons (its recommended to turn off all third-party addons) , also disable the My Changes native CS-Cart addon);
  8. Install AB: Addons Manager of the new generation (version 2.2.0 and higher) it is available for download in My profile → Orders → Order with theme in the Alexbranding solutions store (see Addons installation);
  9. Install the addons from the UniTheme2 package one by one (just click Install button for all addons from UniTheme2 package on the page AB: Addons → AB: Addons Manager → AB: List of available sets/addons (see Addons installation);
  10. Install UniTheme2 theme (see Theme installation article);
  11. Language variables recovery after deinstallation addon for UniTheme
  12. Add demo content from the theme and addons from the theme package (see Adding demo data);
  13. Redefine the content for the blocks in the layouts to the correct one (see Adding content for blocks in layouts);
  14. Check the performance;
  15. Install the remaining addons from the optional packages;
  16. Configure the theme and addons;
  17. Add content to the blocks (replace demo content with your content, for example, banners, menu, promotions, etc.);
  18. Achieve that appearance that is fully acceptable for your storefront.

If everything worked out for you, do all these procedures at the working store, closing it for the time, necessary for the transition.

Be sure to do a full backup before any operation on the working store.

linkTechnical support

Technical support conditions are available at this link (be sure to review these conditions, all solutions from the Alexbranding development team come with limited technical support).

In order to use our technical support, you need to:

  1. On, log in with your order holder account with a theme (if you purchased a theme through a partner, then request a transfer in your personal account);
  2. Go to My Account → Orders;
  3. Find the corresponding order with the theme in the list of orders and go into its details;
  4. Find the Technical Support link next to the license number for the theme addon and click on it
  5. Fill in the data with the problem, provide access to your installation ( be sure to enter the admin panel, admin mail, admin password + FTP access) and create a ticket;
  6. Wait for the answer of the specialist (to the e-mail of the order owner with the theme) in accordance with the regulations of the technical support service and choosen ticket priority;
  7. If you have not received a response within the time limits, specified in the regulations, email with the ticket number, for which you did not receive an answer in time, and the manager of the development team will solve the problem of compliance with the regulations.

Technical support for telephone calls and direct e-mails is not provided, all help goes through tickets and helpdesk. Carefully study the conditions of technical support before creating a request

linkLocalizations and translations

The UniTheme theme and add-ons from the delivery (as well as any in the CS-Cart marketplace) are delivered by default with pre-installed English.

If you have non English store:
Missing translations (which are not the basic CS-Cart entities: names and descriptions of products, categories, characteristics, filters) can be found and translated in the following places:

  1. Layouts: content and block names (to edit go to Administration panel → Website → Themes → Edit layout on-site edit blocks of the default layout selected for your language;
  2. Language variables (to edit, go to Administration panel → Settings → Texts & languages, find needed variable using search by needed not translated phrases, edit it and save.

CS-Cart also has a special mode for editing content on the storefront (visual editing of content and language variables), to activate it, go to Administration panel → Website → Themes and click on the Edit content on-site button for the selected theme .

Turn on Edit content on-site mode

UniTheme can work in any language, supported by the CS-Cart platform. All you need is one time through the admin panel of your store to translate template variables into your language.

linkProper theme customization

Unitheme is a child theme for Responsive (the native CS-cart theme, that comes with the platform). It is written in full compliance with the theme development documentation for CS-Cart (read this documentation before any change in theme files)

Do not use direct editing of files and theme styles, this will lead to update problems!

If you need to override some styles

use Theme editor (Administration panel → Website → Themes and click Theme editor button for active Style and edit Custom CSS (add your styles code and save)

If you need to override some template files

use hooks and add your own add-on (or use native My changes add-on)

If you need to add some extra functional

use hooks and add your own add-on (or use native My changes add-on)

For more info look CS-Cart developers docs.

linkAB cookies

Add-on adds its cookies as follows:

Cookie name Description Expiry
content_* Stores the state of the filter block - expanded or collapsed Session

linkList of releases

Subscribe to our Telegram-channel to get info about new releases.

v4.18.2.b from 30 September 2024

v4.18.2.a from 05 September 2024

Release video:

Do you wish to make update without any problems and ensure the result?
Use the help of AB team to support your on-line store in the actual state.

Service - theme update

Service - extended support

New features and improvements:
[+] Added the ability to use dark color schemes.
[+] Added dark color schemes "Lime_dark, Malachite_dark, Orange_dark, Purple_dark".
[+] In the theme settings for the product list “List without options” a new setting “Show Add to Cart button” was added with the following values: Do not show, Icon of the Cart only, Text only, Icon of the Cart and text.

Functionality changes:
[*] On the product page functionality for the setting “Sticky columns” was changed. Now fixing of the column can be automatically disabled in a situation when the column height exceeds window size. It will help to exclude unavailability of elements below in the column.
[*] In theme settings for the product list “Compact list” the setting “Show "Add to Cart" button was changed and the following values wre added:
* Do not show,
* Icon of the Cart only,
* Icon of the Cart only (simplified version).
[*] Improved design and adaptivity for product blocks with the template “Links thumb”.
[*] In the color scheme settings the setting “Product → Set individual color for "Add to cart" button” was removed.

Bug fixes:
[!] On the product page the block “Write a review about the product” could be displayed beyond the content on mobile devices. Fixed.
[!] Multi-Vendor edition. On the page vendor's reviews buttons were located without indents on mobile devices. Fixed.
[!] In product lists with the template “List without options” the same logo could be displayed with different sizes because of different length of product name. Fixed.
[!] In the block “Contacts” in the bottom sticky panel, the icon of closing window was missed when the setting “Theme settings → "General" tab → Display block with contacts for the "Contact us" element” was enabled. Fixed.
[!] In the Fly menu the block of search has been displayed incorrect and was covered with a button that closes a menu. Fixed.
[!] In FLY menu the block of a banner could cover a block below on mobile devices. Fixed.
[!] In banners “AB: UniTheme2: Advanced banner” in the setting “Image: Displayed object - YouTube video” a linked setting of autoplay has not been working. Fixed.
[!] “Buy together” add-on. On the product page in the block “Buy together” design and adaptivity were improved.
[!] In the product block with the template “Links thumb” a product cell has not covered the whole section. Fixed.
[!] The setting “Paginator operation mode” with a variant “Automatically” didn't work correct sometimes. Fixed.
[!] In a product block with the template “Grid (with button “Show more”)” products in the last row could be located incorrect when the row had incomplete filling. Fixed.
[!] In product blocks with the template “AB: Grid (with button “Show more”)” the setting “Limit” has been worked incorrect with the automatic filling. Fixed.
[!] “Product sets” add-on. In the browser Mozilla the first product has been displayed by half only. Fixed.
[!] On the product page with the template “Cascade” control elements were cut when there was a block with scrolling (Theme settings → “Product” tab → Custom block ID”). Fixed.
[!] In the Fly menu the description of item dislocated to menu item if a name of menu item was short. Fixed.
[!] In the advanced banners with the template “AB: Advanced banner (Carousel)” and “AB: Advanced banner (multiple banners in row)” had autoplay of video even when this function was disabled. Fixed.
[!] In the advanced banners with YouTube video thumbnails sizes and video didn't fill the full content. Fixed.
[!] In the block with the template “АВ: Light scroller” product cells were displayed too large (1-2 columns in a full width of a content), if only one or two products were displayed and columns count in the row was specified more than 2. Fixed.
[!] Function to copy “SKU/Product code” was not working on mobile devices when the theme setting “Use alternative tooltip style for mobile devices” was enabled. Fixed.
[!] “AB: Banners for categories”. In the product list “List without options” a banner in a category could be displayed discolored and/or at the end of a product list when the setting “Decolorize out of stock products” was enabled. Fixed.
[!] Block “Contacts (manual filling)” was opened in a bottom sticky panel together with the main menu when the option “AB: Show content in sidebar” was enabled on mobile devices. Fixed.
[!] In the block “Contacts (manual filling)” the content could not be scrolled to the bottom when the block has been opened from the bottom sticky panel on mobile devices. Fixed.
[!] In the pop-up window “The product was added to your cart” the padding between blank image (when there is not any image in a product) and product name was missed. Fixed.

v4.18.1.d from 14 August 2024

Release video:

Do you wish to make update without any problems and ensure the result?
Use the help of AB team to support your on-line store in the actual state.

Service - theme update

Service - extended support

New features and improvements:
[+] Added new settings for product list template “Scroller” in the theme settings in the tab “Product lists”.

For more details, please, refer to the documentation.

[+] In the theme settings in the tab “Product”, in the division “Additional display settings” the settings of height and width of images of product gallery were added for all devices separately.

For more details, please, refer to the documentation.

[+] In the theme settings in the tab “Product lists” a new setting “Show "You save" that influences all product lists was added with the following values: Do not display, Full, Short. The setting is available for all devices.

For more details, please, refer to the documentation.

[+] In the theme settings in the tab “Product” added a new setting “Show "You save” with the following values” Do not display, Full, Short. The setting is available for all devices.

For more details, please, refer to the documentation.

[+] Added a new setting “Color scheme settings → Product → Sticky columns” that fixes a content in columns (product gallery and the main content with the "Add to cart" button) on the product page. The column with the least content is fixed until the column with the greater content won't be scrolled till the end.

For more details, please, refer to the documentation.

[+] Added ability to copy “Product code” to clipboard by click.

Functionality changes:
[*] On the product page design has been changed for variation list and elements of selection of products variations.
[*] Changed design and adaptivity of the product block with the template “Scroller”.
[*] “Product bundles” add-on. The design for the "Product Bundles" block on the product page has been changed.
[*] Improved adaptivity of the menu block for tablets.
[*] In the product template “AB: Big picture, flat” column sizes and paddings of some elements were changed a little bit.
[*] The following theme settings were removed from the tab “Product lists”: “Show “You save” for product lists” Grid” and “List without options”.

For more details, please, refer to the documentation and here also.

Bug fixes:
[!] Menu with template “АВ: Vertical dropdown list with icons” that opens with the block “AB: Onclick-dropdown” has been displayed incorrect on mobile devices. Fixed.
[!] In the menu with template “АВ: Horizontal dropdown list with icons” at row filling, adaptive increase of window size was missed, if a content didn't fit in established minimum window size. Fixed.
[!] In the menu with template “АВ: Horizontal dropdown list with icons” menu items have been displayed after the button “1/2” on tablets with a small resolution. Fixed.
[!] “HTML-content” has not been displayed in the menu, if there were no any sub-items for menu items of the first level. Fixed.
[!] In the menu with sub-items of the first level, links at “HTML-content” were not clickable, if the location of “HTML-content position: at the bottom” was specified.
[!] On the product page with variations and the only one image, switching of images has not been working when hovering mouse pointer over variations. Fixed.
[!] “AB: Intellectual selection of products in block (analogues, accessories) by features” add-on. On the product page the block “AB: Intellectual selection of products in block (analogues, accessories) by features”, that is displayed with the template “Scroller”, could not be scrolled to the last product on tablets. Fixed.
[!] In product list with the template “Light scroller” all products were moved to the right when hovering mouse pointer over the last product. Fixed.
[!] In product list with the template “List without options”, the text “price includes tax” has not been displayed from a new line. Fixed.
[!] In the title block, when using a color highlighting of the title fragment with a tag mark, highlighting fragment could cover a content of the lines nearby on mobile devices. Fixed.
[!] Some block wrappers with the enabled outside navigation have been displayed unsteadily according to blocks nearby. Fixed.
[!] Window of the image previewer “OwlCarousel” has been displayed not in a full screen of a monitor display when preview product images. Fixed.
[!] On the cart page a long price has been displayed incorrect on tablets in a portrait mode. Fixed.
[!] On the checkout page a tooltip “What is CVV” has been displayed beyond the screen framework if a size of a browser window was a small one. Fixed.
[!] On the comparison page a product list has been displayed too compressed if there was a large number of products in the list. Fixed.
[!] On the comparison page the titles, that consists of several lines, were cut. The problem was fixed with managing a number of displayed lines in the product names that regulates with the theme setting for product list “Scroller”.
[!] Pagination has been malformed when there was a large number of pages in a moment of hovering the mouse pointer over elements of page switching. Fixed.
[!] On the pages with paginations, a long text at the pagination buttons “Back/Forward” didn't fit in on mobile devices. Fixed.
[!] Programmatic opened dialog windows of the type "notification-content-extended” have not been displayed during the page loading as well as its blacken layer was displayed and blocked the page. Fixed.
[!] On the product page the sticky panel with the button “Add to cart” has been displayed only once when using a caching on mobile devices. Fixed.
[!] “Warehouses” add-on. On the product page an empty element has been displayed when the “Warehouses” add-on was enabled. Fixed.
[!] “AB: Extended promotions” add-on. Block “Deal of the day” has covered pop-up information about product from the product block with the template “Grid” and “AB: Grid (with button “Show more”)”. Fixed.
[!] Function to edit blocks on the storefront didn't work properly on the editing mode. Fixed.
[!] On the product page image galleries and product tabs were not displayed duting the page loading. They were appeared only after the full page loading that spoiled Google LCP efficiency. Fixed.
[!] Theme setting "Padding from the screen bottom to start loading the section with delayed loading, px" didn't influence on the blocks with a delayed loading. Fixed.
[!] Error "CSRF attack" has occurred in a private browser window when interacting with products in a block, where delayed loading was used in a section. Fixed.

v4.18.1.c from 26 June 2024

Bug fixes:
[!] CS-Cart Mulivendor: On the product page there was no block with vendor information on mobile devices. Fixed.
[!] Symbol of artefact has been displayed on the product page on mobile devices. Fixed.
[!] On the product page with variations, the button "Add to cart" that located in the bottom sticky panel was duplicated when switching variations on mobile devices. Fixed
[!] In the product block with the template "Scroller" a content of the block shared unsteady when products had the title in two rows and one row. Fixed.
[!] In the FLY menu when using the block with the type "AB: Open onclick-dropdown list" menu with the template "AB: Vertical dropdown list with icons" could not be opened on mobile devices. Fixed.
[!] When adding a product to the cart from the pop-up window of the add-on "AB: "Intellectual selection of products in block (analogues, accessories) by features" pop-up window "Product has been added to the cart" closed by itself, leaving the page with a gray background. Fixed.

v4.18.1.b from 26 June 2024

Release video:

Do you wish to make update without any problems and ensure the result?
Use the help of AB team to support your on-line store in the actual state.

Service - theme update

Service - extended support

New features and improvements:
[+] Added a new template "AB: Cascade Gallery" for the product page.
[+] Added a new template Light v3. Structurally copies the templates "Light", but allows to display a header with a transparent background on the homepage that overlays the main banner.
[+] Added a theme setting "Product → Setting for the product card template "AB: Cascade Gallery" → Combinations of product gallery image formations". The setting allows to display product images in different ways on the product page with the template "AB: Cascade Gallery".
[+] Added a theme setting "Product Lists → Settings for the "Compact List" view → Display products in two columns". The settings to display products in the category page with the template "Compact list" in two columns.
[+] Added a new theme setting "Color Scheme → Containers → Top Panel → Container Height "Top Panel" (px)". The setting allows to specify the height in pixels of the top panel of the website.
[+] Added a new theme setting "Color Scheme → Containers → Header → Container Height "Header" (px)". This setting allows to change the height of the "Header" (website header).
[+] Added a theme setting (Color Scheme → Containers → Header → Apply background mask to the website header). Applies only to the Light v3 template.
[+] Added theme settings "Product Lists → Settings for "Small Items" product list view: Number of lines in the product name, Show product code (Sku), Show availability status, Show quantity changer, Show "Add to Cart" button" for blocks with the "Small Items" product list template.
[+] Added a new field "User-defined CSS class" in the layout settings for pages. The User-defined CSS class is added to the [body] and allows developers to apply special styling to pages.

Functionality changes:
[*] The design for the content of blocks with the “Small Items” product list template has been changed.
[*] The design for the "Product Comparison" page has been changed.
[*] The design of the "Categories" block on the category pages has been changed.
[*] The design of the tabs has been changed.
[*] "Product bundles" add-on. The design for the "Product Bundles" block on the product page has been changed.
[*] Changed the position of SKU in product lists where the product code was displayed above the title. Now it is displayed below.
[*] All product page templates have been changed, adaptability and the position of some elements have been optimized.
[*] Improved adaptability of all product lists, compatibility with different mobile devices.
[*] Improved adaptability and smoothness of animation of the fixed header.
[*] Improved adaptability of elements of the "FLY menu" block on tablets.
[*] Improved adaptability and optimized operation of menus with the templates "AB: Horizontal drop-down list with icons" and "AB: Vertical drop-down list with icons".
[*] The design of the "Reviews" tab on the product page has been changed, and the ability to write a review has been added at the top of the list of reviews.
[*] On the category page, an icon has been added for the "Categories" block in the sticky panel on mobile devices.
[*] The display of "Quick product view" on tablets and mobile devices has been removed. It is available on PC only.
[*] The logo height limitation has been removed; now it depends on the header height (the height is adjusted in the color scheme settings).
[*] Lazy loading of the main content, filters and subscription block has been disabled, and the skeleton height setting for the specified blocks based on the theme and block settings has been removed.
[*] Improved adaptivity and animation of all dialog and pop-up windows.
[*] Improved adaptivity and style of wrappers of blocks “AB: Secondary block” and “AB: Secondary framed block”.

Bug fixes:
[!] On the product page a content of the window “Write a review” has been displayed blurring. Fixed.
[!] On the product page reward points and price in points have been displayed incorrect when they were displayed together. Fixed.
[!] On the product page the window of personal data agreement in a subscription form for notification has been displayed incorrect. Fixed.
[!] On the category page product list has been displayed incorrect when the theme setting “Allow for product lists” was disabled. Fixed.
[!] On the home page in the blocks with category banners the effect of increasing product cell has disappeared when the block setting “Use delayed loading of section” was enabled. Fixed.
[!] In product block with the template “AB: Grid (with button “Show more”)” and enabled section setting “Use delayed loading of section” the button “Show more” tweaked during the page loading. Fixed.
[!] In the banner block with the template “AB: Advanced banner” margin didn't apply from banner settings. Fixed.
[!] Flag and country code have been displayed in two lines in a block. Fixed.
[!] In product features recapitulated variants had suffix after comma. Fixed.
[!] Tabs on the editing profile page has been displayed incorrect. Fixed.
[!] In advanced banner the mask didn't cover a content fully when using a level of transparent 100%. Fixed.
[!] On the checkout page icons of payment cards could cover a content of pop-up windows. Fixed.
[!] Top sticky panel in the layout “Default” has been displayed incorrect on mobile devices. Fixed.
[!] On the wish list page products with selected options has been opened in a window without those selected options when the setting “Allow to select variations\options from lists” was enabled. Fixed.
[!] Content of section of tabs could not been loaded when switching, if the option “Use delayed loading of section” was enabled. Fixed.
[!] In the pop-up window “Product added to the cart” the button name “Add to cart” has been displayed blurring in some browsers when the window form was rounded. Fixed.
[!] In the product block with the template “Small items” status of the button “Add to cart” was not displayed when the setting “Display statuses for “Add to cart” button” was enabled. Fixed.
[!] On the product page “Sticky block with “Add to cart” button” has appeared only once after cache reset on mobile devices. Fixed.
[!] After adding the whole section with a block, the style of the top panel of the layout was displayed incorrect. Fixed.
[!] Arrows of outside navigation could cover a content of blocks nearby. Fixed.
[!] On the category page buttons of list type could fall outside the range of the screen on tablets in a portrait mode. Fixed.
[!] In product list with templates “АВ: Scroller advanced”, “АВ: Native scroller”, the button “Add to cart” was displayed at once when the theme setting “Display buttons when hovering over a product cell”. Fixed.
[!] Buttons “Add to wishlist” and “Add to comparison list” were displayed poor on mobile devices, if the product background was dark. The design of the buttons has been changed.
[!] On the cart page buttons of the main form were displayed incorrect when the add-on “AB: Quick order by phone” was enabled. Fixed.
[!] In a product block with the template “AB: Grid (with button “Show more”) a content of the page was jumping up before the page was loaded after clicking the button “Show more”. Fixed.
[!] On the product page there was a text “Reward points” when there were no reward points at the product. Fixed.
[!] On the posts page the block “Recent posts” has been displayed incorrect when there was a small height of the screen. Fixed.
[!] Blocks had no padding between if they were followed one by one, located in the same section and without any wrapper. Fixed.
[!] Affix in the price filter could be displayed beyond the block framework. Fixed.
[!] Literal symbol of the currency could be displayed beyond the block framework in the price filter. Fixed.
[!] On the comparison page feature name could be displayed beyond the table framework. Fixed.
[!] Menu in the block “Fly menu” could fail to work on tablets with the setting of page display as desktop. Fixed.
[!] In product lists when using a gallery of product images, thumbnails could be located not horizontal on center on mobile devices. Fixed.
[!] Error occurred when cloning and saving Malachite color scheme. Fixed.
[!] Color scheme setting “Use elements alignment” didn't work for the product lists template “Grid”. Fixed.
[!] In product lists with the templates “Grid” and “АВ: Grid (with button “Show more”)” the cell height was changing if price per unit was displayed at a product. Fixed.
[!] All known bugs combined with a design in RTL languages were fixed.

v4.18.1.a from 24 April 2024

New features and improvements:
[+] Added compatibility with CS-Cart 4.18.1.

v4.17.2.d from 22 March 2024

Functionality changes:
[*] Where there were several pick-up points in one city (shipping method "Pick up from store") the order could not be placed. Fixed

v4.17.2.c from 22 March 2024

Functionality changes:
[*] In the blocks for the "AB: Skeleton Settings", the order of fields by devices has been changed.
[*] In the product list with the "Grid" template, the transformation for adaptiveness of the image inside the cell has been changed.

Bug fixes:
[!] On the "Checkout" page, for the "Nova Poshta" delivery method with the "Display as dropdown" setting inactive, the delivery elements were not displayed. Fixed.
[!] On the "Checkout" page, in the payment methods, the message about the empty CVV/CVC field was displayed outside the field boundaries. Fixed.
[!] On the product page, in the "List of all variations" window, when hovering over the quantity selection field, the "Add to Cart" button was overlapped. Fixed.
[!] On the product page, the "Write a review" window could appear blurred when clicking outside the text fields. Fixed.
[!] On the product page, the bottom sticky panel overlapped part of the website's footer on mobile devices. Fixed.
[!] On the product page, in the review sorting list window, markers were displayed for list items. Fixed.
[!] In the product list with the "List without options" template, there was no space between the rating and the product code. Fixed.
[!] In the menu with the "AB: Horizontal Dropdown List with Icons" template, in some color schemes, the first-level menu items without sublevels were displayed in the wrong color. Fixed.
[!] On the order information page, the "Start Conversation" button's design differed from other buttons. Fixed.

v4.17.2.b from 22 March 2024

Release video:

Do you wish to make update without any problems and ensure the result?
Use the help of AB team to support your on-line store in the actual state.

Service - theme update

Service - extended support

New features and improvements:
[+] In the blocks, a setting "AB: Skeleton settings" has been added. The setting allows to specify the "Skeleton" block height for each device individually. The setting is applied to blocks loaded in sections with the "Use delayed loading of section" setting enabled.

For more detailes, please, refer to the documentation.

[+] In the theme settings in the "General" tab, a new section "Skeleton settings" has been added. It allows to set the skeleton height for each block type. These settings will be applied when loading a block in sections with the "Use delayed loading of section" option enabled, provided that specific sizes are not set for the particular block.

For more detailes, please, refer to the documentation.

[+] In the "AВ: Block: Title" template, new settings have been added: AB: Title centered, AB: Decorate title with a stripe, AВ: Title size, AB: Decrease title contrast. This block template allows to create decorated titles above the content.

For more detailes, please, refer to the documentation.

[+] New settings have been added to the "Scroller" product block template: "AB: Number of Items (small laptop)", "AB: Number of Items (tablet)", "AB: Number of Items (mobile)". It allows to specify the number of products displayed on different devices.

For more detailes, please, refer to the documentation.

[+] In the "Small Items" product list template, a new setting "AB: Thumbnail width" has been added. This setting allows to set the size of the product icon in the list.

For more detailes, please, refer to the documentation.

[+] In the "Banner" block, a new template "AB: Advanced banner (multiple banners in row)" has been added. The template allows to display several banners in a row with different types of navigation. For the "Native scroller" navigation, the setting "Minimal banner width" can be used, which maintains proportions of the banner and
prevents the banner content from transforming.

For more detailes, please, refer to the documentation.

[+] In the banners with the template "AB: Advanced banners," presets have been added to the field "Banner title settings → Banner title" . These presets help to style the banner title in a non-standard way (details in the documentation).

For more detailes, please, refer to the documentation.

[+] In the banners with the template "AB: Advanced banners", presets of unique classes have been added to the "User CSS class" fieldю Presets change the basic parameters of banner elements (details in the documentation).

For more detailes, please, refer to the documentation.

[+] In banners with the "AB: Advanced banners" template, the step for the "Mask Opacity Level" setting has been changed: now it ranges from 5 to 100%.
[+] In banners with the template "AB: Advanced banners" , the field "Displayed Object → YouTube Video" allows to specify not only the identifier of the video but the full video link as well. The new block with video previewer has been added.

For more detailes, please, refer to the documentation.

[+] In the banners with the template "AB: Advanced Banners", a setting has been added for the section "Images → Vertical position of images".

For more detailes, please, refer to the documentation.

[+] In banners with the "AB: Advanced Banners" template, a new setting has been added to "Banner button settings → Button Style: Standard, Outline, Text".

For more detailes, please, refer to the documentation.

[+] In the banners with the "AB: Advanced banners" template, a new value "Semitransparent (smooth dimming)" has been added to the setting "Add mask".

For more detailes, please, refer to the documentation.

[+] A new theme setting "Bottom sticky panel → Display block with contacts for the "Contact us" element" has been added. The setting allows to display a contact block with a manual filling in the bottom sticky panel.

For more detailes, please, refer to the documentation.

[+] In the color scheme settings, the new settings have been added: "Bottom sticky panel: background color" and "Bottom sticky panel: icons color".

For more detailes, please, refer to the documentation.

[+] Added new color schemes "Orange" and "Malachite".
[+] New adaptive structures have been added to the layouts for combined placement of product blocks and banners.

For more detailes, please, refer to the documentation.

Functionality changes:
[*] Made changes in color scheme files. If you have used the basic color scheme, we recommend cloning the color scheme with a personal name to preserve your colors and settings.
[*] The design for the "Cart" page has been changed.
[*] The design of the elements of blog pages has been changed.
[*] The placement of the button "Delete" has been changed on the "Wish list content" page.
[*] The design for the product lists "Grid", "List without options", "Compact list", "Scroller", "Small items" has been changed: product cell borders, paddings between elements.
[*] In banners with the "AB: Advanced banners" template, the responsiveness of banner elements has been improved.
[*] Added ability to display the menu block with the template "AB: Horizontal dropdown list with icons" on mobile devices (only first-level links are displayed).

For more detailes, please, refer to the documentation.

[*] In the layouts, in the section settings new margin variants have been added for the "Padding" option.

For more detailes, please, refer to the documentation.

[*] The functionality of the section setting "Use delayed loading of section" has been changed. Now, this setting also applies to nested sections, whereas previously it only applied to direct blocks.

For more detailes, please, refer to the documentation.

[*] The theme setting "Microdata type" for the blog post has been removed. Going forward, the layout will be specified by the "AB: SEO for blogs" module.

For more detailes, please, refer to the documentation.

[*] "Product Bundles" add-on. The design of the elements on the page of all promotions has been changed, and bugs in the pop-up windows if the block with products from the bundle have been fixed.
[*] The width of scrollbar has been increased.

Bug fixes:
[!] In the Fixed layout icons in the header were located not in one line on mobile device with a small screen diagonal. Fixed.
[!] In the website footer, the menu links had excessive padding on the left side. Fixed.
[!] In the product list with the "List without options" template, variations were only displayed for products that had a description. Fixed.
[!] On the product page, when hovering over the product variation icons, the specified height in the settings was not considered in the replaced main image, leading to content jumps below the main image gallery. Fixed.
[!] In the blog articles block with the template "AB: Blog: Latest Posts", excessive filling options were displayed, leading to confusion in selecting the desired option. Fixed.
[!] The color scheme setting "Use alignment of elements in the product grid" did not disable alignment. Fixed.
[!] When using the "Swiper" image viewer, some window control elements were missing. Fixed.
[!] In some cases, the external navigation of the block overlapped the top sticky panel, fly-menu. Fixed.
[!] On the product page, the quantity modifier was not displayed for products with zero or negative quantities. Fixed.
[!] On the checkout page, pickup points were not displayed on mobile devices, and only partially on tablets. Fixed.
[!] On the checkout page, the entered payment details were deleted after applying a promo code. Fixed.
[!] A PHP error occurred when using disabled variations. Fixed.
[!] A large number of minor bugs in the layout have been fixed. CSS styles and some scripts have been optimized.
[!] Multi-vendor edition. There was no possibility to select shipping method on the checkout page, if one order contained products from different vendors. Fixed.

Layout changes:
[*] The content of the layouts has been changed: Home page, Products. The current version of all layouts is ult10. Update your layout pages is not mandatory, only if you need the new design.

v4.17.2.a from 11 December 2023

New features and improvements:
[+] Added compatibility with CS-Cart 4.17.2.

v4.17.1.c from 28 September 2023

New features and improvements:
[+] Added theme setting “General → Quick moving back” that adds functionality bfcache (cache to move back and forward). This is function of browser optimization that allows to move back and forward immediately on pages.
[+] Added theme setting “Settings for "Grid" product list view → Number of lines in the product name (values: 1, 2, 3, 4)". The setting allows to display a specified number of lines (1-4) in product name on the page of the product list with the template “Grid”.
[+] Added a new block "AB: Block: Contacts (manual filling)”. Block allows to fill contact information multilingually: phone number 1-5, business hours of the store, e-mail, address.
[+] Added display product availability in the window of variation selection on the product list page.

Functionality changes:
[*] Changed style of blog pages.
[*] Changed style of elements of the block “Reviews / News” with the templates “Blog: recent posts scroller” and “AB: Blog: Recent posts”.
[*] Changed paddings for titles, lists and tables in the content description. Added frame for cells at the tables.
[*] Scripts and theme styles have been actualized as well as load reduction CPU.
[*] Actualized icons of social network services.

Bug fixes:
[!] Caching didn't allow to mark an actual link of the menu in the block “Quick links” in the website header in some cases. Fixed.
[!] There was a padding on the right hand in the field of phone when the field of country selection has been absent on the checkout page. Fixed.
[!] Crash of the storefront has occurred on the product list page with the template “List without options”, when the setting “Settings → Icons → Products list (category, search, etc) thumbnail height” was empty Fixed.
[!] In the menu with template “AB: Vertical dropdown list with icons” elements of the first level were not clickable on iOS of the last version on mobile devices. Fixed.
[!] Panel with the buttons “Filters” and “Categories” has covered an opened “Fly menu” when the theme setting “Display Top sticky panel” was active on mobile devices. Fixed.
[!] In the menu with template “AB: Vertical dropdown list with icons” there was a link/button “All categories” for menu items without a link on mobile devices. Fixed.
[!] In the menu with template “AB: Vertical dropdown list with icons” and “AB: Horizontal dropdown list with icons” all known bugs have been fixed in column filling. Fixed.
[!] On the category page with the template “Grid”, sorting window has been covered when clicking at sorting and hovering on the product. Fixed.
[!] On the product page heavy font has been returned for a product price on mobile devices.
[!] On the article page blocks with products, located in the article, have not been styled according to the specified color scheme settings. Fixed.
[!] In the block with the template “Blog: recent posts scroller” there was an effect of horizontal scroll of the page when there were navigation arrows in the block on mobile devices. Fixed.
[!] On the search results page in the product filters, the shading stripe of the hidden content above the button “Show more” has been moved together with the content when scrolling a content. Fixed.
[!] In the header of the website, pop-up windows of blocks (menu, currencies, languages) could be displayed beyond the screen framework on mobile devices. Fixed.
[!] On the category page navigation arrows of product gallery have been displayed not in the center on RTL languages. Fixed.
[!] If there were both menu types (vertical and horizontal) on the page, the setting “AB: Minimum height for the menu” has been applied only from the block, located below in the layout. Fixed.
[!] On the checkout page in the shipping block, information has not been changed when shifting index. Fixed.
[!] In the header of the website, disclosured block “AB: Contacts” has not been rolled up when opening the window of the block “Fly menu”. Fixed.
[!] State of the elements, that was saved in cookies, has not been counted when displaying product filters. Fixed.
[!] On the category page selector of the number of products has been located far from selector of sorting when only one product list was used. Fixed.
[!] Animation of a delayed loading of section has been displayed not in the center on mobile devices. Fixed.
[!] On Home page grid of banners has been displayed incorrect, if the setting “AB: UniTheme2: Additional settings → Full width: Extended/ Full view” has been chosen in the settings of the parental section. Fixed.
[!] On the comparison page product list has covered a header of the website when there was a vertical scroll. Fixed.

v4.17.1.b from 06 September 2023

Bug fixes:
[!] When the add-on call_request was deleted or absent, the storefront was not working. Fixed.

v4.17.1.a from 06 September 2023

New features and improvements:
[+] Added compatibility with CS-Cart 4.17.1.
[+] On the pages “By default” and “Checkout” added a new block "АВ: Contacts” instead of the block “Request call”.

Functionality changes:
[*] Added header and icon (X) to close a window for pop-up windows “Sort by” and “Items per page”.

Bug fixes:
[!] In the Advanced banners position, width and height of the content has been determined incorrectly at some setting combinations. Fixed.
[!] Full rounding has not been applied for the button “Request call” in the block “Request call/ Contacts” when the theme setting “Round corners for interface elements: Fully rounded” was active. Fixed.
[!] Full rounding has not been applied for the button “Checkout” on the checkout page when the theme setting “Round corners for interface elements: Fully rounded” was active. Fixed.
[!] On the product page with the template “AB: Three-columned” the link “Write a review” has changed its position when hovering mouse pointer. Fixed.
[!] Phantom arrow has appeared in the block of language selection (if there are 2 or more languages) for a fraction of an instant and then disappeared. Fixed.
[!] On the category page, phantom arrow has appeared when opening the window “Sort by” for a fraction of an instand and then disappeared. Fixed.
[!] In the menu with the template "AB: Vertical dropdown list with icon" an empty submenu has been displayed when there were no subitems in the first level menu. Fixed for compact view only.

Layout changes:
[*] On the pages “By default” and “Checkout” added a new block "АВ: Contacts” instead of the block “Request call”. To update the existing layout you should create a new block with the type “Template” and choose the template “AB: Block: Contacts” on the mentioned above pages. Deprecated block “Request call” should be deleted as it is incompatible with CS=Cart 4.17.1!

v4.16.2.d from 03 August 2023

Bug fixes:
[!] On the checkout page, with the "Settings: General → Allow users to create multiple profiles for one account" setting, the fields from the "Delivery" block were not displayed. Corrected.
[!] In the menu block with templates "AB: Horizontal dropdown list with icons" and "AB: Vertical dropdown list with icons" with a two-level structure (without a third level), menu items with icons were displayed in one column, regardless of the value of "AB: Maximum columns count in the row" specified in the block settings. Corrected.
[!] Add-on "Banners". For banners "AB: UniTheme2: Advanced banners" the content was not centred vertically. Corrected.
[!] In the list of products with the "Grid" template, product images were cut off if the size of the images was specified in the settings larger than the visible area in the product cell. Corrected.
[!] Add-on "Social buttons". On a product page with the "AB: Three-columned" template, the "Share" button dropdown box was overlapped by neighbouring elements. Corrected.

v4.16.2.c from 03 August 2023

Add-on "Video gallery" is required to be updated to version 3.5.0.

New features and improvements:
[+] Added a new theme setting “General → Padding from the screen bottom to start loading the section with delayed loading, px”.
[+] Added display of the brand logo to Quick product viewer.
[+] The setting “Number of displayed images of the product gallery” is added for each template of the detailed product card (page “Theme settings → “Product” tab”).
[+] Added header and icon to close pop-up windows of the blocks "Cart" and "Account".

Functionality changes:
[*] Changed style of navigation elements in Advanced banners.
[*] In the category a quantity modifier in the pop-up window of selection of the options or variations now depends on the theme setting “Product → Show quantity changer”, when the theme setting “Product lists → Allow to select variations\options from lists” is active.
[*] In product block icon of availability statuses “Out of stock” and “Buy in advance” has been removed.
[*] Improved style and adaptivity of the menu elements with the template “AB: Vertical dropdown list with icons” and “AB: Horizontal dropdown list with icons”.
[*] On the cart page quantity changer of a product has been centered according to the elements nearby.
[*] In product lists text “Reviews (n)” has been done as a link that transfers to the reviews of the corresponding product.
[*] Changed the mode of menu cache. Highlighting of the active menu has been removed from Smarty to Javascript.
[*] On the page “Wish list products” empty cells are hidden now, if there is at least one product in the list.
[*] Improved image quality in the block “Reviews / News” with the template “AB: Blog: Recent posts”.
[*] In the templates of the product page, location of the elements "Share", "Brand" and product rating has been changed.

Bug fixes:
[!] On the product page brand logo could cover a content nearby in some cases. Fixed.
[!] On the category page in the block “Horizontal filters”, a price could be displayed beyond the screen framework in the filter of price. Fixed.
[!] RTL languages. On the product page the padding has been missed between text and feature icon of color. Fixed.
[!] On the product page in the block of variations selection, the last variation that was moved to a new line, has been displayed wider than the others. Fixed.
[!] In the banner block with the template “AB: Advanced banner (Carousel)” numbers of pages have not been displayed in pagination when selecting the pagination “Pages”. Fixed.
[!] In the pop-up window “Add to cart” tooltip for product variation has been displayed in the background. Fixed.
[!] On the product page icon of the option description has been displayed in a new line on mobile devices. Fixed.
[!] On the product page with the template “AB: Three-columned” price in points has been displayed not in one line. Fixed.
[!] In the top panel in the block “Quick links”, some links has not been displayed in drop-down window by click on mobile devices. Fixed.
[!] On the product page there was a scrollbar of content for no-purpose tab when the tabs were switched in “accordion” mode on mobile devices. Fixed.
[!] In Advanced banners the mask has not been applied with a video background. Fixed.
[!] In the banner block with the template “AB: Advanced banner (Carousel)” rounding has been applied to the block instead of the banner itself and straight corners could be seen when scrolling banners in the block when the setting “Round corners for blocks, windows, banners” was active. Fixed.
[!] In the menu with template “AB: Vertical dropdown list with icons” subsections from the first menu item has been displayed when hovering mouse pointer over the menu item without daughter elements. Fixed.
[!] Tooltip has been moved together with the main page content when scrolling. Fixed.
[!] In the menu block some subsections could not be shown in the menu of the second level, when “HTML-content” with a bottom location was used. Fixed.
[!] In the menu block with the template “AB: Vertical dropdown list with icons” focus has been lost when hovering mouse pointer over the scrollbar area of the first menu level. Fixed.
[!] In the menu block with templates “AB: Vertical dropdown list with icons” and “AB: Horizontal dropdown list with icons” some menu items have been cut incompletely when there was a limit of sublevels view. Fixed.
[!] In the menu block with the template “AB: Vertical dropdown list with icons” in 3-level menu there was a deformation of the whole column when hovering mouse pointer over menu items without daughter elements. Fixed.
[!] Crash of the website has occurred when adding a product to the wishlist and log out from account. Fixed.
[!] In the Advanced banner there were a lot of empty spaces in the content block when the content has been located in horizontal position on the left side, regardless of mask type. Fixed.
[!] Button status “Compare” has not been changed when adding a product to compare list after changing the product option. Fixed.
[!] Block nearby could jump when loading the page and the section setting “Use delayed loading of section” was active. Fixed.
[!] Long category names have been displayed beyond the block framework in the block “Subcategories”. Fixed.
[!] In product block with the template “AB: Light scroller” products without images had different height. Fixed.
[!] Javascript error could occur on the pages with product blocks that used delayed loading. Fixed.
[!] On the checkout page the padding above title has been missed in the block “Order Total”. Fixed.
[!] Drop-down menu of sorting has been displayed beyond the framework in the block “Reviews”. Fixed.
[!] There was a different style of the block “Request call” in the website header and bottom sticky panel. Fixed.
[!] Window of the block “Request call” has been covered when hovering mouse pointer over items nearby in the horizontal menu. Fixed.
[!] In the bottom sticky panel language variable of the item “Link to Home Page” has been missed on mobile devices. Fixed.
[!] In FLY menu block of a banner has covered elements of menu sublevels on mobile devices.
[!] Pop-up window “Add to cart” with variations/ options has been displayed without scrollbar on mobile devices. Fixed.
[!] In the product list buttons “Quick product viewer”, “Add to wish list”, “Add to comparison list” have covered a brand logo when there was a sticker or discount. Fixed.
[!] On the product page with variations and template "AB: Big picture, flat", number of added products to the cart has been out of phase with the entered one. Fixed.
[!] On the category page long names of sorting and elements nearby could be malformed on mobile devices with a small screen size. Fixed.
[!] Active button "Add to wish list" could be shown incorrect in product lists when the setting "Display statuses for buttons "Add to wish list", "Add to comparison list" was active. Fixed.
[!] In the last version of Google Chrome (115.0.5790.110) storefront page has not been responding when tapping the elements of the bottom sticky panel on mobile devices. Fixed.

v4.16.2.b from 07 Jule 2023

Release video:

Attention! We recommend to update used layouts of the theme.


Do you wish to make update without any problems and ensure the result? Use the help of AB team to support your on-line store in the actual state.


Service - theme update

Discuss release, share your point of view, notify about error or suggest and improvement you can on our forum !

New features and improvements:
[+] For blocks with a type “Banner” and a template “AB: Advanced banner” added a new setting “Height (for smartphones)”. The setting allows to manage the block height of a banner on mobile devices.
[+] In settings “АВ: Advanced banner” added a new option for the setting “Additional banner settings → Add mask: Semitransparent (blurred)”. The setting makes blurring for a banner background under the mask.
[+] In settings “АВ: Advanced banner” added a new setting “Additional banner settings → Mask position: Under content only (full height)”.
[+] Added a new setting "Compact display view" that can be used in the menu with the template "AB: Vertical dropdown list with icons" only. Functionality of the menu allows to show a compact view of the menu.
[+] Added a new setting "AB: Maximum columns count in the row: 1" in the menu with templates "AB: Horizontal dropdown list with icons" and "AB: Vertical dropdown list with icons", that allows to display one column of the menu.
[+] Added a new block type "AB: Open onclick-dropdown list". The block displays a button that opens a chosen in the settings block with the wrapper "Onclick-dropdown" or "AB: Onclick-dropdown (external allocation)".
[+] Setting of the section “Display on” now works in the same manner as at blocks - section and all its blocks are totally cut from the page code for unselected devices instead of being hiding with styles.
[+] Added animation and improved style for pop-up windows and dropdown lists.
[+] Added new icons.

Functionality changes:
[*] For the menu with the template “AB: Vertical dropdown list with icons” window style and logic of sublevels display has been changed. It is an absolutely new style for mobile devices. Update of the used layout is required.
[*] In the settings of menu blocks with the templates “AB: Vertical dropdown list with icons”, “AB: Horizontal dropdown list with icons” and “AB: FLY menu” the setting “AB: Use Ajax-loading for menu items (second level and behind it)” has been removed.
[*] In the theme settings, in the tab “Product lists” in the main settings, the setting “Show product mini icons gallery in the product list” has been removed.
[*] In the theme settings, added a new setting “Show standard image gallery” to “Settings for "Grid list" product list view” and “Settings for "List without options" product list view”. Setting variants are available: Do not display, Dots navigation, Arrows navigation. The setting is available for all devices.
[*] Updated all color schemes, changed some basic fonts and colors.
[*] Improved adaptivity for the template of product list “AB: Light scroller”.
[*] Improved adaptivity, style and animation of the bottom sticky panel and the panel with the button “Add to cart”.
[*] Improved adaptivity of the theme for Tablets and portrait mode of phones.
[*] Changed animation for color scheme setting “Containers → Use animation effect for non empty cart”.
[*] Changed a content of the block “Request call”.

Bug fixes:
[!] "Buy Together” add-on. On the product page, symbols (+)(=) has been located not in one line in the block. Fixed.
[!] In product block with the template “Grid”, “AB: Grid (with button “Show more”), long feature names of products have been displayed not in one line. Fixed.
[!] On the product page js error has occurred in the text editing mode. Fixed.
[!] In the block “Request call” fields were displayed not in one line on mobile devices. Fixed.
[!] Information messages were display semitransparent in the quick product viewer. Fixed.
[!] In product block with the template “АВ: Scroller advanced”, container height has been changing when one product only has been displayed in the block and when hovering mouse pointer over the product. Fixed.
[!] When creating a new block with the type “Main”, product features or short description of the product could not be shown in product lists. Fixed.
[!] Page could fail to respond in some cases when showing the block in the section with an active setting “View of blocks in tabs: In tabs with delayed loading”. Fixed.
[!] Search of products with filters has been working incorrect. Fixed.
[!] On the product page, in product features, pop-up window with feature description had incorrect adaptivity in some cases. Fixed.
[!] In product lists with the templates “Grid” and “AB: Grid (with button “Show more”), dots were displayed not in one line at product features on mobile devices. Fixed.
[!] In the pop-up window of the block “Cart”, rounding for corners has been applied over the whole area of the window on mobile devices. Fixed.
[!] In product lists with the templates “Grid” and “AB: Scroller advanced”, “AB: Grid (with button “Show more”)”, status “Out of stock” has not been displayed. Fixed.
[!] In product lists with the templates “Grid”, “AB: Scroller advanced” and “AB: Grid (with button “Show more”)” at a product without price and active setting “Zero price action:
Ask customer to enter the price”, cell height of a product has been higher that caused a deformation of the while row of products. Fixed.
[!] On the checkout page message about incorrect filling of phone number has been displayed on the same line with the field that caused a deformation of fields nearby. Fixed.
[!] In some color schemes text and icons of the button “Add to cart” were displayed with a white color on the white background when the setting “Color scheme settings → General → Buttons → Style “Use border only” was active. Fixed.
[!] In product lists with the template “Grid” product columns have been displayed incorrect when the setting option “Theme settings → “Show more” tab → Allow for product lists” was disabled on mobile devices. Fixed.
[!] On the product page fixed block with the button “Add to cart” has not been displayed when the theme setting “Theme settings → “General” tab → Bottom sticky panel” was disabled. Fixed.
[!] Temporary deformation of height as been occurred in the gallery block when loading a product page. Fixed.
[!] In product list with the template “Grid”, variations and features with long names were displayed incomplete on mobile devices. Fixed.
[!] On the checkout page field name of promo code has not been displayed. Fixed.
[!] On the checkout page header of the mandatory fields has been displayed on the bottom, if the field has been filled incorrect. Fixed.
[!] PHP Warning has occurred after placing the order when the theme setting “Theme settings → “Product lists” tab → Display statuses for “Add to cart” button” was enabled. Fixed.
[!] On the product page list of available shipping methods have not been loaded when changing a city. Fixed.
[!] In some cases Fly menu has been displayed with the fractal used styles in a full screen when loading a page without cache. Fixed.
[!] In the banners with the template “AB: Advanced banner (Carousel)” and navigation “Dots”, the page content has been displaced vertically when loading a page. Fixed.
[!] In product list “List without options” image height have not been limited when displaying a gallery. Fixed.
[!] On the category page horizontal filters have occurred script error on Tablet devices. Fixed.
[!] On the category page there was an ability to open several horizontal filters at once on mobile devices. Fixed.
[!] Agreement for user data has not been displayed in the pop-up window “Buy now with 1-click” on mobile devices. Fixed.
[!] Many fixes for theme elements on RTL language.

Layout changes:
[*] Added menu block “Categories” in the header of the layout “Light”. Changed a content of the block “Request call”.
[*] Changed a content of the block “Request call” in the header of the layout “Light v2”.
[*] In the layout “Fixed” on Home page added a new block “Main menu (open)”, removed header for Home page (inherits from a general one), added new classes in sections for Home page. Changed a content of the block “Request call”. Update of the used layout is required.
[*] Changed a content of the block “Request call” in the header of the layout “Advanced”.
[*] Changed a content of the block “Request call” in the header of the layout “Default”.

v4.16.2.a from 05 April 2023

New features and improvements:
[+] Added compatibility with CS-Cart 4.16.2.

v4.16.1.d from 30 March 2023

Bug fixes:
[!] "AB: Stickers" add-on. On the storefront on the product page, stickers as pictograms could be not displayed. Fixed!

v4.16.1.c from 30 March 2023

Release video:

New features and improvements:
[+] Added a new template for a product page "АВ: Gallery”. The template allows to display a main image of product gallery on full width of the layout. Also it allows to display several images of a gallery at once when using the theme settings “Number of displayed images of the product gallery”.
[+] Added a new theme setting “Product → Number of displayed images of the product gallery”. The setting allows to display several product images at once (it is recommended to use with the product template “AB: Gallery”).
[+] Added a new color scheme setting in the tab “Product → Add border for product images”. The setting adds a frame for the main image of product gallery.
[+] Added a new color scheme setting in the tab “Product → Add background/mask for product images”. The setting adds a light gray background for the main image of product gallery.
[+] Added a new color scheme setting in the tab “Product lists → Add background/mask for product images”. The setting adds a light gray background for product images in the main product lists.

Functionality changes:
[*] In the block “My account”, in the window of authorization, location of the button “Sign in” has been changed - now the button is located on the right side.
[*] On the product page feature values with checkboxes were located on the same level as simple feature values when the settings “Show features in two columns” and “Enable search of similar products in the category” were active. Style has been changed.
[*] In product lists icon of availability status “In stock” has been changed.
[*] Icon “View Comparison list” has been changed in the header of website.
[*] Removed the theme setting "Product lists → Settings for "Grid" product list view → Minimum height for product cell, px". Now height for the product cell is calculated automatically independent of its location.

Bug fixes:
[!] Brand logo could be rounded along the outline in product list with the template “Grid” at some combinations of settings. Fixed.
[!] In the FLY menu in the blocks “FLY: Languages” and “FLY: Currencies” test signs have not been displayed. Fixed.
[!] On the category page a panel with buttons “Categories” and “Filters” have been malformed when loading the page on mobile devices. Fixed.
[!] On the product page feature prefix has been located before the checkbox “Find similar” instead of being located after the checkbox. Fixed.
[!] In the category description (and other blocks with HTML) bottom padding has been absent in lists. Fixed.
[!] In product lists with the template “Compact list” the gear icon on the button “Add to cart” at products with variations has differed from the basic style. Fixed.
[!] In product lists with the template "Grid" there was a displacement of a low row of products if hover a mouse pointer on the product cell when loading a page. Fixed.
[!] In banners "AB: Advanced banners" a background video has not been displayed if the banner was located not in the block "Main banner". Fixed.

v4.16.1.b from 08 February 2023

Release video:

New features and improvements:
[+] Added theme setting “Product lists → Display statuses for “Add to cart” button: Icon, Number of products”. The setting allows to display a condition (icon or number) of the added product to the cart at all product lists and blocks where the button “Add to cart” is specified.
[+] Added theme setting “Product lists → Display statuses for buttons “Add to wish list”, “Add to comparison list”. The setting allows to display a condition of the added product to wish list or comparison list at all product lists and blocks where the buttons are specified.
[+] Added theme setting “Product lists → Show “Add to wish list” button”. The setting allows to display the button “Add to wish list” at all product lists (as well as blocks, where the button is specified).
[+] Added theme setting “Product lists → Show “Add to comparison list” button”. The setting allows to display the button “Add to comparison list” at all product lists (as well as blocks, where the button is specified).
[+] Added theme setting “Product lists → Display buttons "Quick view, Add to wish list, Add to comparison list" when hovering over a product cell”.

Functionality changes:
[*] Changed logic of view of product lists and blocks with the template “Grid”, “AB: Grid (with button “Show more”)”, “AB: Light scroller”, “AB: Scroller advanced”. A new logic allows to display product images correctly in adaptivity. Now images can be adapted proportionally.
[*] In theme settings “Product lists → Settings for "Compact list" product list view” have been removed the settings “Show “Add to wish list” button, Show "Add to comparison list" button”. Now there are global theme settings “Theme settings → Show “Add to wish list” button, Show "Add to comparison list" button” and CS-Cart settings “Settings → Appearance → Enable quick view”.

Bug fixes:
[!] In product block with the template “Scroller”, if the thumbnail width were not specified in block settings, thumbnails were displayed in a basic size. Fixed, now the thumbnail size is taken from the CS-Cart setting “Settings → Thumbnails → Products list thumbnail width, Products list thumbnail height”.
[!] On the wish list page, there was missed in stock status at products. Fixed.

v4.16.1.a from 03 February 2023

New features and improvements:
[+] Added compatibility with CS-Cart 4.16.1.

Layout changes:
[*] Updated all layouts to the version ULT8.

v4.15.2.g from 27 January 2023

Bug fixes:
[!] When using the wrapper of the block "AB: Onclick-dropdown (external allocation)" and active randomizing, buttons "Filters", "Categories" have not opened the block content on mobile devices. Fixed

v4.15.2.f from 27 January 2023

New features and improvements:
[+] Added a new wrapper for the block "АВ: Onclick-dropdown (external allocation)”. The wrapper is used for mobile devices only and allows to display a content in the pop-up window by clicking on the button. This wrapper helps to display a content correctly for all mobile devices in consequence of content allocation. There is no more conflicts with navigation panels of the browsers (panels could cover an information content).

Functionality changes:
[*] Added half coloration for the star of a common rating that depends on the sum of valuation (available when the theme setting “Product lists → Display common value of product rating” is active).
[*] On the product page added highlighting of the active variation of the product out of stock, if the setting “Track quantity: No” is active or when the setting “Out of stock actions: Buy in advance” is active.
[*] Added common style for elements “postfix” for feature values and filters.
[*] In the “Advanced” layout with expanded view added adaptive “scrollbar” that allows to use a large menu structure ( a large number of elements of the first level) at the small screen resolutions.
[*] Added header to the “Cart” block.

Bug fixes:
[!] Navigation breadcrumbs of the browser (Chrome, Safari) could cover a part of information content when displaying the window of filters on Iphone mobile devices. Fixed. To bring the fix into force you shall select a new type of the wrapper “AB: Onclick-dropdown (external allocation)” on the pages "Categories", "Search results", "Features" and "AB: Promotion" in the blocks “Categories”, “Filters” (for mobile devices) or upgrade the layout of the specified pages.
[!] On the checkout page information about used promotion for the cart has not been displayed (before the page reload), if the promotion has been used as conditions change (shipping, payments, number of products etc.) on the very page. Fixed.
[!] On the product page combination of settings “Show product brand information - Show name of the product brand” and “Brand logo link behavior - The link leads to brand page” has transferred to the category page with a filter instead of the brand page. Fixed.
[!] In product lists with the template “Grid” control elements “arrows” have not been displayed in the image gallery when the theme setting “Show product mini icons gallery in the product list” was active and the setting “Switch product image when hovering mouse pointer” was disabled. Fixed.
[!] On the category page product filters have been reset when changing the language. Fixed.
[!] In the notification windows (warnings) block shadow has been cut and had no smooth transition. Fixed.
[!] For some notification windows information content of the window could be without background color. Fixed.
[!] On the product page block with the message “Notify me when this product is back in stock” has disappeared after a lapse of time. Fixed.
[!] On the pages “Cart” and “Checkout” information about added gift certificate has been displayed askew. Fixed.
[!] There was no padding between header and content in the price filter in the block “Horizontal filters” on mobile devices. Fixed.
[!] On the category page with the template “List without options” quantity modifier has not been displayed when the setting “Product lists → Show product options” was disabled. Fixed.
[!] On the checkout page, total product cost with taxes has been displayed incorrect, if the product price didn't include a tax. Fixed.
[!] Some small bugs have been fixed for a style when using RTL languages.

Layout changes:
[*] On the pages "Categories", "Search results", "Features" and "AB: Promotion" changed the wrapper on "AB: Onclick-dropdown (external allocation)” for blocks “Categories” and “Filters” for mobile devices. Actual index of layouts is ult8.

v4.15.2.e from 26 December 2022

Release video:

New features and improvements:
[+] Added style for the filter block with the template “Horizontal filters”.
[+] In theme settings added a new setting “Use alternative tooltip style for mobile devices” (Theme settings → "General" tab) that allows to display tooltips in a separate pop-up window on mobile devices.
[+] In theme settings added a new setting “Display name for elements in the panel” (Theme settings → "General" tab) in the bottom sticky panel. The setting allows to display or hide element names in the bottom sticky panel.
[+] In theme settings added a new setting “Display common value of product rating" (Theme settings → "Product lists" tab) that allows to display common value of product rating and changes the view of product rating stars.
[+] Added a new setting to color scheme "Round corners of blocks, windows, banners" (Theme settings → "General" tab). The rounding radius depends on the value of the "Round corners for interface elements" setting.

Functionality changes:
[*] Updated files of “color schemes”, added a new variable for a new theme setting “Round corners of blocks, windows, banners”.
[*] Improved style of the modal windows, added rounding for corners when color scheme settings such as “Round corners for interface elements” and “Round corners for blocks”.
[*] Adapted theme design when using other fonts (Theme editor → Fonts). On mobile devices font sizes are being increased automatically to improve legibility.

Bug fixes:
[!] There was an error at the font preload "alsrubl-arial-regular.woff". This unused font has been removed as CS-Cart uses a new output of ruble symbol.
[!] In product block with the template “AB: Grid (with button “Show more”)” sorting of products has not been counted when the manual filling has been selected. Fixed.
[!] On the checkout page in the shipping methods shipping time has not been displayed during online calculation. Fixed.
[!] Starlets for product rating have been displayed on center instead of align left in the block “Deal of the day” on RTL language. Fixed.
[!] On the product page field of the form “Notify me when this product is back in stock” has been displayed beyond the block. Fixed.
[!] On the Home page in the block “AB: Subscribe” the button “Send” could disappear when clicking on the field “E-mail”. Fixed.
[!] In the block “AB: Fly menu” menu item without a link has transfered to Home page. Fixed.

v4.15.2.d from 21 November 2022

Functionality changes:
[*] Improved adaptivity of elements on the page “Feature comparison”.
[*] In the block of breadcrumbs visual limit of full product name has been removed on PC.
[*] Updated files of "color scheme", added variables that were lacked.
[*] Removed mechanism of inversion coloration of icons in the main menu with the template "AB: Horizontal dropdown list with icons". Loaded icons will be displayed without color modificators.

Bug fixes:
[!] Critical bug! In Safari browser images were not working, work of scripts has been offended. Fixed.
[!] In the top panel, in the block “Quick links”, menu links have been located not in one line on mobile devices. Fixed.
[!] In the “Bottom sticky panel” in the block “Contacts” phone numbers, addresses, mail were not visible when using color scheme with a dark color of header on mobile devices. Fixed.

Layout changes:
[*] “AB: Extended promotions” add-on. At all theme layouts, page “АВ: Promotions” has been updated with a new functionality that is available at the “AB: Extended promotions” add-on v3.10.0. Layout update is not required for this changing as you can update the page manually (the process is described in documentation of the add-on).

v4.15.2.c from 10 November 2022

New features and improvements:
[+] Added a new element “Contact us” to the bottom sticky panel. This element allows to display a window with contact information and button “Request call”.
[+] Added a new view of pop-up windows for tooltips on mobile devices.

Functionality changes:
[*] In "AB: Fly menu” for block “FLY: Languages” added style for all view formats.
[*] In "AB: Fly menu” for block “FLY: Currencies” added style for all view formats.

Bug fixes:
[!] Template “Horizontal filters” has not been working in the block “Filters”. Fixed.
[!] On IPhone/iOS in the block “Product filters” buttons “Show (n) products” and “Reset” could be covered with a navigation panel of the browser. Changed logic of buttons view in the block.
[!] On IPhone/iOS horizontal scroll could appear in the bottom sticky panel when there was a large number of elements displayed. Limited a maximum number of elements at the panel (up to six).
[!] On the product page price has not been changed in the bottom sticky panel when the theme setting “Show sticky block Add to cart (only for mobile devices)” was enabled and when changing product options with an extra price. Fixed.
[!] In product lists button “Add to cart” has opened a new window without adding the product to the cart when the setting “Allow to select variations\options from lists” was enabled and if the product had an option with a price modificator with %. Fixed.
[!] On the account page “Orders” icons of actions were displayed incorrect when the layout size was 1,200 px. Fixed.
[!] RTL: In the block “Filters” at the filter “Price”, minimum price with a number of symbols more than 2 has been displayed incomplete. Fixed.
[!] Some of tooltips were not displayed on mobile devices. Fixed.
[!] In “FLY menu” block “FLY: Languages” languages links didn't use friendly URL. Fixed.
[!] “Hide the part of the content to needed height” add-on. Window mask has not covered all page elements when opening feature description. Fixed.
[!] “Extended comparison and wishlist” add-on. When the add-on “AB: Extended comparison and wishlist” was disabled, an error occured in the block “AB: Buttons Compare and Wishlist”. Fixed.
[!] On the checkout page text of the button “Apply” in the field for a promo code could be misplaced in some languages and the button color didn't correspond the text color on mobile devices with iOS. Fixed.
[!] When theme setting “Product → Show features in two columns” was active, units of measure in the feature didn't have a padding. Fixed.
[!] In the layout "UniTheme2 (Fixed)" blocks "Currencies" and "Languages" didn't switch their state when clicking on list items. Fixed.

v4.15.2.b from 25 October 2022

Bug fixes:
[!] IPhone/iOS 16. In the “Bottom sticky panel” opened windows has covered page content at some elements: cart and account. Fixed.
[!] IPhone/iOS. In the block “Subcategories” navigation panel of the browser on mobile devices could cover categories in the menu at the bottom when there were a large number of categories. Fixed.
[!] In the category page, in the block “Subcategories” token that specified appointed category has been displayed not on center. Fixed.
[!] In the window of Quick products viewer, windows “Compare” and “Wish list” have been displayed in the background. Fixed.
[!] Scrollbar has appeared in the breadcrumbs in Firefox browser on mobile devices. Fixed style and adaptivity.
[!] When the settings “Settings → Checkout → Allow shopping for unlogged customers: Hide the "Add to cart" button/ Hide price and the "Add to cart" button” were active, make-up has been displayed incorrect in product lists in the button block and price block. Fixed.
[!] Add-on “Social buttons”. On the product page window with social buttons has been displayed too far from the link “Share” on mobile devices. Fixed.
[!] "AB: Extended comparison and wishlist" add-on. When the add-on "AB: Extended comparison and wishlist" was disabled, block "AB: Buttons Compare and Wishlist" occured an error on the client's side. Fixed.
[!] In the "Fly menu" block, link "More" (that opens hidden menu items) has covered the last nonhidden menu items if this item was an active one. Fixed.
[!] Window of the block "Call request" has been covered with the menu items nearby when hovering a mouse pointer on it. Fixed.
[!] In the window "Request call" window with information about "agreement of my personal details " has been displayed in the background. Fixed.

v4.15.2.a from 25 October 2022

Functionality changes:
[*] Added compatibility with CS-Cart 4.15.2.

Bug fixes:
[!] On the category page block "Specify category" had no scroller when there was a large number of categories/subcategories on mobile devices. Fixed.
[!] When the theme setting "Colorscheme settings → Product list → Frame type of the product in the grid → Not framed" was active, category page with the template "Grid" has moved to the right side on mobile devices. Fixed.
[!] On the checkout page bottom sticky page has not been hidden on mobile devices. On the checkout page panel should not be displayed. Fixed.
[!] In the Fly-menu block, menu icon has been displayed not centered if the block has been displayed for Phones and Tablets only. Fixed.
[!] Administration panel has not been displayed on the storefront in some cases. Fixed
[!] When the "Bottom sticky panel" was active, horizontal scrollbar could occur when scrolling on mobile devices. Fixed.

v4.15.1.f from 21 October 2022

New features and improvements:
[+] Added compatibility with CS-Cart 4.15.1 SP3.
[+] At the theme settings in the tab “General”, added ability to specify the order for panel elements in the “Bottom sticky panel”.
[+] Added microdata of the search.
[+] In the product template “Big picture, flat”, added sizes (from platform settings) for gallery images.

Functionality changes:
[*] Improved security of blocks and sections loaded by AJAX.
[*] Setting page “Organization microdata” has been renamed to “Microdata”.
[*] At АВ: Advanced banners, display of titles has been changed when using a basic script taking into account different weight settings.
[*] Style of notification windows has been changed.
[*] Improved adaptivity, behavior and animation of all sticky (fixed) panels for all devices.
[*] Improved adaptivity of view if modal windows.

Bug fixes:
[!] On the checkout page, in the block “Your order”, crossed price has been counted incorrect. For example, when a product had options with an extra charge, Recommended retail price has been missed. Fixed.
[!] The gift certificate could not be added to the wish list. Fixed.
[!] A specified number of elements in the “Fly menu” block has not been fulfilled in the setting “AB: Number of visible elements of the 3-level menu”. Fixed.
[!] Title has been missed in the login field in Fly menu. Fixed.
[!] Products block with the template “AB: Grid (with button “Show more”) didn't update the counter of added products in cart when adding a product with option/variation to the cart. Fixed.
[!] In the block “Request call” in the button “Call request” had a clickable text instead of the whole zone. Fixed.
[!] In the block with the template “Products”, title of field for quantity selection has appeared that caused an incorrect display of the block with the button “Add to cart”. Fixed.
[!] When using the theme setting “Price format: Decimal value at the top/lower index”, currency symbol has been decreased with decimal values as well. Fixed.
[!] In the menu block whith a limit of number of displayed items, the link “More” could cover the last item (when changing a script or its size). Fixed.
[!] During the import or creation of the layout “Default ult7” make-up has been broken in the top of the website. Fixed.
[!] On IPhone/iOS. In the layouts "Light/ Light v2” icons on the top of the website has changed its location when clicking at the search icon. Fixed.
[!] In the product page with the template “Standard” images could be displayed beyond the screen framework in a gallery block if the width parameter was not specified for gallery images. Fixed.
[!] On the checkout page, client's bonuses and bonuses for a product have been displayed in one line. Fixed.
[!] On the checkout page, there was no ability to use bonuses (the button was not clickable). Fixed.

v4.15.1.e from 25 August 2022

Release video:

Discuss release, share your point of view, notify about error or suggest and improvement you can on our forum !


Attention! We recommend to update used layouts of the theme.


Do you wish to make update without any problems and ensure the result? Use the help of AB team to support your on-line store in the actual state.


Service - theme update

New features and improvements:
[+] Added a new style for the “Checkout” page (layout update is required to - ult7).
[+] On the layout page "Checkout" added new blocks with new templates:
* Block "Order summary" with the template "AB: Order summary";
* Block "AB: Promo code" with the template "AB: Promo code";
* Block "Your order" with the template "AB: Products in cart".
You need to update layouts if you wish to start working with the blocks rapidly.
[+] "Cities" add-on. At the add-on settings a new setting "AB: Display on checkout page" has been added. The setting allows to display selected cities close to the field of city selection on the checkout page.
[+] For theme setting “Product lists → Settings for "List without options" product list view” added settings: “Product icon width” and “Product icon height”. These settings allow to specify its own icon sizes individually for each device type.
[+] For theme setting “Product lists → Settings for "Compact list" product list view” added settings: “Product icon width” and “Product icon height”. These settings allow to specify its own icon sizes individually for each device type.
[+] Added a new setting “Number of displayed elements of the second menu level”. The setting allows to limit irrelevant number of menu items of the second level.

Functionality changes:
[*] Added a new style for content block "Request a call”. The block is available at all new (ult7) theme layouts.
[*] Added menu of the account to the block "My Account (block)". This block is designed to be displayed in the panel of FLY menu.

Bug fixes:
[!] At FLY menu for elements of the first menu level without sublevels, link didn't wrap description on mobile devices. Fixed.
[!] If the block “FLY menu” has been displayed for mobile devices and Tablets only, button/icon of the menu was located below it designed location. Fixed.
[!] In the block “FLY menu” click at menu item has been transfered to the Home page, if there was no link at menu element of the first level. Fixed.
[!] iOS (Iphone). In the bottom sticky panel, header of the window “Cart” with a large number of products has been covered with the top panel of browser on mobile devices. Fixed.
[!] On the category page there was no ability to return to the start of product lists when the setting “Show more → Paginator operation mode / Automatically” was active and when update the page after reaching the last page. Fixed.
[!] [SEO] When the theme setting “Product → Enable search of similar products in the category” was active and the button “Show more” was hidden, an error could occur with a specific content type close to product features in advanced snippet. Fixed.
[!] “Warehouses”, “Maps and Geolocation” add-ons. In the Fixed layout the main menu has been hidden when loading the page for the first time and when the add-ons “Warehouses”, “Maps and Geolocation” were active, as well as using product blocks with the template “AB: Scroller advanced”. Fixed.
[!] In the Light v2 layout when the menu block with the template “AB: Vertical dropdown list with icons” was active, clicking at the empty space of the screen has fixed the page. Fixed.
[!] “General products for vendors” add-on. On the product page with the template “AB: Grid (with button “Show more”)” products have not been loaded and the button disappeared, when filling the products manually (general product + vendor variation) and when clicking the button “Show more”. Fixed.
[!] In product blocks a wrong title has been used in the pop-up window of varioation/option selection when the theme setting "Product lists → Variations → Allow to select variations\options from lists". Fixed.

Layout changes:
[*] A new page “Checkout” and block “Request a call” have been added to all layouts (ult7).

v4.15.1.d from 08 August 2022

New features and improvements:
[+] Added theme setting “Product lists → Switch product image when hovering mouse pointer → With stripes”. The setting adds a new view type of navigation “With stripes” for the gallery.
[+] In FLY menu settings, for comfortable configuration of elements (menu/blocks) has been added the "Drag-and-drop” system that allows to relocate elements manually to a needed place of structure.
[+] In FLy menu added unique style for the block "Currency". A new block "FLY: Currency" has been added on layouts.

Functionality changes:
[*] Added the button “Menu” (FLY menu) to the “Default” layout and improved adaptivity of header elements.
[*] Changed style of notification windows when adding the products to the “Cart”, “Wishlist”, “Comparison list” on mobile devices.
[*] In Fly menu a central vertical centering of icons has been changed according to the content of menu item (first level) on mobile devices.
[*] Switched off a display tooltips on mobile devices.

Bug fixes:
[!] iOS (IPhones). In modal and other pop-up windows, a low part of content has been covered with elements of browser interface in some cases. Fixed.
[!] Iphone (Safari). Filter content was not scrolled to the very bottom if the address panel of the browser was displayed on the screen. Fixed.
[!] Safari browser. In product lists, in a window of variation selection, the button “Add to cart” has been removed out of window borders when there was a large number of variations according to color (with images). Fixed.
[!] At the bottom sticky panel right padding has been missed at the button “Add to cart” on mobile devices in horizontal mode. Fixed.
[!] In “Fixed” layout on the Home page, a window content has been fixed when clicking on the empty area (when clicking the second time, scrolling was enabled). Fixed.
[!] In FLY menu at the top of the panel, there was an irrelevant padding before the content on mobile devices. Fixed.
[!] In FLY menu when adding the second element (block/menu) all the rest were added at the top of a list instead of the bottom. Fixed.
[!] “Warehouses” add-on. On the product page in the tab “Available at the stores”, map elements has covered the bottom sticky panel when choosing a location on mobile devices. Fixed.
[!] “Maps and Geolocation” add-on. In the window of selection of the location, the button “OK” has disappeared when browser bar with buttons has been hidden on mobile devices. Fixed.
[!] On the checkout page in the field “My billing address is different from shipping address”, checkbox has changed its location when the text was too long on mobile devices. Fixed.
[!] When the setting “General → Price format / Decimal value at the top/lower index” was active, the price has been displayed with a dot. Fixed.
[!] In product blocks with the template “AB: Scroller advanced” and with an active theme setting “Product lists → Display price at the top”, the buttons “Add to cart” has not been displayed at products. Fixed.
[!] In filter block, filter value of a price has been displayed incomplete when there was a large price and abbreviation. Fixed.
[!] In the quick product viewer there was a large padding at variation name. Fixed.
[!] On the checkout page there was a different width in the fields when using the templates "AB: Shipping/ Payment method" on mobile devices. Fixed
[!] “Maps and Geolocation” add-on. Shipping icon has been located out of block borders in RTL language. Fixed.
[!] Phone number, web-address and email address have been displayed in the opposite direction on RTL languages. Fixed.
[!] In advanced banners, control elements of arrows have been displayed in the opposite direction on RTL languages. Fixed.
[!] Number of selected filters was displayed incorrect on Farsi language. Fixed.

Layout changes:
[*] Added a new block “FLY: Currency” to all layouts.
[*] Added the button “FLY menu” to the “Default” layout.

v4.15.1.c from 21 Jule 2022

New features and improvements:
[+] Added a new theme setting “UniTheme2 → Theme settings → “Product lists” tab → Variations → Allow to select variations/options from lists”.
[+] Added element “Image” to organization microdata.

Functionality changes:
[*] “Antibot” add-on. The selection button of variations in product lists has been hidden from indexation by the “Antibot” add-on.
[*] Improved elements style of the page “Checkout” (fields size, colors and element forms).
[*] Customized menu templates for “Activate 3-level menu (dropdown list)”. Added complete output taking into account columns, icons, banner and limits according to output element quantity of the third level.

Bug fixes:
[!] In product lists in the window of variation selection, link has been referenced to 404 page when the variation was disabled. Fixed.
[!] “Products variations” add-on. In product lists in the window of variation selection there was a reference to the separate product page with variations when switching variations and closing the window. Fixed.
[!] “Products variations” add-on. On the product page or in the window of variation selection (in product lists), products variations has been displayed with the status “Disabled” or “Hidden” if there was the active setting “Show all possible feature variants” in the add-on “Products variations”. Fixed.
[!] On the product page when the template “AB: AB: Big picture, flat” was active, price has not been changed when changing an option. Fixed.
[!] On the product page, product block with filling “Similar”, content has been missed when the section setting “Use delayed loading of section” was active. Fixed.
[!] On the product page content has been missed in some cases at product tabs on Tablets. Fixed.
[!] In product lists with the template “List without options” information about minimum available quantity has been displayed not in one line and the location of the button “Add to cart” was incorrect. Fixed.
[!] In the block with the template “АВ: Scroller advanced” image gallery has been displayed incorrect when the theme setting "UniTheme2 → General settings → “Product lists” tab → Show product mini icons gallery in the product list” was active. Gallery output has been disabled for this template as basic script of the scroller didn't work properly inside other scroller.
[!] Cells of product lists with the template “Grid” had no any paddings horizontally when the color scheme setting “UniTheme2 → Color scheme settings → “Product lists” tab → Frame type of the product in the grid → Frame with external indents” was active. Fixed.
[!] In FLY menu block with logo has not been filled with color entirely. Block background with logo shall repeat the color of website header. Fixed.
[!] In FLY menu the setting “AB: Number of elements in the third column of menu” has not been working”. Fixed.
[!] “Payment dependencies” add-on. On the checkout page, make-up has been broken for available payment methods when the add-on “Payment dependencies” was active and the standard template “Payment methods” was selected for the block “Payment methods”. Fixed.
[!] Add-ons "Warehouses" and "Product variations". When the product was out of stock at the store but in stock at the warehouse, product variations were crossed out and it was impossible to select them from a category page. Fixed.

v4.15.1.b from 06 Jule 2022

Bug fixes:
[!] On the page "Products → Filters → [filter name] → "General" tab" theme settings with variants of view for each device have not been displayed. Fixed.
[!] "Bottom sticky panel" has covered a window of Fly menu on mobile devices. Fixed.

v4.15.1.a from 06 Jule 2022

Functionality changes:
[*] Added compatibility with CS-Cart 4.15.1.

Bug fixes:
[!] In the layout “Default” top of the website has been displayed not in one line on mobile devices. Fixed.
[!] When changing variations as one product from the window of adding to the cart, URL address of the page was changing. Fixed.
[!] In the layouts “Advanced” and “Fixed” scroll has been blocked when the catalog window (main menu) has been closed not with menu header. Fixed.
[!] An empty block has been displayed when the setting “View of blocks in tabs” or “View of blocks in tabs with delayed loading” was active. Fixed.

v4.14.3.e from 01 June 2022

Functionality changes:
[*] Added compatibility with “АВ: Intellectual selection of products in block (analogues, accessories) by features”.
[*] Added compatibility with “АВ: SEO for product tabs”.
[*] Added compatibility with “АВ: Сredit offers for Ukraine”.
[*] Added compatibility with “АВ: Quick order by phone”.
[*] On the checkout page content zone has been removed for blocks with the templates "AB: Shipping methods" and "AB: Payment methods", if there is no content for a payment/shipping method.
[*] Improved adaptivity in product list with the template “Scroller”.
[*] In filter block added “scrollbar” for a filter with limited view of elements. It allows to have a look at all filters (when hovering mouse pointer over filter) without clicking the link “Show more”.
[*] On the product page improved adaptivity for “Share” block for mobile devices.
[*] Changed logic of products view with the active option "Decolorize out of stock products". Now when hovering the mouse pointer over the product, product color will be restored.

Bug fixes:
[!] In product block with the template “Scroller”, product price was located not at the center. Fixed.
[!] “Required products” add-on. On the page of Wish list products and in the “Required products” add-on, the button “Add to cart” has not been displayed at products. Fixed.
[!] “AB: Extended "Buy together” add-on. In the cart at bottom sticky panel, images of additional products from product sets were missed. Fixed.
[!] “AB: Extended "Buy together” add-on. When buying a product set, the main product has been added to the cart twice on mobile devices. Fixed.
[!] Ultimate edition. When saving a content of Fly menu for one store, data has been deleted for all other stores. Fixed.
[!] Background video in advanced banner has not been played if the setting “Use delayed loading of section” was active in a section. Fixed.
[!] “Payment dependencies” add-on. When the “Payment dependencies” add-on was active, the template “AB: Payment methods” has not been working. Fixed.
[!] Variations as different products were inactive if there was less that one product in a stock. Fixed.
[!] There was a possibility to add to cart a product with options that was out of stock on the category page with templates “Grid” and “Compact list”. Fixed.
[!] In a popup window when buying a product with options/variations, not a full content has been seen in a screen on mobile devices in horizontal mode of view. Fixed.
[!] In the block “АВ: Fly menu” padding for the first element in the menu has been missed if the first block was not a “Logo”. Fixed.
[!] In the block “АВ: Fly menu” description area for items of the first level was not clickable. Fixed.
[!] In the block “АВ: Fly menu” icon area for items of the second level was not clickable. Fixed.
[!] In the block “АВ: Fly menu” very long email could change a location of the elements nearby if the block “Account” was used. Fixed.
[!] In the block “АВ: Fly menu” with expanded view, there was a possibility to scroll a content of the website in the background Fixed.
[!] In the block “АВ: Fly menu” scroller of the page could be blocked after opening popup windows on mobile devices. Fixed.
[!] “Reward points” add-on. On the product page reward points have not been displayed incorrect on mobile devices. Fixed.
[!] On the category page in filter block, present popup window with information about selected filters has been displayed on full height when selecting a filter on Tablet devices. Fixed.
[!] On the category page when using a product list with the template “List without options” and an active setting “Content under description/Features list”, the option “Features and variations list” has been displayed on the storefront instead. Fixed.
[!] In filter block a panel with buttons “Reset” and “Show” has covered a filter at the bottom a little when some conditions were established on mobile IPhone devices. Fixed.
[!] On the checkout page a color of the button “Apply promo code” was faded with a background on mobile IPhone devices. Fixed.
[!] At a product that was out of stock but with available variations, active field of variation selection was crossed with a line incorrect. Fixed.
[!] Infromation about product availability (available from specified date) has covered a field of quantity at a product. Fixed and added style for the information block.
[!] It was not possible to switch between variations that are not available on the product page. Fixed.
[!] If a product has the "Minimum quantity to buy per product" set, then on the product page the quantity selection field with information about the minimum quantity overlapped the "Add to cart" button. Fixed.
[!] If the displayed variation is not available, but its other variations are available, then the active variation selection field was incorrectly crossed out. Fixed.

v4.14.3.d from 01 June 2022

Functionality changes:
[*] Improved adaptivity for “Bottom sticky panel”. Added improvement as well as long names are displayed in two rows.
[*] "AB: Extended "Buy together" add-on. Improved style for block “Buy together” on the product page.
[*] On the Home page for the grid of banners “Categories” adaptivity has been improved that allows creating other formations and larger number of banners.
[*] In product lists "Grid", "List without options" and "Compact list", location of icons "Promotion" and "Youtube/Video" has been changed.

Bug fixes:
[!] After theme update, when passing a procedure of updating of the layout to actual version (described in documentation), it was not impossible to select a new layout (ult5). Fixed.
[!] In product list with the template “Grid” the button “Add to cart” was working incorrect for products with variations when the setting “Display price at the top” was active. Fixed.
[!] “HiDPI displays support” add-on. When the add-on “HiDPI displays support” was disabled, theme setting “Switch product image when hovering mouse pointer” was working incorrect. Fixed.
[!] When changing the block at “Fly menu”, the first block has been changed only. Fixed.
[!] When displaying a price with the active setting “Price format - Decimal value at the top/lower index”, symbol of the currency has decreased size when it has been located after the price. Fixed.
[!] A part of the website footer has been covered with “Bottom sticky panel”. Fixed.
[!] In product list with the template “Grid”, make-up has been broken at price block when the settings “Display prices with taxes on category/product pages” and “You save” were active. Fixed.
[!] "Product bundles" add-on. On the product page with the template “AB: Three-columned”, block “Product combinations” has not been displayed on mobile devices. Fixed.
[!] On the product page with the template “AB: Three-columned”, a large padding has appeared before title. Fixed.
[!] In product list with the template "Grid" icon "Youtube/Video" have not been displayed. Fixed.
[!] On the product page the button "Add to cart" had extra padding when the field of product quantity has been disabled. Fixed.
[!] On the category page arrows at pagination buttons were displayed not in one line on mobile devices. Fixed.
[!] The setting "Add mask" at advanced banners could not be applied. Fixed.
[!] In product block with the template "AB: Grid (with button "Show more")" with the value "Recently viewed" of the "Filling" setting, the button "Show more" didn't disappeare after the full view of all products. Fixed.
[!] In product block with the template "AB: Grid (with button "Show more")" with the value "Similar" of the "Filling" setting, products that appeared after the full loading didn't comply with selection criteria. Fixed.

v4.14.3.c from 01 June 2022

Release video:

Attention! It is recommended to update used layouts of the theme.

Do you wish to make update without any problems and ensure the result? Use the help of AB team to support your on-line store in the actual state.

Service - theme update

New features and improvements:
[+] Added new template for product page “AB: Big picture, flat”.
[+] For mobile devices sticky panel has been added with the buttons: add to cart (product page only), menu, mini cart, search, wish list, comparison list, account.

In theme settings in the “General” tab a new section “Bottom sticky panel” has been added as well as the following settings:
* Enable sticky navigation panel (enables to display a lower fixed panel),
* Link to Home Page,
* Catalog / Menu,
* Search products,
* Mini cart,
* Products in Wishlist,
* Products in Comparison list,
* Account.
[+] Added new icons that can be used in the theme style and available for personal use (AB: UniTheme2: Available icons).
[+] On the product page on mobile devices a few variants of gallery view were added.

In theme settings in the “Product” tab a new setting “Appearance of image gallery” has been added that allows to disable view of image gallery on mobile devices, but on the contrary allows to display dots or counter instead.
[+] In theme settings in the “Product lists” tab a new setting “Switch product image when hovering mouse pointer” has been added for lists “Grid” and “List without options”. The setting allows to slide images of the gallery when hovering a mouse pointer in the area on the left or right.
[+] Added a new block "AB: Fly menu". Block is designed to form panel with selected set of different menus and blocks, consists of its own adaptation menu and quality appearance. Contemporary menu, comfortable to use on mobile devices.
[+] Added a new block type of products "AB: Light scroller”. Output of product lists with this block type will save performance of the browser (improve PageSpeed performance), exclude loading of bulky scripts (scrollers).
[+] Added single output of product page for mobile devices regardless of selected template (Default, Big picture etc).
[+] Added functionality of selection of option or variation when clicking the button “Add to cart” in product lists. Earlier when clicking the button “Add to cart” at the products with options or variations, you were sent to product details page, leaving the catalog page.
[+] On the page “Checkout” product icon has been added.
[+] Added a new setting in the section “Use delayed loading of section” that applies lazy load for blocks in the section. It is recommended to use for content that does not need indexation and do not use in sections with the block “Main content” as well as in section with blocks that are located within visual range of a primary screen (with no use of scroller).
[+] In theme settings “Theme settings → Product lists → Settings for "Grid" product list view / Settings for "Compact list" product list view” added a new setting “Switch product image when hovering mouse pointer”, which adds same-name functionality. If you hover mouse pointer over the product that consists of more than 1 image, images will be changed. When active the setting, setting value “Show product mini icons gallery in the product list” will be ignored.
[+] "Added the theme setting “Product lists → Settings for ""Grid"" product list view → Show ""Add to Cart"" button”. The following variants are available:
* Do not show,
* Icon of the Cart only (simplified version),
* Icon of the Cart only,
* Text only,
* Icon of the Cart and text."
[+] Added a link “Review all” in the block of reviews that transfers to page of discussion.
[+] In the block “Languages” in the tab “Block settings” added a new display format “AB: Show language names (without flags)”.
[+] Changed logic to display elements which are out of stock for products with variations. Such elements are displayed but they are crossed and a user has no ability to select them. Complitely changed style of elements for product variations and options.
[+] Added color scheme setting “General → Buttons → Cart icon”. The setting allows to select one of eight Cart icons (icons are applied to all buttons and blocks with the Cart icon).
[+] On the page “Checkout” in the block “Shipping methods” a new view template “AB: Shipping methods” has been added.
[+] On the page “Checkout” in the block “Payment methods” a new view template “AB: Payment methods” has been added.
[+] Added a new template of a product block "AB: Grid (with button “Show more”). The template allows to display a large number of products without increasing a time of page loading. Primary one row of products is displayed and after clicking the button “Show more” other products will be loaded row by row.
[+] Added settings for filters “Settings only for AB: UniTheme2” with variants of display type on PC, Tablet and Phone (located on the page “Products → Filters → [filter name] → “General" tab”). The setting allows to display filter elements in minimized and expanded view for each device individually.

Functionality changes:
[*] Improved elements view of the block “Filters”, added new style of the block, added fixed buttons and increased window size on mobile devices.
[*] In product lists, icon for the button “Add to comparison list” has been changed.
[*] Changed logic of view and adaptivity of bread crumbs on mobile devices.
[*] Changed logic of view, style and adaptivity of the field for quantity selection at each product list, block and product page.
[*] On the product page improved logic of view for search of similar products in a category (when the theme setting “Enable search of similar products in the category” is active). Added filter icon to the button “Find similar” and the button changes its color when selecting checkboxes. For comfortability the button “Find similar” was designed close to selected checkboxes (when there were a large number of features, buttons under feature list could be unseen).
[*] Added several variants of view for the theme setting “Theme settings → Product → Additional settings of view → Show product brand information”:
* Do not show,
* Show product brand information,
* Show logo of the product brand.
[*] Improved style and adaptivity of the pop-up window “Quick products viewer”.
[*] Changes in templates of product page has been added: “Default”, “Big picture”, “AB: Three-columned”. Added contemporary style and carefully designed logic to display product elements.
[*] "Message center" add-on. Changed location and view style of the link “Ask a question” for all templates of the product page.
[*] Theme setting “General → Show sticky menu” has been relocated to the section “General → Top sticky panel”. Now the setting can be applied to different device types.
[*] Settings of sections “Show all section blocks in tabs” and “Use Ajax for loading the second and next tabs content” have been changed with a single setting “View of blocks in tabs”.
[*] View of the button “Buy now with 1-click” has been removed from all lists and product blocks. In the actual CS-Cart version the button works correctly on the product page only.
[*] Changed appearance of control elements of pagination.
[*] In the theme settings, the setting “Enable fixed filter call button” has been removed from the tab “Product lists” and in the tab “Categories” the setting “Enable fixed panel with "Categories" and "Filters" buttons” has been added. Now on the page of category, features and search fixed panel with buttons “Categories” and “Filters” will be displayed on the top instead of the button “Product filters” on mobile devices (layout actualization is needed and there are classes in sections that are needed for correct view).
[*] Changed design of elements and improved adaptivity for pop-up window of variation list.
[*] Changed style and adaptivity of elements of Compact product list and added two-columned view for large screens.
[*] Improved view of notifications when buying or adding a product to wishlist and comparison list.

Bug fixes:
[!] In the color scheme settings in the tab “Product”, the setting “Set individual color for "Add to cart" button” influenced on the color of all buttons “Add to cart” instead of the button on the product page only. Fixed.
[!] On the product page pop-up window with variations has been covered with tabs when the setting of the product tab “Hide the part of the content to needed height” was active. Fixed.
[!] In product list with the template “Compact list” signatures to buttons “Add to Wishlist / Comparison list” were malformed on mobile devices. Fixed.
[!] “HiDPI support” add-on. Images of zoomed size were not displayed for Retina screens when the “Hidpi” add-on was active. Fixed.
[!] Screen was moved when opening the pop windows if scrollbar was present. Fixed.
[!] Product cells had a wrong height and could cover each other when changing product icon height in blocks and categories with the template “Grid”. Fixed.
[!] “SEO pages for filters” add-on. Links to SEO pages were not displayed of feature tab after a feature with appearance “Multiple checkboxes”. Fixed.
[!] “Product sets” add-on. If the add-on “Hide the part of the content to needed height” was disabled, some elements of a design could cover elements nearby in a block with product sets. Fixed.
[!] In the banners with the type “AB: Advanced banner” YouTube video was not working in autoplay mode. Fixed.
[!] In product lists active color variation was displayed with transparent color instead of selected variant. Fixed.
[!] On the product page error could occur when buying a product through the button “Buy now with 1-click” at the products with variations. Fixed.
[!] In product lists with the template “Grid” field for quantity selection (select-box) exceeded a row size in some cases. Fixed.
[!] Automatic scrollbar was not working in blocks with scroller. Fixed.

Layout changes:
[*] Added a new version of layouts (ult5).
[*] Added grid of category banners on Home page. In the section with banner blocks, mandatory user class "banners-grid-resizable" has been added that allows to display this panel.
[*] Added a new block "AB: Fly menu" that allows to form a panel with selected set of different menu and blocks.
See more in the documentation.
[*] In product blocks on Home page and product detailed page, new templates "AB: Light scroller" and "AB: Grid (with button "Show more") has been used. Changed settings of view mode in tabs.
[*] On the category, search and feature pages, the section with blocks "Categories" and "Filters" have been added. This section will be displayed as "Sticky panel" on mobile devices. Mandatory user class "top-sticky-panel__filters" has been added for this section.
[*] On the category page for block "Specify category" settings have been changed.
[*] In some sections the setting "Use delayed loading of section" has been activated.

v4.14.3.b from 20 April 2022

Bug fixes:
[!] Bug has been fixed in product lists and other blocks with the template that used "Scroller".

v4.14.3.a from 20 April 2022

Functionality changes:
[*] Added compatibility with CS-Cart 4.14.3.

v4.14.2.b from 22 February 2022

Functionality changes:
[*] “Social buttons” add-on. Location of block of social buttons was changed at all templates of product page. Added button “Share” on the product page that contains from buttons of social networking sites.

Bug fixes:
[!] In product list with the template “Grid” the field of product quantity with the type SELECT was not settled in the same row with buttons in some cases. Fixed.
[!] In product lists with the templates “Grid” and “List without options” a wrong variant of color variations was displayed (white was the first) when the setting “Additional product information: Variations list” was active. Fixed.
[!] At advanced banners with a background type “Background video (mp4)” location of video background had horizontal alignment on the left. Fixed on centered position.
[!] On the product page banner with the type “AB: Advanced banner” has covered a fixed panel “Sticky block Add to cart” when scrolling a page on mobile devices. Fixed.
[!] “AB: Hide the part of the content to needed height" add-on. On the product page when the add-on “AB: Hide the part of the content to needed height” some pop-up windows has been covered with a content of the tabs. Fixed.
[!] On the checkout page “City” at the input field was located not at the center. Fixed.
[!] On the blog page, publication date was displayed beyond the page framework. Fixed.
[!] In product list with the template “Compact list” the button “Buy now with 1-click” has been displayed unpredictable. Fixed.
[!] In product list with the template “Compact list” the product code has not been displayed. Fixed.
[!] On the product page with the template "Big picture", a product was added with a zero price when specifying your own price to the product with a zero price.
[!] CS-Cart Multi-Vendor. On the product page with the template "Big picture" product quantity has not been changed when adding a product to the cart. Fixed.
[!] At panel of product filters two scrollbar could appear on mobile devices. Now all additional scrollbars were removed at panel of product filters and the main one has been left for content of the whole page.

v4.14.2.a from 01 February 2022

Functionality changes:
[*] Added compatibility with CS-Cart 4.14.2.
[*] Add-on "Product bundles ". On the product page in the "Product bundles" tab, the adaptability of the block elements has been improved.

Bug fixes:
[!] On the category page with the "Compact list" product list template, the "Add to wishlist" button did not work for products with variations. Fixed.

v4.14.1.c from 28 December 2021

Description in the list is not comprehensive. Be aware that other errors, combined with features, may occur as well. You shall update the add-on to avoid errors.

Bug fixes:
[!] "CommerceML (1C, MoySklad, [Beta]" add-on. Import of products occured error at Mysql. Fixed.
[!] "Export to Yandex.Market" add-on. Forming of price-list occured Mysql error. Fixed.

v4.14.1.b from 28 December 2021

Release video:

New features and improvements:
[+] “Product sets” add-on. Added style in the theme.
[+] In advanced banners added ability to use MP4 video as a background.
[+] In theme settings in the tab “Product lists” added setting “Theme settings → Product lists → Price display format → Option 4”.

Functionality changes:
[*] “Product Reviews” add-on. In product lists added icon for counter of reviews numbers for products.
[*] In product lists with the template “Compact list”, changed elements style for “Add to cart” and “Product quantity selection”, as well as improved their adaptivity.
[*] "AB: Video gallery of product" and "AB: Extended promotions" add-ons. In product lists when the setting “Display product rating” is disabled, labels "Promotions" and "Video" will be displayed in product name.
[*] Changed radius size of rounding of theme elements when the setting “Color scheme settings → Round corners for interface elements → Make a little roundness” is active.
[*] Theme setting "Close pop-up window with the browser button "Back” was removed because of noncompatibility with CS-Cart 4.14.1.

Bug fixes:
[!] “Product Reviews” add-on. In product lists and on the product page, counter of reviews numbers for products was not displayed. Fixed.
[!] In product lists product rating was displayed even when the setting “Theme settings → Product lists → Display product rating” was disabled. Fixed.
[!] On the product page at feature, links/icons were not displayed to view feature description. Fixed.
[!] On the product page feature description was not displayed on mobile devices. Fixed.
[!] In the block “Cart” buttons “Cart” and “Checkout” were displayed even when the cart was empty. Fixed.
[!] On the Home page in the block “Reviews/ News” icon was missed in the button “All pages”. Fixed.
[!] In product lists with the template “Grid” when the theme setting “Theme settings → Product lists → Decolorize out of stock products” was active, products buy in advance were decolorized as well. Fixed.
[!] In product list with the template “Scroller”, block with a price was displayed not in the center. Fixed.
[!] On the product page search of similar products worked incorrect if filter type of a feature was “slider” and feature variant was added though product card and contained characters that were different from digital symbols. Fixed.

v4.14.1.a from 13 December 2021

Functionality changes:
[*] Added compatibility with CS-Cart 4.14.1.
[*] In breadcrumbs, headers of category pages and feature variants there is a possibility to display Emoji.
[*] Add-on “Blog”. Added style for block “Reviews/ News” with template “Recent posts scroller”.

Bug fixes:
[!] In product list with “Grid” template, element “Show number of available products” had irrelevant padding in the bottom. Fixed.
[!] In product list with “Grid” template, adaptivity and style were improved for the button “Select options” products.

v4.13.3.c from 30 November 2021

New features and improvements:
[+] Added a hook for future integration with module AB: SEO pages for filters

v4.13.3.b from 30 November 2021

Release video:

New features and improvements:
[+] On theme settings (“Theme settings → Product lists → Settings for "Grid" product list view → Content of bottom part of the product grid item”) added new view variant “Short description and variations”. Setting allows to display features and short description at once.
[+] At color scheme settings (Color scheme settings → Product lists → Settings for "Grid" product list view) added new setting “Font weight for product name”. Setting allows to change weight of font for product name.
[+] Added theme setting "Theme settings → Product lists → Settings for "Grid" product list view → Show additional information on hover". This setting allows to display additional information (short description, features, variations) when hovering a mouse pointer over product cell, as well as immediately when loading the page.

Functionality changes:
[*] In product lists with “Grid” template when the setting “Show price at the top” is active, location of product elements was changed.
[*] Theme setting "Theme settings → Product lists → Settings for "Grid" product list view → Content of bottom part of the product grid item" was renamed on "Additional product information".

Bug fixes:
[!] On the blog page when adding a review, block with last articles was displayed at lower left-hand corner of the website. Fixed.
[!] Search of similar products from product page had no results when there was a feature with filter type “Number slider”. Fixed.
[!] In product list with "Grid" template, when settings "Show "Add to cart" buttons" and "Show buttons on hover" were active, button "Add to cart" worked at the second clicking only on mobile devices. Fixed.
[!] "Extended promotions" add-on. Information block about "promotion" fell outside the range of Quick view window. Fixed.

v4.13.3.a from 09 October 2021

Functionality changes:
[*] Added compatibility with CS-Cart 4.13.3.

Bug fixes:
[!] On the product page when add-ons "AB: Video gallery of the product" and "AB: Hide the part of the content to needed height" are active, translucent mask from pop-up window didn't cover all elements of the page. Fixed.

v4.13.2.c from 08 October 2021

Functionality changes:
[*] On the product page in the “Features” tab, improved adaptivity and appearance of feature list.

Bug fixes:
[!] Add-ons “AB: Fast navigation” and “AB: Lazy loading images”. In the “Fast navigation” block “spinners” of images loading didn't disappear. Fixed.
[!] Images of product options were malformed. Fixed.
[!] On the “Checkout” page images of payment methods and shipping were malformed. Fixed.
[!] On the product page semitransparent mask from pop-up window of feature hint didn't cover all elements. Fixed.
[!] Last breadcrumb was missed in microdata. Fixed.
[!] On the product page in the “Features” tab, feature list with a large number of values contained small paddings among values on mobile device. Fixed.
[!] Images were not displayed at scroller of brands. Fixed.
[!] "Video gallery" add-on v3.0.1. When theme setting "Change product main image when hovering mouse pointer over variation icon" was active, video icon was displayed on variations images when hovering mouse pointer.

v4.13.2.b from 08 October 2021

Release video:

Attention! In this version the functionality of images lazy loading was moved into standalone add-on Lazy loading images

New features and improvements:
[+] In theme settings “AB: UniTheme2 → Theme settings → “Product” tab" added setting “Enable search of similar products in the category”. Setting adds checkbox in the feature tab for each feature variant with created filter. Button, that opens window with a basic product category and filter corresponding to selected checkboxes, will be added as well.
[+] In theme settings “AB: UniTheme2 → Theme settings → “General” tab" added setting “Change product main image when hovering mouse pointer over variation icon". On the product page and in quick viewing window product main image will be changed on variation image when hovering mouse pointer over it. After termination of hovering, product image will return to common state.
[+] In theme settings “AB: UniTheme2 → Theme settings → “Product” tab added setting “Display product features in two columns”.
[+] In theme settings “AB: UniTheme2 → Theme settings → “Product lists” tab” added setting “Display price at the top”. Setting is active for product list with template “Grid” only. It helps to display price at the top of content, at once after product image (product rating moves below name).
[+] In theme settings “AB: UniTheme2 → Theme settings → “Product lists” tab → Settings for "Compact list" product list view” settings were unblocked for mobile devices: Show “Add to wish list” button, Show "Add to comparison list" button. Above-mentioned buttons are available to be displayed in a popup window.on the category page.
[+] Added setting “AB: UniTheme2 → Theme settings → “General” tab → “Color of surrounding user interface of user agent”.
[+] On the product page in the tab “Features” added display of icon color for features “Color” with filter type "Color".
[+] Added adaptive style for filter by date.
[+] “Product Reviews” add-on. On the product page in the tab “Reviews” added counter of written reviews.

Functionality changes:
[*] On the page “Feature comparison” position of menu column with sorting by features was fixed. It was designed for comfortability at a large number of comparison products.
[*] On the product page in the tab “Features” removed display of labels “checkbox” in the list of the feature variants.
[*] On the product page with the template “The big picture” and “By default” block of social buttons was moved under product tabs.
[*] Changed appearance of control elements “Arrows” for product block with the template “Scroller” and “AB: Scroller advanced”.
[*] Changes at the block “Cart”:
* Added link to product image that transfers to product;
* Button “Cart” has an outline style now to exclude competitor with the button “Checkout”;
* Improved adaptivity for all buttons in block.
[*] In theme settings “AB: UniTheme2 → Theme settings → “General” tab” setting “Use images lazy load” was removed.
[*] Layout “Light”. At the top panel of the site, buttons “Account” and “Mini cart” opens now when hovering mouse pointer over icon. It was opened by click earlier.
[*] On the product page in the block “Notify me when this product is back in stock” size of the field "Email” was increased.
[*] On the product page product tabs style was changed.

Bug fixes:
[!] Multi-Vendor. Icon at the filter “Distance to vendor” was located not at the center of the field. Fixed.
[!] Layout “Light v2”. Block “Cart” was opened when hovering mouse pointer outside block field. Fixed.
[!] In the block “Cart” sometimes icon of the button “Checkout” had black color and didn't match with the button color. Fixed.
[!] Layout “Light v2”. When hovering mouse pointer over elements of the first level, menu sub-items were not always displayed. Fixed.
[!] In templates “AB: Vertical dropdown list with icons” and “AB: Horizontal dropdown list with icons” of the block “Menu”, setting of menu item “Open in new window” didn't work. Fixed.
[!] Filter by date opened window outside zone of view on mobile devices. Fixed.
[!] On the product page with an active template “By default”, status “no price” covered logo of product brand. Fixed.
[!] Layout “Light”. On the product page without product image, displayed image “no image” was located outside gallery block and covered content of a product tab. Fixed.
[!] Attributes width and height of some images were duplicated on the storefront. Fixed.
[!] On the product page, empty rating stars of products were located too close to the link “Ask a question”. Fixed.
[!] On the product page without image with active layout “The big picture”, button “Ask a question” and product code moved to a place of product image. Fixed.
[!] In the menu block with the template “AB: Horizontal dropdown list with icons” setting “AB: Show names of the first level menu items in two lines” didn't work if there were icons at menu item. Fixed.
[!] On the product page rating stars of product covered mini-icons of the gallery on Tablets in portrait mode and screen resolution 769px. Fixed.
[!] On the product page and in the “Quick product viewer” window, the first image from gallery was always opened when opening increased product image. Fixed.
[!] Layout “Light v2”. In the website header, buttons “Account” and “Compare” changed its style on active state when miss clicking these buttons. Fixed.
[!] On the category page, in the “Reviews” block, reviews were displayed incorrect when there was a lrage number of elements on the page. Fixed.
[!] “Product Reviews” add-on. Link “Write a review” was missed in the field with rating stars if there were no reviews on the product page. Fixed.
[!] “Product Reviews” add-on. Scale was changing when trying to write a review on Iphone smartphones. Fixed.

v4.13.2.a from 13 Jule 2021

New features and improvements:
[+] Added compatibility with CS-Cart 4.13.2.

v4.13.1.a from 08 June 2021

Release video:

On the product page and all product lists, reviews and rating of a product are managed by the add-on “Product reviews”. Add-on “Comments and reviews” was used in previous versions of the theme. Nowadays “Comments and reviews” add-on allows customers to leave reviews on categories, pages, vendors and the whole site.

New add-on "AB: Advanced image previewers" was added to UniTheme2 package (compatible with CS-Cart version v4.13.1 and higher).

New features and improvements:
[+] Added compatibility with СS-Cart 4.13.1.
[+] “Product Reviews” add-on. Added style and compatibility with the theme.

Functionality changes:
[*] Theme setting "Decolorize out of stock products" works with templates of product lists "Grid", "List without options", "Compact list".
[*] In menu block the setting "AB: Use Ajax-loading for menu items" of a menu template was disabled. It is done because of some incompatible errors in CS-Cart version 4.13.1.

Bug fixes:
[!] On pages “Newest”, “Bestsellers”, “On sale” in product list with the template “Grid”, view of list elements was broken when theme setting “Product lists → Show product mini icons gallery in the product list” was active. Fixed.
[!] On the brand page, when there was a small number of products (less than three), product elements could take a wrong position when hovering mouse pointer over the product. Fixed.
[!] On the product page in tab “Features” feature values were located not in one line on mobile devices. Fixed.
[!] СS-Cart Multivendor. On the vendor page in product list with the template “Grid”, view of list elements was broken when theme setting “Theme settings → Product lists → Show product mini icons gallery in the product list” was active. Fixed.
[!] On the page “Order summary”, buttons “Print invoice”, “Print invoice (pdf)”, “Start communication” and “Reorder this order” were displayed with different style. Fixed.
[!] On the product page price with taxes was displayed askew and moved discount on brand logo. Fixed.
[!] On the product page there was no availability status in the variation list for products out of stock when the setting "Settings → Appearance → Show number of available products" was active. Fixed.
[!] In the "Default" layout, in the main menu, link structure of sublevels was not displayed on the Tablet mode with screen resolution (768 x 1024px). Fixed.

v4.12.2.h from 20 May 2021

Functionality changes:
[*] “Social buttons” add-on. On the product page improved adaptivity of the element “Social buttons” for all templates of a product page.
[*] “Message center” add-on. On the product page improved adaptivity of the button “Ask seller a question” for all templates of a product page.

Bug fixes:
[!] In product lists with the “Grid” template, an image “blank sample” displayed beyond the screen framework of a cell when there was no product image. Fixed.
[!] In products list with the “Grid” template and active setting “Theme settings → Product lists → Show product mini icons gallery in the product list” besides the main product image could be displayed adjoining image from gallery in some cases. Fixed.
[!] In product lists with the “Grid” template and active buttons view “Add to cart” and “Buy now with 1-click” adaptivity of buttons was broken on IPhone mobile devices with the screen resolution 320px. Fixed.
[!] “Comments and reviews” add-on. On the product page at the condition that tab” Reviews” was displayed in a popup window, window content was scrolled outside the screen when clicking the link “Reviews”. Fixed.
[!] On the product page in variation list, there was no availability status at products that were out of stock. Fixed.
[!] On the product page with the “By default” template, hidden links could appear in a form that transfered to the Home page. Fixed.
[!] On the product page element of product tab with active setting “Show this tab in a popup window” was covered a little with a tab nearby on mobile devices. Fixed.
[!] “AB: Video gallery of the product” add-on. On the product page when the “AB: Stickers” add-on was not installed and “AB: Video gallery of the product” add-on was active with a vertical position of gallery, labels with discount covered mini-icons of the gallery. Fixed.

v4.12.2.g from 29 April 2021

Bug fixes:
[!] For the"Breadcrumbs" block on the pages with a large number of elements the button that reveals hidden elements was located outside the block on mobile devices. Fixed.
[!] On the product page with the status "Out of stock" the message "Out of stock" was not displayed. Fixed.
[!] In blocks with templates using the "scroller" navigation arrows were not displayed on mobile devices. Fixed.

v4.12.2.f from 29 April 2021

Release video:


Added saving of settings for storefronts at MV. It is recommended to check settings for every used storefront.

New features and improvements:
[+] СS-Cart Multivendor Ultimate. Added support of saving of theme settings for storefronts.
[+] In “Advanced banner” for the setting “Add mask”, new options were added: use semi-transparent or colorful mask with the ability to specify level of transparent and position (all banner, content only).
[+] In product lists with templates “Grid” and “Compact list”, display of “Availability status” was added for each device optionally.

Functionality changes:
[*] Physical sizes were added for all generated images. It increases assessment results (requirement of Google Speed).

Bug fixes:
[!] On the product page at tabs block, a low frame was not displayed at tab titles when the setting “Display product details in tabs” was active. Fixed.
[!] On the product page with the template “AB: Three-columned” the first tab broke position of a column when the setting “Display product details in tabs” was disabled and the title was a short one. Fixed.
[!] "Maps and geolocation" add-on. On the product page with the template “AB: Three-columned”, pop-up windows were displayed under the content of the middle column when displaying dynamic shipping information in motivation block. Fixed.
[!] On the product page content was moved when loading a page on mobile devices: product photo and navigation breadcrumbs. Fixed.
[!] On the category page with the active template of product list “Grid”, the button “Add to cart” was not displayed at products when clicking the button “Show another N products”. Fixed.
[!] On the category page with the active template of product list “Grid”, adaptivity of columns was broken when the setting “Allow for product lists” (located "UniTheme2 → Theme settings → "More button" tab) was disabled. Fixed.
[!] In product lists with the template “Grid”, buttons in the block “Add to cart” lost their adaptivity in some cases. Fixed.
[!] On the checkout page in the field “City”, city name was displayed not in one level. Fixed.
[!] In the layout “Light” there was no possibility to scroll the whole content when there was a large number of menu items of the first level (if it exceeded screen size). Fixed.
[!] “Social buttons” add-on. On the product page, block “Share” changed its shape when social buttons were loaded. Added delay of the block display.
[!] “AB: Preload” add-on. Basic graphic banners were not preloaded in the template “AB: Advanced banner (Carousel)”. Fixed.
[!] In the quick products viewer window, icons in mini-gallery were displayed not in one line in some cases. Fixed.

v4.12.2.e from 12 April 2021

Release video:

New features and improvements:
[+] Added new layout of the template Light v2.
[+] Added multilingual function for banners images with type “AB: UniTheme2: Advanced banner”.
[+] Optimitized loading of pages thanks to the use of priority of images loading, improved considerably efficiency (FCP/LCP) in Google PageSpeed. "AB: Preload" add-on v1.3.0 is needed.

Functionality changes:
[*] Optimized work of Lazy Load for images.
[*] In product lists with templates “Grid”, “List without options” and “Compact list” added link emphasizing when hovering mouse pointer over product name.
[*] Layout “Light”. Height of the fixed header was decreased a little on mobile devices.
[*] SEO optimization. “Comments and reviews” add-on. In product lists a link (rating starts) that transfers to the tab “Reviews” of product page, was hidden from bots.
[*] For the menu with templates “AB: Vertical dropdown list with icons” and “AB: Horizontal dropdown list with icons” added delay when opening the window with links of the second level.

Bug fixes:
[!] When the setting “Use Ajax for loading the second and next tabs content” was disabled, blocks in tabs were displayed incorrect. Fixed.
[!] Layout “Fixed” → Homepage → block “Categories”. When there was a large number of menu items of the first level and small height of the screen, pop-up window had incomplete size by height. Fixed.
[!] Layout “Light” → Homepage → block “Categories”. Categories of the second level of the menu were not displayed if scale of a browser was more than 125%. Fixed.
[!] Layout “Light” → Homepage → block “Categories”. When there was a large number of menu items of the second level and small height of screen resolution a scrollbar did not appear. Fixed.
[!] Layout “Light” → Homepage → block “Categories”. When clicking the icon, menu didn’t appear on Tablets with vertical screen position (with screen resolution 768x1024px).
[!] Layout “Light”. On the category page, subcategories links were not centered according to icons. Fixed.
[!] On the product page “Navigation breadcrumbs” changed height dynamically when loading the page that caused jumping of the content on mobile devices. Fixed.
[!] On the product page when the template “AB: Three-columned” was selected, shadow mask of some pop-up windows didn’t cover all elements. Fixed.
[!] “Message center” add-on. An error occurred on the storefront when enabling the add-on. Fixed.
[!] “Maps and Geolocation” add-on. On the product page with the selected template “By default”, when the setting “Show shipping cost and time on product pages” was active, one of the columns with content was hidden when opening a pop-up window with delivery information. Fixed.
[!] In product lists, there was no icon displayed for status “Out of stock”. Fixed.
[!] In product lists with the template “Grid” height of a cell was calculated incorrect when the value of the setting “Minimum height for product cell” was changed. Fixed.
[!] In product blocks with the template “AB: Scroller advanced” shadow of a product cell was cut with external edges of the block when hovering. Simplified highlighting till the change of frame tone, without a shadow.
[!] Safari browser on Iphone. Block “Cart”. When there was a large number of added products, navigation panel of Safari browser covered buttons “Add to cart” and “Checkout”. Fixed.
[!] In some pop-up windows scrolling was not changed for content on mobile devices. Fixed.
[!] In product list with the selected template “Compact list”, status of stock “Out of stock” was displayed not in one level on mobile devices. Fixed.
[!] Layout “Fixed”. There was no possibility to close opened window “Account” and “Cart” when clicking the window again. Fixed.
[!] Layout “Advanced”. When using the color scheme “Brick”, icon color was faded with the menu color when clicking the icon of the main menu on mobile devices. Fixed.

v4.12.2.d from 04 March 2021

Bug fixes:
[!] “AB: Video gallery of the product” add-on. On the product page with the active add-on setting “Enable the vertical output” and disabled setting of the platform “Display mini thumbnail images as a gallery”, product icons were located on the left side instead of center. Fixed.
[!] “AB: Video gallery of the product” add-on. Video could be displayed beyond the popup window. Fixed.
[!] In the “Light” layout, block “Categories”, when there was a large number of menu items of the first level and small height of screen resolution a scrollbar did not appear. Fixed.
[!] On top panel, in the menu “Quick links”, child elements were covered with header content when hovering mouse pointer over menu item (e.g., “Information” item). Fixed.
[!] On the category page, block “Subcategories”, label of the chosen category covered long categories names. Fixed.
[!] Shadow mask did not cover all elements in some pop-up windows. Fixed.
[!] In the window of quick product viewer, mini-icons of the product gallery did not have a horizontal padding. Fixed.

v4.12.2.c from 24 February 2021

New features and improvements:
[+] CS-Cart B2B. Added support of the add-on “Add products to cart in bulk".
[+] Added property description in organization microdata.

Functionality changes:
[*] Setting “Minimum height for the menu, px” was removed from the theme settings to the settings of templates of menu block “AB: Vertical dropdown list with icons” and “AB: Horizontal dropdown list with icons”.
[*] Improved adaptivity of the menu for all layouts of the theme.
[*] Improved adaptivity of product list with the template “Compact list”: increased icon size, improved style.
[*] Improved adaptivity of all pop-up windows.
[*] Improved adaptivity of elements in quick viewing window of the product, changed location and style of the block with information about promotion.
[*] When using the setting of the section “Use Ajax for loading the second and next tabs content” (located "Design → Layouts → "Homepage" tab → section with blocks of product lists") blocks were loaded automaticaly after page loading. It is located into click in the tab.

Bug fixes:
[!] Error occurred at checkout when the theme setting “Close pop-up window with the browser button "Back” (located UniTheme2 → Theme settings → "General" tab") on mobile phones Iphone in the browser Chrome. Fixed.
[!] Some icons were changed on other icons for a moment when loading the page on mobile phones Iphone in the browser Safari. Fixed.
[!] In the template “Default” with the menu “АВ: Horizontal dropdown list with icons” with a large number of menu items of the first level and active block setting “AB: Divide menu into sections” menu was displayed in two lines when loading a page. Fixed.
[!] Shadow mask didn’t cover all elements in some pop-up windows on mobile devices. Fixed.
[!] Layouts "Fixed" and “Light”, menu “Quick links” covered opened main menu from top panel on tablets with screen resolution 1024px. Fixed.
[!] In product list “Compact list” button “Select variation” had too small size on mobile devices. Fixed.
[!] In the category at block “Subcategories”, scrollbar was not displayed during a large number of categories and there was no possibility to view the whole list on mobile devices. Fixed.
[!] “Comments and reviews” add-on. On the page “Testimonials” the structure of reviews was askew. Fixed.
[!] In the menu when hovering mouse pointer over with no link, the style was displayed as for item with link. Fixed.
[!] In lists with templates “List without options” and “Compact list” the button of quick product viewer appeared when adding a product into compare list. Fixed.
[!] "Google Recaptcha" add-on. In the layout "Light" content of the block "Account" fell outside the window range on mobile devices. Fixed.
[!] In product list with the template "Grid", the button "Add to cart" didn't appeare in some cases. Fixed.
[!] In the "Light" layout on the product page, icon gallery of the product was displayed not on centre when the add-on "AB: Video gallery of the product" was disabled. Fixed.

v4.12.2.b from 27 January 2021

Setting the theme "AB: UniTheme2 → Settings → Close pop-up window with the browser button "Back"" temporarily locked - it could interfere with the ordering.

v4.12.2.a from 27 January 2021

Release video:

”Stickers” add-on should be updated up to v1.4.0 and “Video gallery” add-on should be updated up to v2.4.2.

New features and improvements:
[+] Added new theme layout “Light” with a new type of blocks view.
[+] “Comments and reviews” add-on. Added new style and functionality. In the theme settings on the page “AB: UniTheme2 → Theme settings → “Add-ons” tab → “Comments and reviews” add-on added settings: 1. Highlight admin reviews;

  1. Highlight reviews from verified buyers.
    [+] “Comments and reviews” add-on. On the product page in the tab “Reviews” added a mechanism of filtration of reviews list by rating and added display of average rating.
    [+] In templates of menu blocks “AB: Horizontal dropdown list with icons” and “AB: Vertical dropdown list with icons” added settings: 1. "AB: Filling type” - allows to fill in columns and rows;
  2. "AB: Columns count in the row” - allows to choose a number of columns from 2 to 6.
    [+] For template of the menu “AB: Horizontal dropdown list with icons” added the setting “Divide menu into sections”. Active setting allows to adapt correct display of menu items of the first level if they exceed the limits of the first row.
    [+] In the template of menu block “AB: Horizontal dropdown list with icons” added the setting “AB: Use Ajax-loading for menu items (second level and behind it)”.
    [+] Added setting “Amplify browser history when opening pop-up window” on the page “AB: UniTheme2 → Theme settings → “General” tab". When the setting is active then pop-up window will be closed instead of transfer to the other page after clicking "Back" button in the browser.
    [+] "Product variations" add-on. Added a new setting “Display as links” on the page "AB: UniTheme2 → Theme settings → “Product lists” tab → add-on "Product variations". The setting allows to display variations as links that transfer to a product page of the chosen variation.
    [+] In the “Product filters” block added a button that close a panel when displaying on mobile devices.
    [+] In the “Subcategories” block added a button that close a panel when displaying on mobile devices.

Functionality changes:
[*] Added compatibility with CS-Cart 4.12.2.
[*] On the product page when the template “AB: Three-columned” is active was added effect of columns fixing (when scroll a page, minimum content by height in a column will be fixed if the column nearby has a large height).
[*] On the page “AB: UniTheme2 → Color scheme settings” in the field of selection of color scheme, added storefronts list with applied color scheme.
[*] In the template of the menu “AB: Horizontal dropdown list with icons” added a view variant "Three-leveled menu".
[*] In the template of the menu “AB: Horizontal dropdown list with icons” added influence of theme setting "Minimum height for the menu" located "AB: UniTheme2 → Theme settings → "General" tab".
[*] Improved adaptivity for “AB: Horizontal dropdown list with icons” and “AB: Vertical dropdown list with icons” - changed navigation icons and added new animations for mobile devices.
[*] Added display of three-leveled menu for the template “AB: Horizontal dropdown list with icons”.
[*] Add-on “Social buttons”: In the template of the product “AB: Three-columned” changed a position of a block with social buttons.
[*] Changed icon for the search field.

Bug fixes:
[!] Active mini icon of the product was not changed when shifting the product image. Fixed. ”Stickers” add-on should be updated up to v1.3.1 and “Video gallery” add-on should be updated up to v2.4.2.
[!] In product lists, irrespective of settings, products variations were displayed inspite of being out of stock. Fixed.
[!] In the theme settings on the page “AB: UniTheme2 → “Product lists” tab” the setting “Display brand logo” didn’t work in the list without options. Fixed.
[!] On the product page with the “Big picture” template, the button “Buy now with 1-click” didn’t work. Fixed.
[!] Apostrophe symbol called error at its microdata of a blog. Fixed.
[!] “Warehouses [Beta]” add-on. When refreshing the page through AJAX when the setting “AB: Use Ajax-loading for menu items (second level and behind it)” is active, menu didn’t work when the template “AB: Vertical dropdown list with icons” or “AB: Horizontal dropdown list with icons” was chosen. Fixed.
[!] In the layout “Fixed” disclosed main menu was closed automatically when changing the city. Fixed.
[!] On the product page tables in the product descriptions had incorrect basic adaptivity. Fixed.
[!] On the wish list page PHP-notice appeared. Fixed.

v4.12.1.d from 23 December 2020

New features and improvements:
[+] Added theme setting “Display “Buy now with 1-click” button in product lists (located “Theme settings → tab “Add-ons” → “Request call” add-on”). Allows to display “Buy now with 1-click” button in blocks and product lists. Setting is disabled by default.

Functionality changes:
[*] From this theme setting in the menu with template “AB: Vertical dropdown list with icons” field “HTML-content” for the second menu level will be displayed only when the setting “Activate 3-level menu (dropdown list)” (located “Design → Menu → [menu name] → AB: UniTheme2) is active.

Bug fixes:
[!] “Products variations” add-on. In product lists the wrong number of product variations was displayed. Setting “The maximum quantity of the displayed products variations” (located “Theme settings → tab “Product lists”) worked incorrect. Fixed.
[!] In the menu with template “AB: Vertical dropdown list with icons” with a banner, maximum number of columns for menu items of the second and third levels was counted incorrect. Fixed.
[!] Theme setting “Price format” (located “Theme settings → “General” tab”) did not work for the main currency of the store when the variant “Show prices in default and selected currencies” of the setting “Alternative currency display format” (located “Settings → General”) was chosen. Fixed.
[!] In product lists currency view could increase its sizes in some cases. Fixed.

v4.12.1.c from 17 December 2020

New features and improvements:
[+] "Buy together" add-on. Improved display of product combinations in the "Cart content" block.

Bug fixes:
[!] On the Features page (brand), when any filter variant was selected, the list of products was not updated. Fixed

Layout changes:
[*] In the layouts on the "Features" page the "Filters" block has been moved to the section with the "Features page title" block below the specified block.

v4.12.1.b from 07 December 2020

A new version of the layouts (ult3) has been added, which allows automatic placement of demo data in the corresponding blocks (banners, menus, etc.).

Bug fixes:
[!] "Products variations" add-on. Fixed selection of variations on the product page.

v4.12.1.a from 29 November 2020

Release video:
Update of Unitheme2 v.4.12.1.a for CS-Cart and Multi-Vendor 4.12.1
New features and improvements:
[+] Added compatibility with CS-Cart 4.12.1.
[+] Added theme setting “Product list default view” (AB: Add-ons → AB: UniTheme2 → Theme settings → tab "Product lists") that determines product list template of product list by default for specific devices.
[+] Added setting “Price format” on the page “AB: Add-ons → AB: Unitheme2 → Theme settings → tab “General” that set appearance for product price on the storefront and allows to display “decimal” values in upper or lower case.
[+] In the “Cart” block added amount (price) view of the products added to the cart if more than one product was added there.
[+] On the page of adding demo data of the theme, added the ability to place demo data in context in accordance with blocks.

Functionality changes:
[*] Filter by price: improved adaptivity of elements and added a new style.
[*] In product lists changed location of elements: basic stickers (on the left side by default), group of bottoms: “View”, “Add to wishlist” and “Add to comparison list” (on the right side by default).

Bug fixes:
[!] On the category page with a small amount of displayed products (less than three) and chosen product list template “Grid”, category description or description of any block that was located under product list, was relocated when hovering mouse pointer over the product cell. Fixed.
[!] On the category page when displaying more than three columns in the product list “Grid”, empty cells could be displayed among pages in product grid when clicking the button “Auto pagination”. Fixed.
[!] On Home page in the “Main banners” block, banners appeared all together in a second when loading the page. Fixed.
[!] In Firefox browser on the mobile devices, the button “Reset” was not displayed in the filter when navigation panel was active and located on the bottom of the screen. Fixed.
[!] In advanced banner settings, in the section “Banner title settings” the option “Font weight” didn’t regulate typeface weight of the header. Fixed.
[!] In Safari browser images were displayed with distortion. Fixed.

Layout changes:
[*] In the layouts on the page “Search results”, on mobile devices, “Filters” block with settings was relocated on the top of the structure, under section of navigation.

v4.11.5.c from 23 October 2020

Video overview of main changes to release v4.11.5.c is available on our Youtube-channel.


Functionality of product combination was removed to the separate add-on "AB: Generator of product combinations".

New features and improvements:
[+] Added a new template for product detail page "AB: Three-columned” on the page "Administration panel → Settings → Appearance", to the setting "Product detailed page view".
[+] For block “Subcategories” (located on the page “Administration panel → Layouts → Categories → container “Content”) added settings: Show parent categories, Show sibling categories, Show child categories.
[+] All cloned themes made from original theme AB: UniTheme can’t be updated through “Upgrade center”! “Upgrade center” updates original assembly of the Theme only in the directory design/themes/abt__unitheme2. Do not select cloned theme for constant usage. Use cloned theme for familiarization or temporary developing only. To track such problems a new theme setting “AB: Add-ons → Add-ons → AB: UniTheme → Theme settings → General theme settings → Check the usage of cloned themes” was added.

Functionality changes:
[*] Optimized theme setting “Use images lazy load” located on the page “Administration panel → AB: UniTheme2 → Theme settings → “General” tab”.
[*] On the Home page in the block “Main banners” optimized loading of advanced banners.
[*] Theme setting “Use images lazy load” was removed from the tab “Product lists” to the “General” tab.
[*] In the menu block “Categories” (located on the page “Administration panel → Layouts → By default → container “Header”) with the active setting “Activate 3-level menu (dropdown list)” (located on the page "Administration panel → Design → Menu → [menu name] → "AB: UniTheme2" tab") improved adaptivity.
[*] In organization microdata and pages, protocol “http” was changed on “https”.
[*] Changed appearance of elements for statuses: “In stock”, “Out of stock”, “Buy in advance”.
[*] On the product page changed appearance of product tabs and improved its adaptivity.
[*] On the product page improved adaptivity and style of variations for features “Variations as separate products”.
[*] Optimized resolution of pictures, background images, graphic icons.
[*] In the filters block, buttons “More (n)”, “Close” were changed on “Show all (n)” and “Collapse”.

Bug fixes:
[!] “Social buttons” add-on. On the product page product image didn’t appear when using button Pinterest in a dialog window of this social network service. Fixed.
[!] In the window of quick product viewer, shifting of the active image did not work. Fixed.
[!] In the block settings of the menu (located on the page “Administration panel → Design → Menus → [menu name] → “AB: UniTheme2” tab), checkbox “Activate 3-level menu (dropdown list)” was not set when clicking its label. Fixed.
[!] On the product page the feature description was displayed without indents in a popup window. Fixed.
[!] “Comments and reviews” add-on. Comments could be displayed beyond the screen framework on mobile devices. Fixed.
[!] “Vendor locations [Beta]” add-on. Filter “Distance to vendor” worked incorrect. Fixed.
[!] Font of the theme, provided by default for titles and prices, was not used. Fixed.
[!] In the block “Account” the last link was too close to the block of buttons when the setting “Display track my orders section” (located on the page “Administration panel → Settings → Appearance) was disabled. Fixed.
[!] Error message was missed during authorization when the wrong login and/or password was entered. Fixed.
[!] In product lists with the template “List without options” the old product price was not refreshed after options change. Fixed.
[!] On the product page with the template “The big picture” minimal product quantity only was added to the cart if there was specified the setting “Quantity step” (located on the page “Administration panel → Products → Products → [product name]”) more than one. Fixed.
[!] In the menu block “Categories” (located on the page “Administration panel → Layouts → By default → container “Header”) with the active setting “Activate 3-level menu (dropdown list)”, window with the elements of the second and third levels could have not a full minimal height of the block when there were a few elements only in the first level menu. Fixed.
[!] "Ask seller a question" add-on. On the page “My account → Messages” delimiters were missed at breadcrumbs and vertical paddings were broken on mobile devices. Fixed.
[!] "Ask seller a question" add-on. On the page “My account → Messages” button “Ask a question” was not displayed on mobile devices. Fixed.
[!] "Ask seller a question" add-on. On the page “My account → Messages” in the pop-up window of the messages, elements of the window were not adapted and had oversize on mobile devices. Fixed.
[!] On the category page a category content was displaced when the filter button appeared on mobile devices. Fixed.
[!] In advanced banners with video content, the video was not displayed on full width and there were irrelevant paddings on mobile devices. Fixed.
[!] In filters block with the template “Horizontal filters” there were irrelevant paddings in some cases. Fixed.
[!] In filters block with the template “Horizontal filters” the button “More” (that opens hidden filter elements) was displayed askew and had problems with colors as well. Fixed.
[!] Prefix and postfix were located beyond the framework of the dropdown list when product variation was displayed. Fixed.
[!] On the Home page the block “Stay Connected” changed its size when clicking the button “Subscribe”. Fixed.
[!] In products block with the template “AB: Scroller advanced” (located on the page “Administration panel → Layouts → Home page → container “Content” → [block name]”) the price was displayed even when the setting “Show price” was disabled. Fixed.
[!] In the blog article when product block was added with templates “Scroller” and “AB: Scroller advanced”, control elements and arrows were cut on mobile devices. Fixed.
[!] On the category page with the active theme setting “Use images lazy load” (located on the page “Administration panel → AB: UniTheme2 → Theme settings → “General” tab”) in product list with the template “List without options”, the make-up of the cell transformed plain when loading product images. Fixed.
[!] When the setting "Allow shopping for unlogged customers" (located on the page "Administration panel → Settings → Checkout") was active, the button for authorization was not displayed on mobile devices. Fixed.

v4.11.5.b from 03 September 2020

Bug fixes:
[!] The checkout page might not have a list of available payment methods. Fixed.

v4.11.5.a from 03 September 2020

New features and improvements:
[+] Added compatibility with CS-Cart 4.11.5.
[+] Add-on "AB: Stickers": Added compatibility with the add-on version v1.0.0.

Functionality changes:
[*] "Products variations" add-on. For product lists with the feature setting "Variations as one product" added the ability to go to the page of the appropriate variation when clicking on the variation element (icon, color or checkbox).
[*] In the products lists with "Grid" template, when hovering over a product, the name was displayed in a maximum of two lines, increased to five.

Bug fixes:
[!] Multi-Vendor. Add-on "Vendor locations [Beta]". In the "Product filters" block, the "Distance to vendor" filter was displayed incorrectly. Fixed.
[!] Clicking on a first-level menu item without a link did not open its submenu on mobile devices. Fixed.
[!] The color of the selected items was not displayed correctly on the checkout page for the "Cobalt" color scheme. Fixed.

v4.11.4.b from 16 June 2020

New features and improvements:
[+] Add-on "AB: SEO for product tabs": Added compatibility with the add-on version v1.3.0.

Functionality changes:
[*] Optimization: Improved the work of js-script of the scroller.
[*] In the main menu with the template "AB: Vertical dropdown list with icons" the height of the block with the elements of the first level depends on their number.

Bug fixes:
[!] Add-on "Social buttons": On the product page Ajax-loading of the social buttons became endless in some cases. Fixed.
[!] Add-on "Request call": On the storefront response time of the "Buy now with 1-click" button was too large. Fixed.
[!] Add-on "Blog": For block of posts list of the blog with the selected template "Blog: recent posts scroller" background image was not loaded. Fixed.
[!] Add-on "Social buttons": On the product page in the block of the social buttons in RTL version, the button text "Pinterest" was displayed incorrect. Fixed.

v4.11.4.a from 18 May 2020

Attention! If you use the SEOhide add-on
Due to the closure of support for the SEOhide add-on, starting from the theme version v4.11.4.a, the integration of the new AB: Antibot add-on included in the SEO and Speed-Up packages is used to hide content from bots.
Uninstall the SEOhide add-on, install the AB: Antibot add-on and configure it according to the documentation.

New features and improvements:
[+] Added compatibility with CS-Cart 4.11.4.
[+] Added new color scheme "Cobalt".
[+] Added compatibility with "AB: Antibot" add-on.

Functionality changes:
[*] SEO add-on: Brand adding into product microdata was adapted to the format JSON-LD.
[*] Breadcrumbs microdata was transformed into the format JSON-LD.

Bug fixes:
[!] Block height settled incorrect sometimes in the window "Quick products viewer". It was the reason of scrollbar appearance even when the window was displayed not in a full screen. Fixed.
[!] Field "Creation date" was not displayed on the editing banner page of the type "AB: UniTheme2: Advanced banner". Fixed.
[!] On the page "Cart contents" in the window "Calculate shipping cost" a scrollbar always was displayed. Fixed.
[!] "Gift certificates" add-on. On the page "Gift certificates" in the popup window of products adding into the gift, there was incorrect position of control elements (panel with icons). Fixed.

v4.11.3.d from 13 May 2020

New features and improvements:
[+] Improved adaptivity and style of the elements of filter block.
[+] In the menu with templates "AB: Vertical dropdown list with icons" and "AB: Horizontal dropdown list with icons" improved adaptivity when the large number of the items are displayed on the devices with a small vertical screen resolution and the height of browser window is reduced.

Functionality changes:
[*] On the product page in tab "Features" the features were displayed in one column on the mobile devices. It is changed into two columns except the smartphones with a small screen resolution (up to 320px).

Bug fixes:
[!] The main image of the advanced banner was not displayed when the setting "AB: Add-ons → AB: UniTheme2 → Theme settings → Products lists → Use images lazy load” was disabled. Fixed.
[!] On the category page in the block "Products filters" all entries of the selected filter could disappear for a short period of time when clicking on the variant (this was most common when the large number of filters were chosen). Fixed.
[!] On the product page when the settings "AB: Add-ons → AB: UniTheme2 → Theme settings → Products → Display brand logo" and "AB: Add-ons → AB: UniTheme2 → Theme settings → Products → Brand logo link behavior → The link leads to the main product category with the selected filter by product brand" were active and when the setting "Products → Features → [feature name] → Show in header on the product details page" was disabled the brand logo led to the page with empty value of the chosen brand (feature_hash). Fixed.
[!] In the header of the website the alignment of the related and nearby items was broken on the blocks "Account" and "Cart" when the long titles were used (in different languages the titles length had the bigger size than it was estimated in the theme design). Fixed.

v4.11.3.c from 22 April 2020

Attention! The Brands page functionality was moved out to the separate add-on.
Functionality of the Brands page was moved out and expanded to the separate add-on AB: SEO for Brands that is available in the package SEO. In the absence of the specified add-on, theme will still use outdated functionality, which will be permanently removed in the next releases.

Attention! The update of the "AB: Banners for categories" add-on is needed
For theme version v4.11.3.b is needed the add-on "AB: Banners for categories" version v2.1.0 to ensure the correct operation of the setting "AB: UniTheme2: Theme Settings → Product Lists → Use Deferred Image Upload".

Attention! The update of the "AB: Video gallery of the product" add-on is needed
For theme version v4.11.3.b is needed the add-on "AB: Video gallery of the product" version v2.2.0 to ensure the correct operation of the setting "AB: UniTheme2: Theme Settings → Product Lists → Use Deferred Image Upload".

New features and improvements:
[+] In the menu for the template "AB: Horizontal dropdown list with icons" added the setting "AB: Number of displayed elements of the 2-level menu" that is responsible for the number of elements displayed before the "More" button.

Functionality changes:
[*] Updated user privileges.
[*] Optimization: In the block "Reviews / News" with the template "AB: Blog: Recent posts" the number of downloaded posts is limited to seven. Previously, all blog posts were loaded but only seven were displayed.
[*] On the product page in the tab "Features", the adaptability of the product features list has been improved.

Bug fixes:
[!] For the "Big Image" template, the modifier for choosing the products quantity did not work correctly when buying several products, only one was sent to the cart. Fixed.
[!] In the "UniTheme 2 (Default)" layout, in the main menu with the template "AB: Horizontal drop-down list with icons" on mobile devices, with a large number of sublevel elements, it was impossible to scroll through the contents. Fixed.
[!] In the theme settings "AB: UniTheme2: Theme Settings → Product Lists → Use Deferred Image Upload", the delayed upload could not be disabled. Fixed.
[!] When displaying blocks in tabs, if the first tab has no products, the js-error was caused that blocked the page. Fixed.
[!] On the category page, when clicking the "Show more" button, two pages could be loaded at once. Fixed.
[!] PHP-notice appeared on the product page when loading social buttons. Fixed.
[!] PHP-notice occurred while defining the device. Fixed.
[!] In the product lists and on the product page, the "Add to comparison list" button could cause errors in Yandex reports (many redirects). Fixed.
[!] RTL version: On the product page the first image was displayed in the gallery only. The empty block was displayed when clicking on the thumbnails in the gallery instead of the additional images. Fixed.

v4.11.3.b from 26 March 2020

1. Attention! The removing of Brands page functionality is planned
The functionality of the Brands page will be moved and expanded into the separate add-on AB: SEO for Brands from the next version of the theme. It is available in the package SEO.
2. Attention! The update of the "AB: Product of the day and extended promotions" add-on is needed
For theme version v4.11.3.b is needed the add-on "AB: Product of the day and extended promotions" version v3.2.0 to provide the correct display of the add-on elements in the theme.

New features and improvements:
[+] In the theme settings "AB: Addons → AB: UniTheme2 → Theme settings → Product lists" added setting "Display product rating" that allows to display or hide product rating stars in the products lists;
[+] In the theme settings "AB: Addons → AB: UniTheme2 → Theme settings → Product lists" added setting "Price display format" that allows to change the format of elements position when the prices are displayed in the product lists. There are three variants available: Variant 1, Variant 2, Variant 3;
[+] In the theme settings “AB: Addons → AB: UniTheme2 → Theme settings → Product lists → Grid” added the new variants of the setting “Content of bottom part of the product grid item” (Variations list, Features and variations list). New variants allow to display exclusively variations, features or both variants as well;
[+] In the theme settings “AB: Addons → AB: UniTheme2 → Theme settings → Product lists → List without options" added the new setting “Content under description”. The following variants are available: Don't display, Features list, Variations list, Features and variations list. New variants allow to display exclusively variations, features or both variants as well;
[+] In the menu with the "AB: Horizontal drop-down list with the icons" template added scroller for the elements of the first level;
[+] In the menu with the "AB: Vertical drop-down list with the icons" template and activated "3-level menu (dropdown list)" setting added the ability to display HTML-content or image-banner;
[+] SEO optimization: On the editing page of Pages, Articles and Blog posts added a new setting "Administration panel → Website → Blog/Pages → Add-ons → Schema type" with four available variants: Do not output, Article, News, Blog;
[+] SEO-optimization: Added conversion of HTML entities into appropriate symbols in meta descriptions of layouts;
[+] Addon "Warehouses": Added design for content of the tab of the warehouses on the product page.

Functionality changes:
[*] Optimization: In the banners "АВ: UniTheme2: Advanced banners" added deferred loading "lazy-load" for the background images;
[*] Optimization: On the product page the loading of images in the gallery of the product was optimized for mobile devices;
[*] Optimization: Scripts are moved to the connectable js-file;
[*] Optimization: Loading of the remote script jQuery-library was changed from server to the loading of the local files;
[*] In the menu with the "AB: Vertical dropdown list with icons" template and activated "3-level menu (dropdown list)" setting Improved adaptivity;
[*] In the categories reviews were displayed in two columns that was very tight on the mobile devices. It was changed in one column;
[*] In the theme settings “AB: Addons → AB: UniTheme2 → Theme settings → Product lists → List without options" was removed the setting “Show product features”. The setting was changed with one of the variants of the new setting “Content under description”.

Bug fixes:
[!] On the checkout page the "Apply" button did not work in some browsers. Fixed;
[!] In the pop-up window of the quick order of the "Call request" addon the form content was not fully displayed when the page was opened for the first time. Fixed;
[!] In banners with the "AB: Advanced banner (Carousel)" template when the banner with the type "Graphic banner" error appeared. Fixed;
[!] In theme editor color scheme settings were not copied when a new color scheme was created. Fixed;
[!] Addon "HiDPI display support": Deferred loading "lazy-load" did not work for HiDPI-images. Fixed;
[!] On the product page main content was built in one column instead of two columns when variations or options with the long names were set. Fixed;
[!] Product information was not refreshed with options switching on the product page when "The big picture" template was chosen. Fixed;
[!] On the product page a simultaneous use of options with variations did not work correct when "The big picture" template was chosen. Fixed;
[!] On the pages (e.g., Contacts) the gaps were missed in some elements when the columns were used. Fixed;
[!] In authorization window the error message was not displayed when the E-mail or password was incorrect. Fixed;
[!] In the product lists with the switched on thumbnails gallery, the thumbnails were not displayed when clicking the left arrow. Fixed;
[!] Images were not fully displayed (cut) at horizontal screen position in the product lists with "Grid" template and active gallery on the mobile devices. Fixed;
[!] Images could be displayed not fully and not central at horizontal screen position in the product lists with "Grid" template and active gallery on the mobile devices. Fixed;
[!] In the products lists characteristics with the long names were displayed wrong and the names could cover the elements near by with the "Grid" template when the characteristics variations were displayed with the setting "Products → Features → [feature name] → General → Appearance → Text marks". Fixed;
[!] In the products lists with "Grid" template, there was too small line interval when the characteristics variation was displayed in several rows with the setting "Products → Features → [feature name] → General → Appearance" and filter type "Color". Fixed;
[!] Selection field was displayed without adaptivity in the product lists for the products with active setting "Products → Products → [product name] → General → Quantity step". Fixed;
[!] In the product lists the view of price with taxes did not make the block size larger that caused covering the product name by price. Fixed;
[!] Addon "Social buttons": On the product page errors could appear when the addon was inactive. Fixed;
[!] Menu items with the long names could cover elements near by in the menu with "AB: Vertical dropdown list with icons" template and active setting "Activate 3-level menu (dropdown list)". Fixed;
[!] In the menu with "AB: Vertical dropdown list with icons" and "AB: Horizontal dropdown list with icons" templates errors of w3c validation were fixed.
[!] Addon “AB: Video gallery of the product”: In the product list with “Grid” template icon of video player was displayed incorrect at the products that contained video.. Fixed;
[!] On the page of the product compare information about economy was not displayed at the product when the setting “AB: Addons → AB: UniTheme2: Theme settings → Product list → Settings for "Grid" product list view → Show "You save"” was active;
[!] In the menu with the "AB: Vertical dropdown list with icons" template the link "More (parent category) was displayed incorrect when in the block settings was limited number of items of the second level and the setting "AB: Behaviour for the "More" button → Go to the parent menu item link" was activated. Fixed and changed the style of the link and provided its display on the mobile devices.

v4.11.3.a from 10 February 2020

New features and improvements:
[+] Added compatibility with CS-Cart 4.11.3;

v4.11.2.d from 10 January 2020

Functionality changes:
[*] "Lazy load" is disabled for the logo.

Bug fixes:
[!] When saving a new color scheme in the Theme Editor, LESS-errors occurred. Fixed;
[!] The excess height of second-level items on devices with a screen resolution of 768px in height appeared in the menu. Fixed;
[!] In the RTL version, image galleries in some cases did not work correctly. Fixed.

v4.11.2.c from 27 December 2019

Functionality changes:
[!] The menu items appear excessive height of the second level on mobile devices. Fixed.

v4.11.2.b from 25 December 2019

New features and improvements:
[+] Added new setting Theme settings → Product → Additional displaying settings → Show product brand logo, allows you to display the brand logo on the product page;
[+] Added ability to change theme fonts in Theme editor mode Theme editor “Fonts” section, optimized loading of the base theme font, which increases page loading performance;
[+] Added design for information about the availability of products for which such settings are seted: “Out of stock actions” with value “Buy in advance” and "Avail since";
[+] Added "TikTok" icon, as well as 6 additional service icons;
[+] Added new color scheme "Indigo".

Functionality changes:
[*] Improved adaptability of displaying a 2-level menu with icons for templates "AB: Horizontal dropdown list with icons" and "AB: Vertical dropdown list with icons";
[*] Improved product page responsiveness for elements of "Show sticky block Add to cart" panel;
[*] Improved responsiveness for product list page with "Grid" template.

Bug fixes:
[!] When displaying blocks in tabs, with the active setting of the corresponding section "Show all section blocks in tabs", when the first block had no filling - an error occurred. Fixed;
[!] In the categories on the last page of pagination, all pagination elements strayed in one column on mobile devices. Fixed;
[!] In the top panel of the site, when using the dark color of the panel, on mobile devices with a large screen "Quick links" menu links had a white color on a white background. Fixed;
[!] On the product page with active setting "Settings → Appearance → Customer settings → Display product details in tabs" tab headers displayed on top of the block "sticky block Add to cart" on smartphones. Fixed;
[!] In the menu with template "AB: Horizontal dropdown list with icons" setting for block "Third level elements" did not affect the number of items displayed. Fixed;
[!] In the “Product filters” block on Iphone mobile devices in the Safari browser, the browser navigation bar, in some cases, overlapped the last element. Fixed;
[!] In product lists with templates "Grid" or "AB: Scroller advanced" if the product had no image, the automatically added dummy image was large. Fixed;
[!] In product lists with template "AB: Scroller advanced" turned off setting "Enable quick view" did not turn off the display of the quick view button. Fixed;
[!] Fixed compatibility with addons "Required products", "Bestsellers & On-Sale Products" and "Customers also bought" when displaying the corresponding addons blocks in tabs;
[!] In "Social buttons" block button "VK" did not work. Fixed;
[!] On the category page (or other pages where the filter by price is used) when using a non-basic currency when filtering products by price, the price range was not displayed correctly in the block of selected filters. Fixed;
[!] Under special conditions, opening the product page was called PHP-notice. Fixed.

v4.11.2.a from 05 December 2019

Functionality changes:
[*] Added compatibility with CS-Cart 4.11.2;
[*] Optimized "Lazy load" function, accelerated image loading;
[*] For the "The big picture" product page template size limit for the product gallery was removed;
[*] On the product page the design of the product variants with the "Image" type has been changed;
[*] On the product page the adaptability of form elements (options, variations) has been improved;
[*] For "Ask seller a question" addon, the adaptability of the pop-up window elements (displayed when you click on the "Ask a Question" link) was improved;

Bug fixes:
[!] On the product detailed page, when switching the city using the link of the "Maps and geolocation" addon, in some cases there was an endless download. Fixed;
[!] Only one combination of products was displayed on the list of promotions page. Fixed.

v4.11.1.a from 14 November 2019

Functionality changes:
[*] Compatibility with CS-Cart 4.11.1 was added;
[*] Added support of sortings for product variations;
[*] Added styles for link "Задать вопрос", function of addon "Ask seller a question";

Bug fixes:
[!] On the product page with template "Big picture", when clicking the link "Write a review" did not display all fields of the form. Fixed;

v4.10.4.c from 08 November 2019

Functionality changes:
[*] Optimized loading of fonts and icons, which increased page loading speed;
[*] The adaptability of the «Categories» block with the templates "AB: Vertical drop-down list with icons" and "AB: Horizontal drop-down list with icons" for the layout with the setting "Layout width: Full width";
[*] In theme settings, tab «Product lists» for setting "Show brand logo" display is blocked on Smartphones, activation of this setting is available only on PCs and Tablets;
[*] In theme settings, tab «Product lists» for setting "Show "You save"" display is blocked on Smartphones and Tablets, activation of this setting is available only on a PC.

Bug fixes:
[!] In the product lists with the minimum width of the cell (in case of adaptability or with a large number of columns) for the sticker (label) "Free delivery" the icon did not appear. Fixed;
[!] For menu with turned on setting "Activate 3-level menu (dropdown list)" for third menu level the second column was not displayed on smartphones. Fixed;
[!] When using the menu template "AB: Vertical drop-down list with icons," the first-level menu items with icons and long names (in several lines) had the wrong indent. Fixed;
[!] On the product page for tab «Features» long names of feature variants (in several rows) were displayed unevenly relative to other options. Fixed;
[!] On the «Feature comparison" page, the recommended price closely adjoined to the price. Fixed;
[!] On the «Wishlist" page rating stars have always been inactive. Fixed;
[!] When using the menu template "AB: Vertical drop-down list with icons" when displaying a 2-level structure of elements, the width of the menu block was not calculated correctly. Fixed;
[!] OS IOS (Apple). When using any form fields, screen scaling on mobile devices changed. Fixed;
[!] OS IOS (Apple). On the checkout page, text in some fields was unevenly placed on mobile devices. Fixed;
[!] OS IOS (Apple). On the checkout page when using the "Card" payment system, the numbers in the "CCV code" field were placed unevenly on mobile devices. Fixed;

v4.10.4.b from 29 October 2019

After the upgrade, your current color scheme will work as before. To use the new settings you need to perform one of the variants:

  1. or adjust the current used color scheme. To do this, go to the page AB: Addons → AB: UniTheme2 → Color scheme settings, select the active color scheme and set the necessary values for the new settings;
  2. or create a new color scheme using the "Theme Editor" based on the color schemes available in this version.

New features and improvements:
[+] Added new settings for Color scheme settings:

  • General → Display headers in capital letters;
  • General → Buttons → Display text in capital letters;
  • General → Buttons → Add shadow;
  • General → Buttons → Add bulk;
  • General → Labels (stickers) → Use border style;
  • General → Labels (stickers) → Add shadow;
  • General → Labels (stickers) → Add shadow for text;
  • Containers → Header → Add dividing strips;
  • Containers → Header → Color for hovering over a first level menu item;
  • Containers → Header → Color for hovering over the elements "Categories", "Account" and "Cart";
  • Containers → Header → The color of the icons for elements "Categories", "Account" and "Cart";
  • Product > Set individual color for "Add to cart" button;

[+] For menu templates "AB: Horizontal dropdown list with icons" and "AB: Vertical dropdown list with icons" label contour stroke was added with label color if marker background color is white.
[+] Added micro-marking for breadcrumbs.
[+] Added Brand page compatibility with "Custom H1 header PRO" addon v.1.5.0.

Functionality changes:
[*] For menu "AB: Vertical dropdown list with icons" when using a two-level structure without icons of elements of the second level, the content of the second level was displayed in a block with excess width. Changed the minimum block width;
[*] For images added through the visual content editor, indents provided by the theme are removed;
[*] For product lists with template "Small items" buttons appearance changed: only icons without names are used;
[*] Changed the appearance of the standard page pagination for smartphones.

Bug fixes:
[!] On the product detail page with using "Big picture" template, when a list of variations was displayed in a tab, a block with a choice of options was not displayed and the "Add to Cart" button did not work. Fixed;
[!] In menu "AB: Vertical dropdown list with icons" and "AB: Horizontal dropdown list with icons" when displaying a two-level structure with icons for the second level, elements were unevenly positioned. Fixed;
[!] On the category page with view type "List without options", when choosing an option with a discount, the price of the product did not change. Fixed;
[!] On the category page ckicking the button "Show more" products were added upper. Fixed;
[!] On the product detail page with using "FancyBox" extra indentation of the title of the viewport appeared. Fixed;
[!] In product list with choosen template "Grid", if missing setting value for "Categories list thumbnail width" and various sizes of images - alignment was on the left, and not in the center. Fixed;
[!] In product list with choosen template "Compact list" when adding to the Wishlist in the header the counter of added to wishlist products did not change. Fixed;
[!] In the container "Header" in block "Top menu" incorrectly displayed content on small screens. Fixed;
[!] Micro-marking for reviews caused a structured data error. Fixed;
[!] For banners type "AB: Advanced banner" with video content, when clicking on the YouTube icon the video did not load. Fixed;
[!] In pop-up windows, elements with very long names (window title and button names) were adjacent to the borders of the window for smartphones with a screen resolution of 320px. Fixed;
[!] In product list with choosen template "Grid" with turned on setting "Show product code (Sku)", in the absence of a product code, the cell height was violated, which caused visual imbalance. Fixed;
[!] On the All brands page, brand names could be adjacent to each other on tablets. Fixed;
[!] In product list with choosen template "Grid" with turned on setting "Decolorize out of stock products" the "Youtube" icon did not fade. Fixed;
[!] On the checkout page, with a six-digit or more order amount, the adaptability of the unit with the order amount on the tablets in the vertical position of the screen was violated. Fixed;
[!] For menu type "AB: Vertical dropdown list with icons" when using a limited number of menu items in the 3-level menu mode, the "More" link had no indentation. Fixed;
[!] In "Account" dropdown module block did not fit "Google reCAPTCHA" for mobile devices. Fixed;
[!] On the product detaile page Share functionality worked incorrectly, addon "Sosial buttons". Fixed.

v4.10.4.a from 16 September 2019

New features and improvements:
[+] Compatibility with СS-Cart 4.10.4 is added.

Bug fixes:
[!] In the authorization window, the "reCAPTCHA" output did not fit within the window. Fixed.

v4.10.3.e from 12 September 2019

Bug fixes:
[!] PHP-error at working with tabs is appeared. Fixed;
[!] Invalid icons import during migration. Fixed.

v4.10.3.d from 12 September 2019

New features and improvements:
[+] Images lazy-load for lists "List without options" and "Compact list" is added;
[+] "Telegram" messenger icon is added.

Functionality changes:
[*] Displaying product value inscription at using the "Show number of available products" option is changed.

Bug fixes:
[!] When editing the product combination there was redirect on the main product page. Fixed;
[!] At creating advanced banners on all available adaptivity settings for tablet were applied. Fixed;
[!] At showing the horizontal menu on the compare products page in mobile version the button "Delete" displayed over the menu. Fixed;
[!] On the product card page (category page, page with content), block with individual filling, at active settings "Show all section blocks in tabs" and "Use Ajax for loading the second and next tabs content", displayed preset block filling in the "Design → Layouts". Fixed;
[!] At disabled/deleted addon "Wish list" smarty error is appeared. Fixed;
[!] At browser window width was less than 1080px, the title elements adaptivity when the logotype has a width over the 250px was impaired. Fixed;
[!] When adding a new language to the system, theme settings were not transferred from the active language. Fixed.

v4.10.3.c from 05 September 2019

Functionality changes:
[*] Improved appearance for the products list elements "Scroller" template, the adaptivity of its output has changed.

Bug fixes:
[!] On the product card page in the "Maps and geolocation" addon block, at displaying "Pick up" delivery way, delivery variants links (buttons) were displayed incorrectly. Fixed;
[!] On the product card page in the "Social buttons" block the "VK" button isn't displayed. Fixed.

v4.10.3.b from 29 August 2019

New features and improvements:
[+] In advanced banners with the active "Content on full width" option text right alignment is added;
[+] Option "Max number of displayed features in lists" is added.

Functionality changes:
[*] On the product card page tab links (that opened in popup) position is changed;
[*] On the product card page sticky block "Add to cart" is now disappearing after scrolling through product tabs;
[*] In product lists variations display is changed (for example: color, size), adaptibility is improved;
[*] Compatibility with "AB: Intellectual selection of products in block" v2.6.0 or higher is fixed.

Bug fixes:
[!] In the top panel, the dropdown burger menu was unevenly positioned relative to the screen edge on the phone. Fixed;
[!] On the product card page when social buttons are turned off, the label "Share" is remained. Fixed;
[!] On the product card page impaired adaptability when using a large products number in the single combination "Buy together" addon on phones with IOS (Iphone). Fixed;
[!] On pages with product lists when filtering products opening breadcrumbs button on mobile devices is disappeared. Fixed;
[!] In the administrative panel in theme settings fields, for entering digits, symbol values were available. Fixed;
[!] In product lists, no matter how many product features were specified, a maximum of 5 was always displayed. Fixed;
[!] In product lists, if you prevent unauthorized users from buying and log in, the "Add to cart" button was moved to a separate line from the quantity control block. Fixed;
[!] Product lists as "Grid", if you prevent unauthorized users from buying and setting long language variable "sign_in_to_view_price" ("sign in to view price") value, that she was beyond product tile on mobile devices. Fixed;
[!] On the brand page at addon "АВ: Hide the part of the content up to a certain height" work brand description isn't dispayed. Fixed;
[!] On the product card page at switched off "Show product information in tabs" option tabs titles crawled on fixed panel sticky block "Buy" on mobile devices. Fixed;
[!] On the product card page at an obligatory products conclusion and aiming at them, products grid cells were deformed. Fixed;
[!] In popups, videos with the specified dimensions were not displayed correctly. Fixed;
[!] In popups, while display "Send by e-mail" form inner paddings (functional "Social buttons" addon) is missed. Fixed;
[!] On the product card page in block "Maps and geolocation" with the "Pick up" delivery variant output configured, the adjacent elements imposition were broken. Fixed;
[!] On the product card page, cart block with active sticky block "Buy", on mobile devices is dislayed incorrectly. Fixed;
[!] In advanced banners, at changing button color, if was picked layout style "Default" — color isdn't changed. Fixed;
[!] In small size advanced banners with switched off "Content on full width" option — content is trimmed if it didn't fit within the block frame. Fixed;
[!] In advanced banners output for right-hand text alignment languages RTL is displayed incorrectly. Fixed;
[!] Layout style "Black" caused an error when changing its settings. Fixed;
[!] In the block "Now in demand" at switched off "Outside navigation" option navigation arrows were not displayed. Fixed;
[!] When the menu "AB: Vertical dropdown list with icons" first level is opened — overlapped the entire zone to the right of the menu items dropdown list. All elements located in this zone were not clickable. Fixed;
[!] On the product card page, If the product has more than one combination — all combinations were displayed during loading and combined into the scroller. Fixed;
[!] On the product card page zoom-image for the first hoover on the image isn't turned on. Fixed.

v4.10.3.a from 22 Jule 2019

New features and improvements:
[+] On the product detailed page (also product preview) control elements (arrows) on the images browser (OwlCarousel) are added;
[+] Breadcrumbs adaptive transformation for mobile devices is added;
[+] For the content of the fields "Description" tables, lists, pictures, styles are added.

Functionality changes:
[*] In the product card in the sticky block "Add to cart" the "Buy in one click" button is removed and the "Add to wishlist" and "Add to compare list" buttons are added;
[*] Auxiliary tooltip (hint) display on links and buttons for mobile devices is hidden;
[*] In the footer for menu links, mobile devices navigation registration is changed.

Bug fixes:
[!] On the gift certificates ordering page, some form elements were incorrectly displaying and the adaptability was broken. Fixed.
[!] In the product card, at the switched-off "AB: Video gallery of the product" addon, the gallery on tablets was incorrectly displayed. Fixed;
[!] In the appearing windows (popup) in certain cases buttons in the lower part of a window incorrectly were displayed. Fixed;
[!] On category pages, features and search results with displaying products chosen the option "List without options", the list could be displayed incorrectly in filters column lack case (on layout width changes condition). Fixed;
[!] In the variations list, the "Add to wishlist" button went beyond the table, on phones with small display resolution. Fixed;
[!] There were incorrect internal spaces in banners demo data. Fixed.

Templates changes:
[*] In "Advanced", "Default" and "Fixed" templates, on the "Checkout" page in the container "Content" the "Address" block was added to the section "Grid 12" (available from the version CS-Cart 4.10.3). The layouts version is changed to UniTheme 2 (Advanced) - ult2, UniTheme 2 (Default) - ult2, UniTheme 2 (Fixed) - ult2. The used template actualization is recommended.

v4.10.2.g from 22 Jule 2019

New features and improvements:
[+] Performance is optimized. The images loading process is changed, all images were loaded right after the page loading. Postponed images loading until the actual appearance on the screen;
[+] Advanced banners adaptability is considerably improved, video displaying is also added;
[+] In products blocks with the display template "AB: Scroller advanced" icons height and width settings are added;
[+] In the product description the added video (iframe) displaying for mobile devices is adapted;
[+] On the product page the "Share" buttons ajax-loading for performance improvement is added;
[+] The "Breadcrumbs" adaptability for mobile devices is added;
[+] On the product page in the "Description" tab tables execution and adaptability for mobile devices is added;
[+] Compatibility with addon "AB: Product sets (Up-Sell)" is added;
[+] For the status of a products condition the icon "In stock" is added;
[+] In the product page templates "Standard template" and "Big picture" added hook {hook name="products:geo_maps"}{/hook} for information output about geolocation and the provided place delivery cost.

Functionality changes:
[*] On the product page, social buttons location and design and also "Add to wishlist" and "Add to compare list" buttons is changed;
[*] On the product page in the "Reviews" tab name reviews counter design is changed;
[*] On the checkout page (new checkout) elements alignment is changed to the upper edge location, the adaptability is improved;
[*] On the product page, the "Maps and geolocation" addon displaying design is changed;
[*] In the product page template "Standard template" a hook {hook name="products:product_detail_bottom"}{/hook} location is changed.

Bug fixes:
[!] On the product page at the active "Social buttons" addon option "Show E-mail button" the product doesn't add to the cart. Fixed;
[!] In the "Quick product viewer" window the adaptability for mobile devices was broken. Fixed;
[!] On the storefront in the menu block "Categories" with active control "AB: Use Ajax-loading for menu items (second level and behind it)" the menu wasn't loaded completely. Fixed;
[!] On the categories page, the "AB: Banners for categories" addon banners weren't displayed. Fixed;
[!] When using color schemes "Default" and "Brick" less-mistakes at order placing appeared. Fixed (color schemes based on "Default" and "Brick" is necessary to create anew);
[!] In the products list "Grid", in a case when the product code had very big length, it was distributed on two rows and broke elements adaptability. Fixed;
[!] On the product page adding to the cart product set with options, the chosen variant didn't get to the cart. Fixed.

v4.10.2.f from 05 Jule 2019

Bug fixes:
[!] fixed layout update;

v4.10.2.e from 04 Jule 2019

New features and improvements:
[+] On the product page design of the "Maps and geolocation" addon "Shipping estimations" block is added;

Functionality changes:
[*] In product templates (Standard template and Big picture) hook's position {hook name="products:product_detail_bottom"}{/hook} is changed;

v4.10.2.d from 02 Jule 2019

New features and improvements:
[+] New theme option "Show short description" on product page is added;
[+] Ability to recover remote system language variables which were deleted at migration from UniTheme (of the first generation) is added;
[+] For container "Title" elements of the UniTheme 2 (Default) layout the adaptability for Tablets is improved;
[+] Product page adaptability for Tablets is improved;
[+] For product lists with the "Grid" template the button constant display for mobile devices is fixed;
[+] On the product page the space from below of the page at the active control "Show sticky block Add to cart" for mobile devices is added;

Functionality changes:
[*] AB: UniTheme2: Advanced banners: Settings "Loop video playback" is deleted;
[*] AB: UniTheme2: Advanced banners: Settings "Playlist" is deleted;
[*] In Advanced, Default and Fixed layouts the following changes were made (using layout updating is required):

  • On the page "Default" layout in the container "Top panel" from the section "Section 3" "Currencies" and "Languages" blocks were moved to the section "Section 13";
  • On the "Default" layout page in the container "Top panel" the "Customer location" block was added to the section "Section 3" and the user's class in this section was removed;
  • On the "Default" layout page in the container "Header" in the "AB: Phone numbers" block content was changed;

Bug fixes:
[!] AB: UniTheme2: Advanced banners: In section "Banner button settings" settings "Text color" and "Button color" were displayed irrespective of option "Add button" status. Fixed;
[!] In the "Content editor" mode when hovering on elements with the class "cm-tooltip" the js-error has appeared. Fixed;
[!] The variations list design is fixed. The adaptability is added;
[!] On the "Comparison list" page the indent to the left of the "Main content" appeared. Corrected (for the "Features" layout for the option "Dispatch" it is necessary to select "View product features" variant);
[!] The product pagination didn't work on the brand page. Fixed;
[!] At the switched-off container "Top panel" the sticky menu was not displayed. Fixed;
[!] At the active option "Show product mini icons gallery in the product list" and the inactive option "Use images lazy load" in product lists display was broken. Fixed;
[!] On the product page conditions of product existence for the "Sticky block Add to cart" block was not considered. Fixed;
[!] On the product page the "Sticky block Add to cart" block for Tablets was not displayed. Fixed;
[!] On the product page the "Buy together" tab for Tablets was not displayed. Fixed;
[!] On the product page for the "Big picture" template at the active option "Show E-mail button" the "Social buttons" addon the Add to cart button was not displayed. Fixed;
[!] On the product page for the "Big picture" template the product code blocked the inscription "Contact us for a price" on mobile devices if for the product the price is not established. Fixed;
[!] On the product page control elements (arrows) in the "Buy together" block was displayed with the shift. Fixed;
[!] On the product page, the quantity of the reviews in the "Reviews" tab on mobile devices was incorrectly displayed. Fixed;
[!] Multi-Vendor: On the "General product" page the "Sticky block Add to cart" block was incorrectly displayed. Fixed;
[!] On the cart page button [+] and [-] the quantity modifier on mobile devices was displaced. Fixed;
[!] For product lists with the "List without options" template the image didn't contain the product link. Fixed;
[!] For product lists with the "Grid" template with the active option "Settings → Appearance → Display prices with taxes on category/product pages if the method of calculating taxes is based on a unit's price" the price with taxes blocked the product name. Fixed;
[!] On the search results page and feature/brand the left column blocked the page name on Tablets. Fixed;
[!] In the "Quick view" window content had no space from window borders. Fixed;
[!] In the "Quick view" window switching of variations didn't happen. Fixed;
[!] In the "Quick view" window when switching variations incorrectly displayed the main image and vertical product gallery. Fixed;
[!] In the "Quick view" window at the switched-off "AB: Phone numbers" addon has displaced the "Add to wishlist" and "Add to comparison list" buttons position. Fixed;
[!] In the "Quick view" window in certain cases horizontal scroll appears. Fixed;
[!] Changes to theme color scheme files were made (we recommend to update own schemes);

v4.10.2.c from 21 June 2019

Feature additions:
[+] Added new block "Customer location" in all layouts. The state of TOP PANEL section was changed (manual layouts update is needed to get changes in your store);
[+] Added icon for "Checkout" button;
[+] Prohibited the ability to change the default color scheme (style);
[+] The restriction of the size of icons for subcategories has been removed. The sizes of the icons fully comply with the settings of CS-Cart.

Bug fixes:
[!] Fixed. Blocks with store contact phones and Request a call link broke layouts, if "Call Request" addon is turned off (manual layouts update is needed to get changes in your store);
[!] Fixed. Incorrectly displayed buttons in wish list (mobile version);
[!] Fixed. Vertical text position for some types of buttons (for example, the “Sign in” button on the checkout page);
[!] Fixed. In the Cart (mobile version) button display was distorted;
[!] Fixed. In the mini cart, with long names of buttons, they were shifted;
[!] Fixed. Click on the link "Share" on the product page, lift page up;
[!] Fixed. On the product detailed page in the mobile version, when the "Minimum order quantity" for product is activated, with the theme setting "Show sticky block with Buy button" turned on, text overlay on the panel elements;
[!] Fixed. For product with setting value "Do not allow customers to add the product to cart" for setting "Zero price action" with the theme setting "Show sticky block with Buy button" turned on there was a problem with sticky block display;
[!] Fixed. When displaying the last product in the list (if the products grid was not completely filled by products, an odd number), the cell width was distorted;
[!] Fixed. When editing colors schemas (Style) in the theme editor (when saving).

v4.10.2.b from 19 June 2019

Feature additions:
[+] Adapted two templates for "Categories" block: Dropdown horizontal and Dropdown vertical. If you want to use Dropdown vertical for main menu display, add custom class top-menu-grid-vertical for block;

Bug fixes:
[!] Fixed compatibility with addon "Call request";
[!] Fixed category layout with big number of filters in block;
[!] Fixed layout for mobile devices;
[!] Fixed the work of the dropdown menu in the header of the site;

v4.10.2.a from 11 June 2019

Feature additions::
[+] added compatibility with CS-Cart 4.10.2;

Bug fixes:
[!] fixed bugs;

v4.10.1.b from 10 June 2019

Bug fixes:
[!] fixed bugs;

v4.10.1.a from 28 May 2019

Feature additions:
[+] added compatibility with CS-Cart 4.10.1;